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367 lines (292 loc) · 21.4 KB

Data collection pipeline



  • An implementation of an industry grade data collection pipeline that runs scalably in the cloud. It uses Python code to automatically control your browser, extract information from a website, and store it on the cloud in a data warehouses and data lake. The system conforms to industry best practices such as being containerised in Docker and running automated tests.
  • In this data collection pipeline project i create a scraper using Selenium. This scraper has to be as flexible as possible, so all its functionalities are contained within a class that can be reused. Additionally, the scraper is put into production on an EC2 instance that runs a Docker container monitored using Prometheus and Grafana. To allow the user to make changes without accessing the EC2 container every time a new feature is added, the scraper undergoes a CI/CD workflow to test that everything works fine and deploys a new version of the application Dockerhub.


  • Developed a module that scraped data from various sources using Selenium (and maybe Requests)
  • Curated a database with information about and stored it on an AWS RDS database using SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL
  • Performed unit testing and integration testing on the application to ensure that the package published to Pypi is working as expected
  • Used Docker to containerise the application and deployed it to an EC2 instance
  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions to push a new Docker image
  • Monitored the container using Prometheus and created dashboards to visualise those metrics using Grafana


  • Locally saved all 10 cryptocurrency trading graph Bitcoin

  • Saved closing price as .json file .json_file

Milestone 1 :

  • Setting up the environment : Working in Ubendu and VScode , a virtual conda environment is created for this project from VScode terminal where we define the versions of all dependencies :
conda create -n Datacollection python=3.9 
  • Activating environments is essential to making the software in the environments work well. Activation entails two primary functions: adding entries to PATH for the environment and running any activation scripts that the environment may contain.
conda activate Data collection
  • Setting Up GitHub : By using GitHub, you make it easier to get excellent documentation. Their help section and guides have articles for nearly any topic related to git that you can think of.When multiple people collaborate on a project, it’s hard to keep track revisions—who changed what, when, and where those files are stored. GitHub takes care of this problem by keeping track of all the changes that have been pushed to the repository. Much like using Microsoft Word or Google Drive, you can have a version history of your code so that previous versions are not lost with every iteration.GitHub can integrate with common platforms such as Amazon and Google Cloud, services such as Code Climate to track your feedback, and can highlight syntax.

Milestone 2 :

  • Selecting the website to scrape : CoinMarketCap (CMC[]) was selected as the data collection and web scraping project website due to its comprehensive and reliable information about the cryptocurrency market. With a track record of providing up-to-date and accurate market data, CMC is a widely recognized and respected source in the cryptocurrency community. The website offers a wealth of information, including real-time market data, historical pricing, and currency information, making it an ideal platform for data collection and analysis.

  • In addition to its comprehensive market data, CoinMarketCap (CMC) also presents challenges for web scraping due to its complex structure and dynamic updates. The website uses a mix of dynamic and static content, which requires the implementation of advanced web scraping techniques to effectively extract the data. Additionally, CMC frequently updates its website to improve its functionality and user experience, which can result in changes to the website's structure and require ongoing adjustments to the web scraping script. These challenges provided opportunities to deepen my knowledge and develop my web scraping skills as I had to implement creative solutions to overcome the difficulties posed by the website. The experience of scraping CMC has thus been both educational and fulfilling, allowing me to further expand my technical abilities.

  • Importing all requirements and modules :

class CoinmarketcapScraper:

    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the class with the required attributes.

            url (str): The URL of the CoinMarketCap website.
            driver (webdriver.Chrome): The Chrome web driver to be used for browsing.
            wait (WebDriverWait): The WebDriverWait object to wait for elements to load.
            chrome_options (Options): The Chrome options for the web driver.

        self.url = ""
        self.driver = webdriver.Chrome("///home/amalsebastian/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64/chromedriver") 
        self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 4)
        chrome_options = Options()
        chrome_options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])                                             

    def _scrape(self):
        links, names = self.fetch_data()
        df_final = self._process_data(links, names)

-This function is the main function for scraping data from a web page. It does the following steps: 1. Fetch data from the web page using the fetch_data method. 2. Process the fetched data using the process_data method to get the final data in a DataFrame format. 3. Save the final data to disk using the save_file method. 4. Close the web browser using the close_browser method. 5. Plot the final data using the plot method. Returns:None

Milestone 3 :

  • The code is a method fetch_data that is a part of a larger class. The method uses Selenium WebDriver to automate the scraping of data from a website. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the code :
    • The method starts by navigating to the URL specified in the self.url attribute.
    • The code then tries to locate an element with the text "Maybe later" using the XPATH locator and a WebDriverWait object with a timeout of 20 seconds (defined in the class constructor). If the element is found, the code clicks on it to close the pop-up. If the element is not found within the 20-second timeout, the code throws a TimeoutError and prints an error message.
    • The code then checks if there is a cookie banner present on the page and closes it by clicking on the close button if it exists.
    • Finally, the code tries to locate the main table containing the data on the page using the XPATH locator and the same WebDriverWait object as before. If the table is not found within the 20-second timeout, a TimeoutError is thrown and an error message is printed.
def fetch_data(self):
        Gets the main table of contents.
        This method is used to clear all pop ups and cookies
        and get the main table of contents.This is used to get links and names of all required number of cryptocurrencies


