The Last Algorithm Course You Will Need
shows growth rate of algorithm as its input does
'n' & 'm' are used to denote input size
constants (coefficient & lower terms) aren't considered
the point is to measure growth rate generally
if input size doesn't affect the growth rate, remaining constants are reduced to 1
constants are important practically
often the worst case scenario is calculated
fixed size contiguous block of memory
segmented by units called elements
elements are accessed by indices
assigning elements
writing data on bits of their segments
deleting elements
well each lang does it in its own way!
usually an special under the hood insertion
big O of assigning & deleting an element in an array?
read(starting point + index * segment width)
def linear_search [T ](array : Iterable [T ], value : T ) -> bool :
for item in array :
if item == value :
return True
return False
given array must be sorted
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
# cool, but `O(N)`
def binary_search [T : Comparable ](array : list [T ], value : T ) -> bool :
return (
False if (length := len (array )) == 0 else
True if (middle_item := array [(middle_index := length // 2 )]) == value else
binary_search (array [:middle_index ], value ) if middle_item > value else
binary_search (array [middle_index + 1 :], value )
# boring, but `O(log(N))`
def binary_search [T : Comparable ](array : list [T ], value : T ) -> bool :
fi = 0
li = len (array )
while (length := abs (fi - li )) > 0 :
if (mv := array [(si := fi + (length // 2 ))]) == value :
return True
elif mv > value :
li = si
elif mv < value :
fi = si + 1
return False
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
def bubble_sort [T : Comparable ](array : list [T ]) -> list [T ]:
from copy import deepcopy
array_ = deepcopy (array )
li = len (array_ ) - 1
while li != 0 :
fi = 0
while fi < li :
if (array_ [fi ] > array_ [fi + 1 ]):
array_ [fi ], array_ [fi + 1 ] = array_ [fi + 1 ], array_ [fi ]
fi += 1
li -= 1
return array_
Linked list data structure
growable sequence made of containers which hold values & pointers to other containers
for random access
for insertion
for deletion
each container points to its next container only
each container points to its next & previous containers
from __future__ import annotations
class Node [T ]:
def __init__ (self , value : T , * , previous : Node [T ] | None = None , next : Node [T ] | None = None ) -> None :
self .value = value
self .next = next
self .prev = previous
class LinkedList [T ]:
def __init__ (self , * values : T ) -> None :
self .current_loop : Node [T ] | None
self .length = 0
self .head : Node [T ] | None = None
self .tail : Node [T ] | None = None
for index , value in enumerate (values ):
self .insert (index , value )
def insert (self , index : int , value : T ) -> None :
if index == 0 :
if self .length == 0 :
self .head = Node (value )
self .tail = self .head
else :
next_ = self .traverse (index )
next_ .prev = Node (value , next = next_ )
self .head = next_ .prev
elif index == self .length :
prev = cast (Node [T ], self .tail )
prev .next = Node (value , previous = prev )
self .tail = prev .next
else :
next_ = self .traverse (index )
prev = self .traverse (index - 1 )
current = Node (value , previous = prev , next = next_ )
next_ .prev = current
prev .next = current
self .length += 1
def delete (self , index : int ) -> None :
node = self .traverse (index )
next_ = node .next
prev = node .prev
if next_ is not None :
next_ .prev = prev
if prev is not None :
prev .next = next_
if index == 0 :
self .head = next_
if index == self .length - 1 :
self .tail = prev
node .next = None
node .prev = None
self .length -= 1
def traverse (self , index : int ) -> Node [T ]:
if self .length == 0 or self .head is None or self .tail is None :
raise IndexError
if index == self .length - 1 :
return self .tail
counter = 0
if index >= 0 :
node = self .head
while counter < index :
if node .next is None :
raise IndexError
node = node .next
counter += 1
else :
node = self .tail
while counter < abs (index + 1 ):
if node .prev is None :
raise IndexError
node = node .prev
counter += 1
return node
def __getitem__ (self , index : int ) -> T :
