All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- error messages for ls command
- GHORG_BRANCH if not set, will first look for the repos default branch, if no default branch is found on repo will fall back to using master as default
- gitea support; thanks @6543
- skip forks flag; thanks @6543
- ls command
- scm package
- go-gitlab version 0.33.0 -> 0.38.2
- dry'd scm user/org filter; thanks @6543
- github example
- GHORG_GITHUB_TOPICS to filter cloning repos matching specified topics; thanks @ryanaross
- GHORG_MATCH_PREFIX to filter cloning repos by prefix
- example commands directory
- base-url to github for self hosted github instances
- github client mocks
- Bug with trailing slash env vars; thanks @ryanaross
- ascii time output when users use ghorgignore
- ascii time output when users use output-dir flag
- default GHORG_ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CLONE_TO to $HOME/Desktop/ghorg
- auto downcase of ghorg clone folder name; thanks @zamariola
- auto underscore of ghorg clone folder name
- vendoring of dependencies
- go modules
- easter egg
- ghorg configuration location to $HOME/.config/ghorg or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME gabrie30#65; thanks @liljenstolpe
- version number to 1.3.0; thanks @alexcurtin
- reset remote to not include apikey gabrie30#64; thanks @mcinerney
- GitLab client; thanks @awesomebytes
- Gitlab https clone url to include oauth2
- auto add trailing slash to path to clone to if not supplied by user
- add token to https clone urls
- add concurrency flag to limit goroutines while cloning
- perserve dir flag for gitlab
- color flag to toggle colorful output
- scm base url flag for gitlab
- ghorgignore to ignore specific repos
- skip archived repos flag
- how to fix ulmits in readme
- dedicated backup flag
- Config output for clone
- version for homebrew
- setting all envs from conf
- Tests for configs
- Error messages
- token verification
- flag documentation
- readme
- flag documentation
- readme
- flags for certain commands
- gitlab support
- bitbucket support
- readme
- ghorg conf file env's being overwritten
- viper/cobra for more robust cli commands and flags
- readme
- .ghorg to $HOME/ghorg/conf.yaml
- changelog
- when no org is found default to search for username instead
- clone protocol to .ghorg to allow for https or ssh cloning
- readme
- initial version of