        Links:List of links to the historic trading data of each currency
        names:List of Names of all respective currencies

        Raise :
        TimeoutError:If the main table couldnt be fetched
        Exception e:Prints Popup cleared if popup doesnt exist / is closed
            close_button = self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located\
                ((By.XPATH, "//*/span[contains(text(),'Maybe later')]")))
        except Exception as e:
            print("Popup Cleared")

        if self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@id='cmc-cookie-policy-banner']\
                cookie_button = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='cmc-cookie-policy-banner']\
            table = self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//table/tbody")))
        except TimeoutError:
            print("TimeoutError: Could not find table")   
  • The code tr_tags = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//table/tbody/tr") retrieves all of the table row (tr) elements within a table body (tbody) from the web page.

Next, two empty lists are created, links and names, to store the links and names of the cryptocurrencies that will be found on the page.

Then, the code enters a for loop to iterate through the first 10 rows of the table. For each iteration, the code finds the anchor (a) tag element within the current row, retrieves its text value as the name of the cryptocurrency, and its href attribute as its link. These values are then appended to the corresponding lists, links and names.

Finally, the names are modified to keep only the first part of each name by splitting the name string on the newline character (\n) and taking the first element of each split string. This is done with the list comprehension names = [name.split('\n')[0] for name in names]. The method then returns the lists links and names.

        tr_tags = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//table/tbody/tr")
        links = []
        names = []

        for i in range(10):
            a_tag = tr_tags[i].find_element_by_xpath(".//a")
            name = a_tag.text
            link = a_tag.get_attribute("href")
            names = [name.split('\n')[0] for name in names]
        return links, names

Milestone 4 :

  • This code implements the process_data method of the class. This method takes in two arguments links and names, which are lists of links and names of cryptocurrencies respectively. The method performs the following steps:

    • Initializes an empty list data and an empty data frame df_final.
    • Loops through each link and name in the links and names lists respectively.
    • Navigates to the historical data page of the currency using the link and sleeps for 2 seconds.
    • Scrolls down and then up the page to load all the historical data.
    • Tries to locate the historical data table and waits until the presence of the table is confirmed.
    • Extracts the data from the table by looping through each row in the table and finding the date and close price columns.
    • Creates a data frame df for the date and close price and adds it to the df_final data frame.
    • Drops the duplicate date column from the df_final data frame.
    • Prints the final data frame.
    def _process_data(self, links: list, names:list )-> pd.DataFrame:
        Processes the data from given links and returns a concatenated dataframe.

        This method takes in a list of links and names as inputs, loops through each link, accesses the link,
        scrapes the historical data table, processes the data and finally concatenates the processed data 
        into a final dataframe which is returned as the output.

        links (list): List of links from which data needs to be processed
        names (list): List of names corresponding to the links

        pd.DataFrame: Concatenated dataframe of processed data.

        data = []
        df_final = pd.DataFrame()
        for i in range(len(links)):
            self.driver.get(links[i] + "historical-data/")
            self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
            self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 0);")
                    ((By.XPATH, "//table[contains(@class, cm)]")))
            except TimeoutError:
                print("TimeoutError: Could not find historical data table")
            historical_table = self.driver.find_element("xpath", "//table")
            row_list = historical_table.find_elements("xpath",".//tr")

            data = []
            for row in row_list:
                cols = row.find_elements("xpath", ".//td")
                if cols:
                    date = cols[0].text
                    close_price = cols[4].text
                    data.append([date, close_price])

            df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Date",names[i]])
            df = df.replace({"\$": ""}, regex=True)
            df[df.columns[0]] = pd.to_datetime(df[df.columns[0]])
            df[df.columns[1:]] = df[df.columns[1:]].replace(',', '', regex=True).astype(float)

            df_final = pd.concat([df_final,df],axis =1)
            df_final = df_final.T.drop_duplicates().T
        return df_final

Milestone 5 :

  • This code performs two main functions: taking screenshots of graphs and saving the processed data. The first block of code checks if the images folder exists, and if not, it creates one. The for loop then iterates through each link in the links list and navigates to that page using the web driver. The page is then scrolled down by 400 pixels using the execute_script method. Finally, a screenshot is taken of the page and saved in the "images" folder with the file name graph_{names[i]}.png.

-The second block of code performs a similar check to see if the raw_data folder exists and creates it if it does not. The current date is then obtained using the datetime library and used to create a folder with the same name in the "raw_data" folder. The processed data, stored in the df_final data frame, is then saved in this date folder as a JSON file with the name data.json. The data is saved in the records orientation.