return self .traverse (index ).value
def __iter__ (self ) -> LinkedList [T ]:
self .current_loop = self .head
return self
def __next__ (self ) -> T :
if (holder := self .current_loop ) is None :
raise StopIteration
self .current_loop = holder .next
return holder .value
def __str__ (self ) -> str :
return f"""[{ "<->" .join ((str (n ) for n in self ))} ]"""
def __repr__ (self ) -> str :
return str (self )
FIFO linked list without traversing
for pushing
for popping
what goes first, comes out first
from doublylinkedlist import Node
class Queue [T ]:
def __init__ (self ) -> None :
self .head : Node [T ] | None = None
self .tail : Node [T ] | None = None
self .length = 0
def lpush (self , value : T ) -> None :
if self .tail is None :
genesis = Node (value )
self .head = genesis
self .tail = genesis
elif self .head is None :
raise RuntimeError
else :
current = self .head
new = Node (value , next = current )
current .prev = new
self .head = new
self .length += 1
def rpush (self , value : T ) -> None :
if self .head is None :
genesis = Node (value )
self .head = genesis
self .tail = genesis
elif self .tail is None :
raise RuntimeError
else :
current = self .tail
new = Node (value , prev = current )
current .next = new
self .tail = new
self .length += 1
def lpop (self ) -> T :
if (current := self .head ) is None :
raise ValueError
if (next := current .next ) is not None :
next .prev = None
self .head = next
self .length -= 1
return current .value
def rpop (self ) -> T :
if (current := self .tail ) is None :
raise ValueError
if (prev := current .prev ) is not None :
prev .next = None
self .tail = prev
self .length -= 1
return current .value
def __len__ (self ) -> int :
return self .length
def right (self ) -> T | None :
return self .tail .value if self .tail is not None else None
def left (self ) -> T | None :
return self .head .value if self .head is not None else None
FILO linked list without traversing
for pushing & popping
what goes first, comes out last
from __future__ import annotations
class Node [T ]:
def __init__ (self , value : T , * , previous : Node [T ] | None = None ) -> None :
self .value = value
self .prev = previous
class Stack [T ]:
def __init__ (self ) -> None :
self .head : Node [T ] | None = None
self .length = 0
def push (self , value : T ) -> None :
self .head = Node (value , previous = self .head )
self .length += 1
def pop (self ) -> T :
if self .head is None :
raise ValueError
current = self .head
self .head = current .prev
self .length -= 1
return current .value
def top (self ) -> T | None :
return self .head .value if self .head is not None else None
def __len__ (self ) -> int :
return self .length
maintains an array which increases its size upon reaching its capacity
for random access
for assignment
for insertion
for prepending
mostly (on average) O(1)
increasing size requires copying all elements which is O(N)
it's considered to be O(1)
due to something called amortized analysis!
from __future__ import annotations
from fakearray import FakeArray
class ArrayList [T ]:
def __init__ (self , capacity : int ) -> None :
self .current_loop : int
self .capacity = capacity
self .length = 0
self .inner : FakeArray [T ] = FakeArray (capacity )
def append (self , value : T ) -> None :
if self .length == self .capacity :
self .extend_array ()
self .inner [self .length ] = value
self .length += 1
def prepend (self , value : T ) -> None :
if self .length - 1 == self .capacity :
self .extend_array ()
ArrayList .shift_right (self .inner )
self .inner [0 ] = value
self .length += 1
def insert (self , index : int , value : T ) -> None :
while index > self .capacity :
self .extend_array ()
ArrayList .shift_right (self .inner , index )
self .inner [index ] = value
self .length += 1
def extend_array (self ) -> None :
self .capacity *= 2
new : FakeArray [T ] = FakeArray (self .capacity )
for i , v in enumerate (self .inner ):
new [i ] = v
self .inner = new
def shift_right (array : FakeArray [T ], offset : int = 0 ) -> None :
before = array [offset ]
array [offset ] = None
for i in range (offset + 1 , array .length ):
before , array [i ] = array [i ], before
def __iter__ (self ) -> ArrayList [T ]:
self .current_loop = 0
return self
def __next__ (self ) -> T | None :
try :
val = self .inner [self .current_loop ]
self .current_loop += 1
return val
except IndexError as e :
raise StopIteration from e
def __getitem__ (self , index : int ) -> T | None :
return self .inner [index ]
def __setitem__ (self , index : int , value : T | None ) -> None :
if index > self .length :
raise IndexError
if index == self .capacity :
self .extend_array ()
self .inner [index ] = value
if index == self .length :
self .length += 1
def __len__ (self ) -> int :
return self .length
def __str__ (self ) -> str :
return f"""[{ "," .join (str (e ) for e in self )} ]"""
def __repr__ (self ) -> str :
return str (self )
fixed size queue implemented on arrays
for pushing
for popping
for random access
from fakearray import FakeArray
class RingBuffer [T ]:
def __init__ (self , capacity : int ) -> None :
self .capacity = capacity
self .length = 0
self .head = - 1
self .tail = - 1
self .inner : FakeArray [T ] = FakeArray (capacity )
def push (self , value : T ) -> None :
if self .capacity == self .length - 1 :
raise OverflowError
self .inner [index := (self .tail + 1 ) % (self .capacity + 1 )] = value
self .tail = index
self .length += 1
if self .length == 1 :
self .head += 1
def pop (self ) -> T :
if (value := self .inner [(index := self .head )]) is None :
raise IndexError
self .inner [index ] = None
self .head += 1
self .length -= 1
return value
def __getitem__ (self , index : int ) -> T | None :
return self .inner [index if index < self .capacity else index % self .capacity ]
def __len__ (self ) -> int :
return self .length
def top (self ) -> T :
if (value := self .inner [self .tail ]) is None :
raise IndexError
return value
function which calls itself untill one of the calls return due to a condition known as the base case
Three major steps of recursion
pre recurse
post recurse
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from time import sleep
from subprocess import call
@dataclass (kw_only = True )
class Point :
x : int
y : int
def visualize (maze : list [str ], path : list [Point ]) -> None :
dis = deepcopy (maze )
for p in path :
dis [p .y ] = dis [p .y ][:p .x ] + 'O' + dis [p .y ][p .x + 1 :]
call ('clear' )
for row in dis :
print (row )
sleep (.05 )
def solve_maze (start : Point , end : Point , maze : list [str ]) -> list [Point ]:
path : list [Point ] = []
def walk (curr : Point , seen : list [Point ]) -> bool :
if (curr .y >= len (maze ) or curr .x >= len (maze [curr .y ])) or maze [curr .y ][curr .x ] == 'X' :
return False
if curr in seen :
return False
if curr == end :
return True
seen .append (curr )
path .append (curr )
for p in (
Point (x = curr .x , y = curr .y - 1 ),
Point (x = curr .x + 1 , y = curr .y ),
Point (x = curr .x , y = curr .y + 1 ),
Point (x = curr .x - 1 , y = curr .y ),
if walk (p , seen ):
path .append (p )
return True
path .pop ()
return False
walk (start , [])
return path
spliting a problem into multiple subproblems
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
def quick_sort [T : Comparable ](array : list [T ]) -> list [T ]:
if len (array ) <= 1 :
return array
middle_index = len (array ) // 2
middle = array [middle_index ]
left = []
right = []
for item in array [:middle_index ] + array [middle_index + 1 :]:
if item <= middle :
left .append (item )
else :
right .append (item )
return quick_sort (left ) + [middle ] + quick_sort (right )
tree like structures consisting of nodes having child nodes & parents
number of nodes traversed to get from root to the most child node
trees in which each node can have up to two child nodes
trees in which each node can have unlimited number of child nodes
nodes without child nodes
have their subtrees
differ in height by at most one
number of direct child nodes a node has
the operation of visiting all the values of a tree
stack data structure is implicitly being used (function call stack)
visiting current node before visiting its children
visiting current node in the middle of visiting its children
usually applicable on binary trees only
visiting current node after visiting its children
from __future__ import annotations
class Node [T ]:
def __init__ (self , value : T , * , left : Node [T ] | None = None , right : Node [T ] | None = None ) -> None :
self .value = value
self .left = left
self .right = right
def pre_order [T ](root : Node [T ] | None = None ) -> None :
if root is None :
print (root .value )
pre_order (root .left )
pre_order (root .right )
def in_order [T ](root : Node [T ] | None = None ) -> None :
if root is None :
in_order (root .left )
print (root .value )
in_order (root .right )
def post_order [T ](root : Node [T ] | None = None ) -> None :
if root is None :
post_order (root .left )
post_order (root .right )
print (root .value )
from queue import Queue
from btree import Node
def breadth_first [T ](root : Node [T ]) -> None :
q : Queue [Node [T ]] = Queue (- 1 )
q .put (root )
while not q .empty ():
print ((node := q .get ()).value )
if (left := node .left ) is not None :
q .put (left )
if (right := node .right ) is not None :
q .put (right )
from queue import Queue
from btree import Node
def compare [T ](first : Node [T ] | None , second : Node [T ] | None ) -> bool :
if first is None and second is None :
return True
elif first is None or second is None :
return False
elif first .value != second .value :
return False
return compare (first .left , second .left ) and compare (first .right , second .right )
to O(N)
given tree must be sorted
from btree import Node
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
def binary_search [T : Comparable ](tree : Node [T ], value : T ) -> bool :
if tree .value == value :
return True
elif tree .value > value :
return False if tree .left is None else binary_search (tree .left , value )
else :
return False if tree .right is None else binary_search (tree .right , value )
to O(N)
given tree must be sorted
from btree import Node
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
def insert [T : Comparable ](tree : Node [T ], value : T ) -> None :
if value <= tree .value :
if tree .left is None :
tree .left = Node (value )
else :
insert (tree .left , value )
else :
if tree .right is None :
tree .right = Node (value )
else :
insert (tree .right , value )
implementing it made me age
from random import choice
from typing import Literal
from btree import Node
type Path = tuple [Direction , ...]
type Direction = Literal ["l" ] | Literal ["r" ]
def delete [T ](root : Node [T ], path : Path ) -> None :
if len (path ) < 1 :
raise RuntimeError
target = get (parent := get (root , path [:- 1 ]), (path [- 1 ],))
last_dir = path [- 1 ]
if target .right is None or target .left is None :
replace_node (
parent ,
if target .left is None and target .right is None
else target .right if target .left is None else target .left
last_dir ,
else :
if choice ((True , False )):
repl , repl_path = lowest (target .right )
delete (target , ("r" ,) + repl_path ) # type: ignore
else :
repl , repl_path = highest (target .left )
delete (target , ("l" ,) + repl_path ) # type: ignore
replace_val (parent , repl , last_dir )
def replace_node [T ](parent : Node [T ], repl : Node [T ] | None , dir_ : Direction ) -> None :
if dir_ == "l" :
parent .left = repl
else :
parent .right = repl
def replace_val [T ](parent : Node [T ], repl : Node [T ], dir_ : Direction ) -> None :
if dir_ == "l" :
if parent .left is None :
raise RuntimeError
parent .left .value = repl .value
else :
if parent .right is None :
raise RuntimeError
parent .right .value = repl .value
def lowest [T ](root : Node [T ]) -> tuple [Node [T ], Path ]:
node = root
path : Path = ()
while node .left is not None :
node = node .left
path += ("l" ,) # type: ignore
return node , path
def highest [T ](root : Node [T ]) -> tuple [Node [T ], Path ]:
node = root
path : Path = ()
while node .right is not None :
node = node .right
path += ("r" ,) # type: ignore
return node , path
def get [T ](root : Node [T ], path : Path ) -> Node [T ]:
node : Node [T ] = root
for direction in path :
if direction == "l" :
if node .left is None :
raise RuntimeError
node = node .left
else :
if node .right is None :
raise RuntimeError
node = node .right
return node
Binary tree visualization
from queue import Queue
from typing import Any
from btree import Node
type Coordinate = tuple [int , int ]
