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The version-tools package provides APIs and a CLI to parse and transform version numbers and ranges that are used by the Fluid Framework.

Version schemes

Fluid Framework packages sometimes use version schemes that diverge from standard semantic versioning. By default, a new package should use standard semantic versioning. However, there are also two other versioning schemes: internal and virtualPatch.

internal version scheme

The Fluid internal version scheme consists of two semver "triplets" of major/minor/patch. The first triplet is called the public version, and is stored in the typical semver positions in the version string.

The second triplet is called the internal version, and is found at the end of the pre-release section of the version string.

Fluid internal version strings always include the string internal in the first position of the pre-release section.

In the following example, the public version is a.b.c, while the internal version is x.y.z.



  • isInternalVersionScheme -- Returns true if a string represents an internal version number.
  • isInternalVersionRange -- Returns true if a string represents an internal version range.
  • toInternalScheme -- Converts a standard semver version string to the internal version scheme.
  • fromInternalScheme -- Converts an internal version scheme string into two standard semvers -- one for the public version and one for the internal version.
  • bumpInternalVersion -- Given an internal version and a bump type, returns the bumped version.
  • getVersionRange -- Given an internal version and a constraint type, returns a dependency version range that enforces the constraint.

virtualPatch version scheme

The Fluid virtualPatch version scheme is only used for pre-1.0 packages. Versions are of the form:


The minor version and patch version are combined by multiplying the minor version by 1000 and then adding the patch version. For example, for the standard semver 1.2.3, the virtualPatch version scheme would yield 0.1.2003.

Minor versions always start at 1 instead of 0. That is, the first release of a major version 3 would be 0.3.1000.


  • isVirtualPatch -- Returns true if a string represents an internal version number.

General API

  • detectVersionScheme -- Given a version or a range string, determines what version scheme the string is using.
  • incRange -- Increments a range by the bump type (major, minor, or patch), maintaining the existing constraint.

CLI Usage

version-tools provides a command-line interface (fluv) when installed directly. However, the commands listed here are also available in the Fluid build and release tool (flub). This is accomplished using oclif's plugin system.

$ npm install -g @fluid-tools/version-tools
$ fluv COMMAND
running command...
$ fluv (--version)
@fluid-tools/version-tools/0.4.5000 linux-x64 node-v14.20.0
$ fluv --help [COMMAND]
  $ fluv COMMAND


fluv help [COMMAND]

Display help for fluv.

  $ fluv help [COMMAND] [-n]

  COMMAND  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for fluv.

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

fluv version VERSION

Convert version strings between regular semver and the Fluid internal version scheme.

  $ fluv version [VERSION] [--json] [-t major|minor|patch|current] [--publicVersion <value>]

  VERSION  The version to convert.

  -t, --type=<option>      bump type
                           <options: major|minor|patch|current>
  --publicVersion=<value>  [default: 2.0.0] The public version to use in the Fluid internal version.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Convert version strings between regular semver and the Fluid internal version scheme.

  The version can be a Fluid internal version.

    $ fluv version 2.0.0-internal.1.0.0 --type minor

  The version can also be a semver with a bump type.

    $ fluv version 1.0.0 --type minor

  If needed, you can provide a public version to override the default.

    $ fluv version 1.0.0 --type patch --publicVersion 3.1.0

  You can use ^ and ~ as a shorthand.

    $ fluv version ^1.0.0

  You can use the 'current' bump type to calculate ranges without bumping the version.

    $ fluv version 2.0.0-internal.1.0.0 --type current

See code: dist/commands/version.ts

fluv version latest

Find the latest version from a list of version strings, accounting for the Fluid internal version scheme.

  $ fluv version latest -r <value> [--json] [--prerelease]

  -r, --versions=<value>...  (required) The versions to evaluate. The argument can be passed multiple times to provide
                             multiple versions, or a space-delimited list of versions can be provided using a single
  --prerelease               Include prerelease versions. By default, prerelease versions are excluded.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Find the latest version from a list of version strings, accounting for the Fluid internal version scheme.

  You can use the --versions (-r) flag multiple times.

    $ fluv version latest -r 2.0.0 -r 2.0.0-internal.1.0.0 -r 1.0.0 -r 0.56.1000

  You can omit the repeated --versions (-r) flag and pass a space-delimited list instead.

    $ fluv version latest -r 2.0.0 2.0.0-internal.1.0.0 1.0.0 0.56.1000


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