  • Finding standard deviation and initial plot
    def __save_file(self, df_final :pd.DataFrame, links :list, names: list)-> None:
        This function saves data and images. 
        It creates two directories, one for raw_data and another for images.
        Raw_data directory contains a subdirectory with the current date which contains a .json file with the saved data.
        Images directory contains screenshots of the web pages that are saved in the format 'graph_<name>.png' where <name> is the corresponding name of each link.

        df_final (DataFrame): The DataFrame containing the data to be saved.
        links (List[str]): A list of URLs representing the web pages to be scraped.
        names (List[str]): A list of strings representing the names corresponding to each URL.

        if not os.path.exists("images"):

        for i, link in enumerate(links):
            current_datetime =
            today = current_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
            screenshot = self.driver.save_screenshot(f"images/{names[i]}_{today}.png")

        raw_data_folder = 'raw_data'
        if not os.path.exists(raw_data_folder):

        now =
        date_folder = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        date_folder_path = os.path.join(raw_data_folder, date_folder)
        if not os.path.exists(date_folder_path):

        data_file = os.path.join(date_folder_path, "data.json")
        df_final.to_json(data_file, orient='records')
    def plot(self,df_final: pd.DataFrame )-> None:
        This method plots the cryptocurrency price time series.

        df_final (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe containing the final cryptocurrency prices with a 'Date' column.

        None: This method displays a plot of the cryptocurrency prices over time.

        The method first calculates the standard deviation of the cryptocurrency prices and prints it.
        It then sets the 'Date' column as the index of the dataframe. The method plots each cryptocurrency price over time,
        with the 'Date' column on the x-axis and the price on the y-axis. The plot is labeled with the names of each cryptocurrency
        and the title 'Cryptocurrency Price Time Series'.
        df_without_date = df_final.iloc[:, 1:]
        std_dev = df_without_date.std()
        print("Standard Deviation:\n", std_dev)
        df_date = df_final.set_index('Date')

        plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
        for col in df_date.columns:
            plt.plot(df_date[col], label=col)
        plt.title('Cryptocurrency Price Time Series')    

Milestone 6 :

Integration Testing

  • We will be discussing the integration testing code for the Coinmarketcap Scraper. The testing code is written using the unittest module of Python. The purpose of this integration testing is to ensure that the scraper is working as expected and to detect any issues or bugs in the scraper before it is used in a larger system.
import unittest as ut
from scrapper import CoinmarketcapScraper
import pandas as pd

class testCoinmarketcap(ut.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.scraper = CoinmarketcapScraper()

    def test_fetch_data(self):
        links, names = self.scraper.fetch_data()
        self.assertEqual(len(links), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(names), 10)

    def test_process_data(self):
        links, names = self.scraper.fetch_data()
        df_final = self.scraper._process_data(links, names)
        self.assertIsInstance(df_final, pd.DataFrame)
        self.assertGreater(df_final.shape[0], 0)

    def tearDown(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Required Libraries: The following libraries are required to run the integration tests:

    • unittest
    • pandas
    • CoinmarketcapScraper
  • File Structure: The integration testing code is stored in a single file

  • Testing Code:The integration testing code is written in the form of test cases. Each test case performs a specific task to check the functionality of the Coinmarketcap Scraper.

  • The following are the test cases written in the code:

    • test_fetch_data
    • test_process_data
  • test_fetch_data:This test case is used to check the functionality of the fetch_data method of the Coinmarketcap Scraper. The fetch_data method is used to fetch the links and names of the top 10 cryptocurrencies from the Coinmarketcap website.In this test case, we are checking if the number of links and names returned by the fetch_data method is equal to 10.

  • test_process_data:This test case is used to check the functionality of the _process_data method of the Coinmarketcap Scraper. The _process_data method is used to process the links and names obtained from the fetch_data method and return a pandas dataframe with the details of the top 10 cryptocurrencies.In this test case, we are checking if the output of the _process_data method is a pandas dataframe and if the number of rows in the dataframe is greater than 0.

  • Execution:To run the integration tests, we need to execute the file using the following command in the terminal: python testCoinmarketcap.pyThe output of the tests will be displayed in the terminal, and if all tests pass, the output will be displayed as OK. If any test fails, the output will display the error message , and the test case that has failed.

ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Ran 2 tests in 142.239s

  • Tear Down: The tearDown method is called after every test case is executed. The purpose of this method is to clean up any resources that were used in the test cases. In this code, we are calling the close_browser method of the Coinmarketcap Scraper to close the web browser that was opened during the fetch_data method.
  • UnitTest Conclusion :Integration testing is an important part of software development as it helps to catch any bugs or issues in the code before it is used in a larger system. The code discussed in this repository provides a basic template for integration testing of a web scraper using the unittest module of Python.

Still working on the rest