def visualize [T ](root : Node [T ]) -> None :
val_coor = get_coordinates (root )
val_size = max (max (len (str (i [0 ])) for i in val_coor ), 5 )
grid_hei = (root_hei := get_height (root )) * 2 - 1
grid_mid = (grid_wid := 2 ** root_hei ) // 2
grid = [[" " * val_size for _ in range (grid_wid )] for _ in range (grid_hei )]
for i in val_coor :
val , y , x = i [0 ], abs (i [1 ][1 ]) * 2 , grid_mid - i [1 ][0 ]
grid [y ][x ] = f'({ str (val ).rjust (val_size - 2 , "_" )} )'
if y < grid_hei - 1 :
grid [y + 1 ][x ] = "/" + grid [y + 1 ][x ][1 :- 1 ] + "\\ "
print ("\n " .join (["" .join (col ) for col in grid ]))
def get_coordinates [T ](root : Node [T ]) -> set [tuple [T , Coordinate ]]:
q : Queue [tuple [Node [T ], Coordinate ]] = Queue ()
coordinates = set ()
q .put ((root , (0 , 0 )))
while not q .empty ():
node = q .get ()
coordinates .add ((node [0 ].value , node [1 ]))
left_height = 2 ** (get_height (left ) - 1 ) if (left := node [0 ].left ) is not None else 0
right_height = 2 ** (get_height (right ) - 1 ) if (right := node [0 ].right ) is not None else 0
height = max (left_height , right_height )
if left is not None :
q .put ((left , (node [1 ][0 ] + height , node [1 ][1 ] - 1 )))
if right is not None :
q .put ((right , (node [1 ][0 ] - height , node [1 ][1 ] - 1 )))
return coordinates
def get_height (root : Node [Any ] | None , current : int = 0 ) -> int :
if root is None :
return current
current += 1
return max (get_height (root .left , current ), get_height (root .right , current ))
representing a tree like structure by abstracting a weakly sorted array
from typing import Literal
from arraylist import ArrayList
from btree import Node
type Direction = Literal ["l" ] | Literal ["r" ] | Literal ["u" ]
type Path = tuple [Direction , ...]
type NodeID = Path | int
type NodeIDPair [T ] = tuple [T | None , int ]
class BaseHeap [T ]:
def __init__ (self , height_capacity : int ) -> None :
self .array : ArrayList [T ] = ArrayList (height_capacity ** 2 )
self .length = - 1
def empty (self ) -> bool :
return self .length == - 1
def push (self , value : T ) -> None :
self .length += 1
self .array .insert (self .length , value )
self .heapify_up (self .length )
def pop (self ) -> T :
out = self .array [0 ]
self .array [0 ] = self .array [self .length ]
self .array [self .length ] = None
self .length -= 1
self .heapify_down (0 )
return out # type: ignore
def heapify_down (self , addr : NodeID ) -> None :
raise NotImplementedError
def heapify_up (self , addr : NodeID ) -> None :
raise NotImplementedError
def get_children (self , addr : NodeID ) -> tuple [NodeIDPair [T ], NodeIDPair [T ]]:
index = BaseHeap .resolve (addr ) if isinstance (addr , tuple ) else addr
li , ri = BaseHeap .get_left (index ), BaseHeap .get_right (index )
try :
right = self .array [ri ]
except IndexError :
right = None
try :
left = self .array [li ]
except IndexError :
left = None
return ((left , li ), (right , ri ))
def to_btnode (self , index : int = 0 ) -> Node [T ] | None :
if (val := self .array [index ]) is None :
return None
else :
node = Node (val )
try :
if self .array [left := BaseHeap .get_left (index )] is not None :
node .left = self .to_btnode (left )
except IndexError :
try :
if self .array [right := BaseHeap .get_right (index )] is not None :
node .right = self .to_btnode (right )
except IndexError :
return node
def __getitem__ (self , path : Path ) -> T | None :
try :
return self .array [BaseHeap .resolve (path )]
except IndexError :
return None
def resolve (path : Path ) -> int :
needle = 0
for dir_ in path :
needle = (
BaseHeap .get_left (needle )
if dir_ == "l"
else BaseHeap .get_right (needle ) if dir_ == "r" else BaseHeap .get_up (needle )
return needle
def get_right (index : int ) -> int :
return index * 2 + 2
def get_left (index : int ) -> int :
return index * 2 + 1
def get_up (index : int ) -> int :
return (index - 1 ) // 2
swapping a heap element with other elements to make the tree conditions true
every parent is less than or equal to its childrend
from baseheap import BaseHeap , NodeID
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
class MinHeap [T : Comparable ](BaseHeap [T ]):
