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This repository contains an implementation of de Casteljau's algorithm for generating Bezier curves. I've used OpenGL and FreeGLUT to create a user interface for viewing and editing the curve. The code also generates a surface of revolution by rotating the curve around the Y-axis, and triangulates the surface to create a mesh. The mesh so created is stored in the .off format and can be visualized using any mesh viewer, such as Geomview, Meshview and Paraview.

The User Interface

I've used FreeGLUT to create a window for creating, displaying and editing the curve. The user can add a control point by left-clicking on the desired point in the window. A control point can be moved by right-clicking on it and dragging it to the desired location. To delete a control point, the user can simply click on it with the middle mouse button. Following is a picture of the window:


De Casteljau's Algorithm

In my implementation, the linear interpolations are performed layer-by-layer. Thus, the time complexity of the code for generating a point on a curve of degree n is T(n) = O(n2). Following is the peudo-code of my implementation:

Algorithm generatePoint(double t, int s_index, int e_index) //Generates a point using De Castlejau's algorithm

input: double parameter t, starting index of control points, ending index of control points

return: The point generated by De Casteljau's algorithm


		return controlPoints[s_index]

	std::vector <Vertex3f> vec

	for(int i=s_index; i<=e_index; i++)

	for(int i=0, i<(e_index-s_index), i++)

		for(int j=0, j<vec.size()-1, j++)

			vec[j] = lerp(vec[j], vec[j+1], t)

	return vec[0]

Editing the Curve

I've take advantage of the inherent optimal substructure of the recursive series of linear interpolations to efficiently re-generate the curve after adding a new control point. Thus, the time complexity of regenerating a point after adding a control point to a curve of degree n is T(n), instead of T(n+1). Following is the pseudo code of my method of handling the addition of a control point:

Algorithm addControlPoint(double x, double y, double z) //Adds a new control point and regenerates the curve

input: Coordinates of new control point



        for(double i=0; i<=1.0; i+=this->sample_rate)



    int j=0;

    for(double i=0; i<=1.0; i+=this->sample_rate, j++)

        this->curvePoints[j] = lerp(this->curvePoints[j], this->generatePoint(i, 1, this->controlPoints.size()-1), i)

However, while deleting or moving a point, the entire curve has to be regenerated and the time complexity remains T(n+1).

Surface of Revolution

The surface of revolution is created by revolving each point on the curve around the Y-axis by increments of 10 degrees. The surface is the triangulated layer by layer, splitting 4 neighbouring points into two groups such that their surfaces are non-overlapping. The total number of faces generated = (ceiling(1/sample_rate)-1) * ceiling(360/degree_of_rotation) * 2

Algorithm rotateCurve(double angle, BezierCurve* curve_ptr) //Rotates the 2D curve along the Y-axis and generates a mesh for tthe surface of revolution generates
input: Angle of rotation, Pointer to the 2D curve
return: Mesh containing the surface of revolution
    Mesh mesh = Mesh();
    vector< vector< Vertex3f > > mpoints; //Layer-wise points generated by rotating the curve
    for(auto cpoint: curve_ptr->curvePoints)
        auto points = rotatePoint(cpoint, angle)
        for(Vertex3f point : points)
            mesh.addVertex(Vertex3f(point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ()))
    int no_vertices_ring = mpoints[0].size()
    for(int i=1; i<mpoints.size(); i++)
        int count = 0 //Number of faces
        for (int j=1; j<=no_vertices_ring; j++)
            vector <int> quad;
            int temp = j
                temp = 0
            auto faces = triangulate(quad) //Triangulates a surface represented by four corner points
    return mesh


Here are a few of the curves as displayed in our user interface and their corresponding surfaces of revolution in Geomview: