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750 lines (531 loc) · 23.3 KB

Smart contract architecture


The smart contract takes bet on a game between two teams, and at the end of the game checks for the winning team using oraclizeAPI then distributes loosers pool to winners based on percentage ratio of individual bet.

Pretty smart hun!

What Will I Learn?

In this tutorial you would learn how to build a smart contract in solidity that uses oraclize to get information form a third party.

  • Build a betting smart contract in solidity
  • Use Oraclize with ethereum bridge on testnet to allow your smart contract communicate with third party
  • Test for your smart contract using truffle


For this tutorial, you will be needing the following.

  • A linux machine
  • Have node and npm installed on your machine
  • Install truffle (To complile and test our smart contract)
  • Download and install GUI version of ganache (To run our own private blockchain)
  • Install ethereum bridge (Allows us to use oraclize on testnet)
  • Any IDE that supports solidity syntax, atom or phpstorm will do just fine





For this tutorial we need to set up a new truffle project for our smart contract.

  • Create a project directory with a suitable name for this tutorial, i would be going with the project name Game
  • Navigate to the directory in your terminal and run command truffle init . Now you would have a project structure that looks exactly like the diagram below. Game The /var/www/html/Game was placed there by phpstorm showing the path to my project directory, so if yours does not show that its ok.
  • In the contract folder create and name it SafeMath.sol and copy the content from here into it. THis is the SafeMath Library by OpenZappelin, we will be needing it.
  • In the contract folder create another file with name OraclizeAPI.sol also copy the content from here into it.
Buidling A Simple API Endpoint

We would be needing a simple API for oraclize to communicate it to determine the winner of the bet for our smart contract. You can skip this step and simply use the existing endpoint

Create a a subdomain api on your server so we can have something like In the folder pointing to your subdomain create a file index.php and put the content below.

$game = file_get_contents(__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'game.json');  
header("Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8");  

Create another file game.json and also put the content below.

  "winner": "swansea"  

Now if you visit your subdomain url your page should return a valid json file. When oraclize calls the url its should be able to get the winner.

Coding Our Smart Contract

The full code to this project can be found here.

The Code
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

import "./OraclizeAPI.sol";

import "./SafeMath.sol";

contract Game is usingOraclize {

 using SafeMath for uint;

 //MINIMUM_STAKE allowed is 0.01 ether
 uint public constant MINIMUM_STAKE = 10 ** 16;

 //MAXIMUM_STAKE allowed is 1 ether
 uint public constant MAXIMUM_STAKE = 10 ** 18;

 string public constant TEAM_A = 'realmadrid';

 string public constant TEAM_B = 'swansea';

 //Game playoff
 uint256 public startTime;

 //Game off
 uint256 public endTime;

 //Address that created the contract
 address public owner;

 //Address that bet charges are paid to
 address public referee;

 bool public closed = false;

 //Total amount to be distributed among winners
 uint public totalPayable;

 //Total amount of winners stake, to us to calculate
 //ratio of total payable to be payed per account
 uint public totalHolding;

 string public winner;

 //Precision to use for calculation that will yield
 //decimal values to convert to non decimal value
 uint precision = 10 ** 18;

 //Profile of each account betting
 struct Punter {
  address account;
  uint stake;
  string supporting;

 //Lists of all bets placed
 Punter[] public bettings;

 struct Ration {
  address account;
  uint percentage;

 Ration[] public rations;

 mapping (address => uint) public payouts;

 mapping (address => uint) public  payoutAddresses;

 mapping (address => uint) public  bettingAddresses;

 mapping (bytes32 => bool) public queryIds;

 modifier onlyOwner() {
  require(msg.sender == owner);


 modifier ended() {
  require(block.timestamp >= endTime || closed == true);


 modifier notStarted() {
  require(started() == false);


 modifier validContribution() {
  require(msg.value >= MINIMUM_STAKE && msg.value <= MAXIMUM_STAKE);


 modifier haveNoStake() {
  require(bettingAddresses[msg.sender] == 0);


 modifier validTeam(string team) {
  require(keccak256(TEAM_A) == keccak256(team) || keccak256(TEAM_B) == keccak256(team));


 modifier notClosed() {
  require(closed  == false);


 event Bet(address account, uint amount);

 event BetClosed(uint timestamp, string result);

 event FetchedResult(string winner);

 event newOraclizeQuery(string description);

 event Payment(uint winning);

 * @param start startTime
 * @param end endTime
 function Game(uint start, uint end) public payable {
  startTime = start;
  endTime = end;
  owner = msg.sender;

  OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0xF08dF3eFDD854FEDE77Ed3b2E515090EEe765154);

 * @returns bool
 function started() public view returns (bool) {
  return block.timestamp >= startTime;

 * @param team realmadrid, swansea
 function placeBet(string team) notStarted validContribution haveNoStake validTeam(team) public payable returns (uint) {
   account: msg.sender,
   stake: msg.value,
   supporting: team

  bettingAddresses[msg.sender] = bettings.length - 1;

  Bet(msg.sender, msg.value);

 function endGame() onlyOwner public {
  closed = true;

 * @param address
 * @return team
 * @return stake
 function getAccountInfo(address account) public view returns (address, uint, string) {
  uint location = bettingAddresses[account];

  Punter storage info = bettings[location];

  return (info.account,info.stake,info.supporting);

 function getWinner() ended public payable {
  if (oraclize_getPrice("URL") > this.balance) {
   newOraclizeQuery("Oraclize query was NOT sent, please add some ETH to cover for the query fee");
  } else {
   newOraclizeQuery("Oraclize query was sent, standing by for the answer..");
   bytes32 queryId = oraclize_query("URL", "json(");

   queryIds[queryId] = true;

 function __callback(bytes32 myid, string result) public {
  require(msg.sender == oraclize_cbAddress());
  require(queryIds[myid] == true);

  winner = result;
  closed = true;

  delete queryIds[myid];

  BetClosed(block.timestamp, result);

 function distributeStake() onlyOwner public payable returns (address){

  for(uint i = 0; i < rations.length; ++i) {
   Ration storage ration = rations[i];
   uint winning = ration.percentage.div(100) * totalPayable;

   winning = winning.div(10 ** 18);

   payouts[ration.account] = winning;



 function calculateTotalPayable() internal {
  require(bettings.length > 0);

  for(uint i = 0; i < bettings.length; ++i) {

   Punter storage profile = bettings[i];

   //String cannot be compared directly
   //Hash to do comparision
   if(keccak256(profile.supporting) == keccak256(winner)) {
    totalHolding += profile.stake;

     account: profile.account,
     percentage: profile.stake

    payoutAddresses[profile.account] = rations.length - 1;

    totalPayable += profile.stake;

 //Calculate each individual payout in percentage
 //ratio of the total payout
 function calculateIndividualRation() internal {
  for(uint i = 0; i < rations.length; ++i) {

   Ration storage ration = rations[i];

   ration.percentage = getPercentage(ration.percentage);

 //Calculate percentage and add precision to eliminate decimals
 //which cannot be handled
 function getPercentage(uint stake) internal view returns (uint) {
  uint percentage = (stake.mul(precision) / totalHolding).mul(100);

  return percentage;

 function getAccountPercentage(address account) public view returns (uint percentage) {
  uint location = payoutAddresses[account];

  return rations[location].percentage;

 function getBalance(address account) public view returns (uint balance) {
  return (address(account).balance);

Notice the two import statements:

The fisrt one imports the Oraclize API contract containing methods such as oraclize_getPrice ,oraclize_query that we will use to interact with oracle and allows us to implement a __callback method that will be called when oraclize returns result after a successfull request.

And SafeMath Library by Zeppelin to perform mathematical calculation, in this code the using SafeMath for uint is used to allow the methods of SafeMath library to be called directly on integers

import "./OraclizeAPI.sol";  
import "./SafeMath.sol";

To use oraclize with on testnet, launch your installed ganache GUI then navigate to ethereum bridge directory you cloned from here and run command node bridge -H localhost:7545 -a 0 --dev on your terminal.

You would be presented with a similar screen like below OAR

Copy the where it says Please add this line to your contract constructor . Note do not use the one icluded in this snippet as it might not work for you.

* @param start startTime  
* @param end endTime  
function Game(uint start, uint end) public payable {  
  startTime = start;  
  endTime = end;  
  owner = msg.sender;  
  OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475);  

The constructor initializes with the startTime and endTime of the game. Next lets take a look at the method to place bet.

* @param team realmadrid, swansea  
function placeBet(string team) notStarted validContribution haveNoStake validTeam(team) public payable returns (uint) {  
  account: msg.sender,  
  stake: msg.value,  
  supporting: team  
  bettingAddresses[msg.sender] = bettings.length - 1;  
  Bet(msg.sender, msg.value);  

The method takes only one argument which is one of the two teams we have in our contract. It also checks against the following modifier notStarted, validContribution, haveNoStake validTeam

//Checks if team is one of the allowed teams
//TEAM_A = 'realmadrid'
//EAM_B = 'swansea'
modifier validTeam(string team) {  
  require(keccak256(TEAM_A) == keccak256(team) || keccak256(TEAM_B) == keccak256(team));  

//Check if the person placing the bet does not already
//have an existing bet
modifier haveNoStake() {  
  require(bettingAddresses[msg.sender] == 0);  

//Check if ether sent is not less than 0.1 ether
//or greater than 1 ether
modifier validContribution() {  
  require(msg.value >= MINIMUM_STAKE && msg.value <= MAXIMUM_STAKE);  

//Ensure bet will only be allowed only
//before match time
modifier notStarted() {  
  require(started() == false);  

Now comes the most interesting part:

Once the game is over you can end the game by calling method endGame which can only be called by the owing account used to create this contract. Once the game is over the contract will allow owner to call the getWinner method.

function getWinner() ended public payable {  
  //Check if there is enough balance in contract
  if (oraclize_getPrice("URL") > this.balance) { 
  //If this contract does not have enough balance fire event to notify 
  newOraclizeQuery("Oraclize query was NOT sent, please add some ETH to cover for the query fee");  
 } else {  
  //Fire event to notify successfull all to endpoint
  newOraclizeQuery("Oraclize query was sent, standing by for the answer..");  
  //Save queryId for later validation to ensure same query id was returned with response	
  bytes32 queryId = oraclize_query("URL", "json(");  
  queryIds[queryId] = true;  