def heapify_up (self , addr : NodeID ) -> None :
current , parent = (
self .array [ci := BaseHeap .resolve (addr ) if isinstance (addr , tuple ) else addr ],
self .array [pi := BaseHeap .get_up (ci )],
while current is not None and parent is not None and parent > current :
self .array [pi ], self .array [ci ] = current , parent
current , parent = self .array [ci := pi ], self .array [pi := BaseHeap .get_up (ci )]
def heapify_down (self , addr : NodeID ) -> None :
current = self .array [ci := BaseHeap .resolve (addr ) if isinstance (addr , tuple ) else addr ]
(left , li ), (right , ri ) = self .get_children (ci )
gleft = current is not None and left is not None and left < current
gright = current is not None and right is not None and right < current
while gleft or gright :
if gleft and gright :
if min (right , left ) == right : # type: ignore
gleft = False
else :
gright = False
if gleft :
self .array [ci ], self .array [ci := li ] = left , current
else :
self .array [ci ], self .array [ci := ri ] = right , current
current = self .array [ci ]
(left , li ), (right , ri ) = self .get_children (ci )
gleft = current is not None and left is not None and left < current
gright = current is not None and right is not None and right < current
every parent is greater than or equal to its childrend
from baseheap import BaseHeap , NodeID
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
class MaxHeap [T : Comparable ](BaseHeap [T ]):
def heapify_up (self , addr : NodeID ) -> None :
current , parent = (
self .array [ci := BaseHeap .resolve (addr ) if isinstance (addr , tuple ) else addr ],
self .array [pi := BaseHeap .get_up (ci )],
while current is not None and parent is not None and parent < current :
self .array [pi ], self .array [ci ] = current , parent
current , parent = self .array [ci := pi ], self .array [pi := BaseHeap .get_up (ci )]
def heapify_down (self , addr : NodeID ) -> None :
current = self .array [ci := BaseHeap .resolve (addr ) if isinstance (addr , tuple ) else addr ]
(left , li ), (right , ri ) = self .get_children (ci )
gleft = current is not None and left is not None and left > current
gright = current is not None and right is not None and right > current
while gleft or gright :
if gleft and gright :
if max (right , left ) == right : # type: ignore
gleft = False
else :
gright = False
if gleft :
self .array [ci ], self .array [ci := li ] = left , current
else :
self .array [ci ], self .array [ci := ri ] = right , current
current = self .array [ci ]
(left , li ), (right , ri ) = self .get_children (ci )
gleft = current is not None and left is not None and left > current
gright = current is not None and right is not None and right > current
connection between vertices
unique point, destination or identifier inside a graph
duplication of content is possible, but their identity remains unique
vertices connected directly by edges
number of edges connected to the vertex
sequence of vertices connected by edges
number of edges in a path
path that starts & ends at the same vertex
at least one path exists between them
all of its vertices are connected
subset of vertices of a graph which are connected
its edges are unidirectional
its edges are bidirectional
attribute of edges
represent different properties in different contexts
connected & acyclic graphs
broken if an edge is removed
cyclic end if an edge is added
array whose indices associate with vertices & store edges of their corresponding vertices
hash maps can be used if graph identifiers aren't contiguous
2d matrix with rows & columns corresponding to each vertex
entries are considered as edges
applicable to finite graphs
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
type Weight = int
type ListEdge [T : Comparable ] = tuple [T , Weight ]
type AdjGraphList [T : Comparable ] = dict [T , set [ListEdge [T ]]]
type MatrixVertex = int
type AdjGraphMatrix = list [list [Weight ]]
from queue import Queue
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
from graph import AdjGraphList
def list_breadth_first [T : Comparable ](graph : AdjGraphList [T ], start : T | None = None ) -> list [T ]:
q : Queue [T ] = Queue ()
q .put (vrtx := start if start is not None else sorted (graph .keys ())[0 ])
bfs : list [T ] = [vrtx ]
while not q .empty ():
for edge in graph [q .get ()]:
if (neighbor := edge [0 ]) not in bfs :
bfs .append (neighbor )
q .put (neighbor )
return bfs
from queue import Queue
from graph import AdjGraphMatrix , MatrixVertex
def matrix_breadth_first (graph : AdjGraphMatrix , start : MatrixVertex = 0 ) -> list [MatrixVertex ]:
q : Queue [int ] = Queue ()
q .put (start )
bfs : list [MatrixVertex ] = [start ]
while not q .empty ():
for neighbor , weight in enumerate (graph [q .get ()]):
if weight != 0 and neighbor not in bfs :
bfs .append (neighbor )
q .put (neighbor )
return bfs
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
from graph import AdjGraphList
def list_depth_first [T : Comparable ](graph : AdjGraphList [T ], start : T | None = None ) -> list [T ]:
dfs : list [T ] = [(vrtx := start if start is not None else sorted (graph .keys ())[0 ])]
def walk (curr : T ) -> None :
for edge in graph [curr ]:
if (neighbor := edge [0 ]) not in dfs :
dfs .append (neighbor )
walk (neighbor )
walk (vrtx )
return dfs
from graph import AdjGraphMatrix , MatrixVertex
def matrix_depth_first (graph : AdjGraphMatrix , start : MatrixVertex = 0 ) -> list [MatrixVertex ]:
dfs : list [MatrixVertex ] = [start ]
def walk (curr : MatrixVertex ) -> None :
for neighbor , weight in enumerate (graph [curr ]):
if weight != 0 and neighbor not in dfs :
dfs .append (neighbor )
walk (neighbor )
walk (start )
return dfs
from fuckingperfecttyping import Comparable
from graph import AdjGraphList
# the time complexity of this implementation is `O(V+E)` because a queue is used instead of a
# min heap; using a queue, vertices are relaxed in an arbitary order which introduces more
# update operations on the predecessor table because longer paths could be computed before
# shorter paths; using a min heap should be such that pushed edges are sorted by their
# associated weights
# although `O(V+E)` is faster than `O(log(V).(V+E))`, the latter is the time complexity of the
# correct implementation; I have no idea why
def dijkstras_shortest_path [T : Comparable ](graph : AdjGraphList [T ], start : T , end : T ) -> list [T ]:
q : Queue [T ] = Queue ()
q .put (start )
table : dict [T , tuple [T , Weight ]] = {start : (start , 0 )}
while not q .empty ():
for edge in graph [curr := q .get ()]:
score = edge [1 ] + table [curr ][1 ]
if (vrtx := edge [0 ]) not in table :
table [vrtx ] = (curr , score )
q .put (vrtx )
elif score < table [vrtx ][1 ]:
table [vrtx ] = (curr , score )
path : list [T ] = [end , pre := table [end ][0 ]]
while True :
path .append (pre := table [pre ][0 ])
if pre == start :
path .reverse ()
return path
datastructure that stores set of key, value pairs inside buckets
to O(N)
for assignment, deletion & random access
amount of data divided by storage capacity
collection of key, value pairs associated with the same hash
from typing import Hashable , cast
from fakearray import FakeArray
from linkedlist import LinkedList
type MapEntry [K : Hashable , V ] = tuple [K , V ]
type MapBucket [K : Hashable , V ] = LinkedList [MapEntry [K , V ]]
class HashMap [K : Hashable , V ]:
def __init__ (self , initial_capacity : int = 16 ) -> None :
self .capacity = initial_capacity
self .length = 0
self .bucket_arr : FakeArray [MapBucket [K , V ]] = FakeArray (self .capacity )
for index in range (self .capacity ):
self .bucket_arr [index ] = LinkedList ()
def load_factor (self ) -> float :
return len (self ) / self .capacity
def get [DV ](self , key : K , default : DV ) -> V | DV :
try :
return self [key ]
except KeyError :
return default
def __contains__ (self , key : K ) -> bool :
try :
_ = self [key ]
return True
except KeyError :
return False
def __getitem__ (self , key : K ) -> V :
for entry in cast (MapBucket [K , V ], self .bucket_arr [self .get_bucket_index (key )]):
if entry [0 ] == key :
return entry [1 ]
raise KeyError
def __setitem__ (self , key : K , value : V ) -> None :
if self .load_factor >= 1.0 :
self .extend_array ()
if not HashMap .remove_entry (bucket := cast (MapBucket [K , V ], self .bucket_arr [self .get_bucket_index (key )]), key ):
self .length += 1
bucket .insert (bucket .length , (key , value ))
def __delitem__ (self , key : K ) -> None :
if HashMap .remove_entry (cast (MapBucket [K , V ], self .bucket_arr [self .get_bucket_index (key )]), key ):
self .length -= 1
else :
raise KeyError
def __len__ (self ) -> int :
return self .length
def get_bucket_index (self , key : K ) -> int :
return abs (hash (key )) % self .capacity
def extend_array (self ) -> None :
old_arr = self .bucket_arr
self .capacity *= 2
self .bucket_arr = FakeArray (self .capacity )
for index in range (self .capacity ):
self .bucket_arr [index ] = LinkedList ()
for bucket in old_arr :
for entry in cast (MapBucket [K , V ], bucket ):
curr_buck = cast (MapBucket [K , V ], self .bucket_arr [self .get_bucket_index (entry [0 ])])
curr_buck .insert (curr_buck .length , entry )
def remove_entry (bucket : MapBucket [K , V ], key : K ) -> bool :
for index , entry in enumerate (bucket ):
if entry [0 ] == key :
bucket .delete (index )
return True
return False
def __str__ (self ) -> str :
pairs : list [str ] = []
for bucket in self .bucket_arr :
for entry in cast (MapBucket [K , V ], bucket ):
pairs .append (f"{ str (entry [0 ])} : { str (entry [1 ])} " )
return "{" + ", " .join (pairs ) + "}"
def __repr__ (self ) -> str :
return str (self )
least recently used
caching mechanism which evicts the least recently used item
for caching & reading from cache
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable , cast
from hashmap import HashMap
from linkedlist import LinkedList , Node
type Tag = str
type DataUnit [T ] = tuple [Tag , T ]
class LRUCache [** T_i , T_o ]:
def __init__ (self , func : Callable [T_i , T_o ]) -> None :
self .val_map : HashMap [Tag , Node [DataUnit [T_o ]]] = HashMap ()
self .val_lst : LinkedList [DataUnit [T_o ]] = LinkedList ()
self .func = func
self .capacity = 16
def set_head (self , cache : Node [DataUnit [T_o ]]) -> None :
if (former_head := self .val_lst .head ) is None :
raise RuntimeError
elif cache .prev is None :
cache .prev .next = cache .next
if cache .next is not None :
cache .next .prev = cache .prev
else :
self .val_lst .tail = cache .prev
cache .prev = None
cache .next = former_head
former_head .prev = cache
self .val_lst .head = cache
def get_tag (self , * args : T_i .args , ** kwargs : T_i .kwargs ) -> Tag :
return f"{ args } { tuple (sorted (kwargs .items ()))} "
def __call__ (self , * args : T_i .args , ** kwargs : T_i .kwargs ) -> T_o :
if (cache := self .val_map .get (tag := self .get_tag (* args , ** kwargs ), None )) is not None :
self .set_head (cache )
return cache .value [1 ]
else :
self .val_lst .insert (0 , (tag , res := self .func (* args , ** kwargs )))
self .val_map [tag ] = cast (Node [DataUnit [T_o ]], self .val_lst .head )
if self .val_lst .length > self .capacity :
del self .val_map [cast (Node [DataUnit [T_o ]], self .val_lst .tail ).value [0 ]]
self .val_lst .delete (self .val_lst .length - 1 )
return res
from __future__ import annotations
class FakeArray [T ]:
def __init__ (self , length : int ) -> None :
if length < 1 :
raise ValueError
self .inner : dict [int , T | None ] = {}
self .length = length
self .current_loop : int
def __getitem__ (self , index : int ) -> T | None :
if index > self .length - 1 :
raise IndexError
return self .inner .get (index )
def __setitem__ (self , index : int , item : T | None ) -> None :
if index > self .length - 1 or index < 0 :
raise IndexError
self .inner [index ] = item
def __iter__ (self ) -> FakeArray [T ]:
self .current_loop = 0
return self
def __next__ (self ) -> T | None :
try :
val = self [self .current_loop ]
self .current_loop += 1
return val
except IndexError as e :
raise StopIteration from e
def __str__ (self ) -> str :
return f"""[{ "," .join (str (e ) for e in self )} ]"""
def __repr__ (self ) -> str :
return str (self )
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Protocol
class Comparable (Protocol ):
def __eq__ (self , other : object , / ) -> bool : ...
def __lt__ [T ](self : T , other : T , / ) -> bool : ...
def __gt__ [T ](self : T , other : T , / ) -> bool : ...
def __le__ [T ](self : T , other : T , / ) -> bool : ...
def __ge__ [T ](self : T , other : T , / ) -> bool : ...