Once the request is successfull, Oraclize will return a response to the __callback function in our contract that was implemented from the OraclizeAPI.

function __callback(bytes32 myid, string result) public { 
  //Check if calling address is valid
  require(msg.sender == oraclize_cbAddress());  
  //Validate if query id is the same 
  //we have 
  require(queryIds[myid] == true);  
  //Set winner as result
  //and close the betting
  winner = result;  
  closed = true;  
  delete queryIds[myid];  
  BetClosed(block.timestamp, result);  

Finally we will look into the distributeSTake method, this methods does three things:

First it calculates the total payable to the accounts that bet on the winner team

function calculateTotalPayable() internal {
  //We can only calculate payable if there are more
  //than one bet  
  require(bettings.length > 0);  
  //Loop through all the bets
  //Check if an account bet on winning team then
  //add the account stake to totalHolding(Sum of all stake of winners)
  //push the account info into an array of ratios
  //to later calculate the ration of the winning to be payed out to it.
  //Else sum the total of account that lost the bet as totalPayable
  for(uint i = 0; i < bettings.length; ++i) {  
  Punter storage profile = bettings[i];  
  //String cannot be compared directly  
  //Hash to do comparision  
  if(keccak256(profile.supporting) == keccak256(winner)) {  
  totalHolding += profile.stake;  
  account: profile.account,  
    percentage: profile.stake  
  //Store indexes of where account info are located
  //for easy access using the address as key on a map
  payoutAddresses[profile.account] = rations.length - 1;  
  totalPayable += profile.stake;  
 } }}

Now that the total amount payable have been calculated and we have stored the information of the winners. The method then calls the calculateIndividualRation method to get the percentage of the total payout that should go to each account. using the formulae stake/totalHolding * 100, where totalHolding is sum of all stake of the account that bet on the winning team, allowing us to determin what ratio the account contributed to the total pool.

//Calculate each individual payout in percentage  
//ratio of the total payout  
function calculateIndividualRation() internal {  
  for(uint i = 0; i < rations.length; ++i) {  
  Ration storage ration = rations[i];  
  ration.percentage = getPercentage(ration.percentage);  
//Calculate percentage and add precision to eliminate decimals  
//which cannot be handled  
function getPercentage(uint stake) internal view returns (uint) {  
  uint percentage = (stake.mul(precision) / totalHolding).mul(100);  
  return percentage;  

Note: One thing to note is that since solidity doesn't provide a way to store decimal values, a precision of 10e17 is used to multiply the percentage value since ether is 18 decimal place this will be sure to eliminate any occurence of decimal point and when payout is to be carried out the precision will be deducted and the value will be transfered in wei.

Now that we have the percentage of actual individual payout, the method then loop through the addresses and multpily the percentage with the total payout and divide it by the precision to determine the actual value in wei and finally make transfer.

for(uint i = 0; i < rations.length; ++i) {  
  Ration storage ration = rations[i];  
  uint winning = ration.percentage.div(100) * totalPayable;  
  winning = winning.div(10 ** 18);  
  payouts[ration.account] = winning;  

Testing Our Smart Contract

We would be testing the contract for three behavious :

  1. Test if a user can place a bet
  2. Test to check if there is a winner of the game
  3. Test to ensure contract successfully distribute the correct value to individual account.

Clone this project here, open your terminal and navigate into the project .

Ensure your ethereum bridge is running, copy and replace the OAR outputted in your terminal and replace the OAR in the contract constructor with yours.

Test if a user can place a bet*

const Contract = artifacts.require("./Game.sol");  
let moment = require("moment");  
contract('Place Bet : ', async (accounts) => {  
  //Current timestamp  
  let now = moment().utc();  
  //Set start 10min from now & end time 1hr 40min from now  
 //considering a game is 90min  let start = now.add({minutes : 10}).unix();  
  let end = now.add({minutes: 100}).unix();  
  it('a user can only place bet only if game is not started', async () => {  
  let game = await,end);  
  let status = await game.started();  
  it('two users can stake between 0.01 and 1 ether on any game ones', async () => {  
  let game = await,end);  
  await game.placeBet('realmadrid',{value: web3.toWei(0.6, "ether"), from: accounts[1]});  
  let betInfoA = await game.getAccountInfo(accounts[1]);  
  assert.equal(betInfoA[0], accounts[1]);  
  assert.equal(betInfoA[1], web3.toWei(0.6, "ether"));  
  await game.placeBet('swansea',{value: web3.toWei(0.4, "ether"), from: accounts[2]});  
  let betInfoB = await game.getAccountInfo(accounts[2]);  
  assert.equal(betInfoB[0], accounts[2]);  
  assert.equal(betInfoB[1], web3.toWei(0.4, "ether"));  

run truffle test test/a_user_can_place_bet.js

Test if a user can place a bet

Test to check if there is a winner of the game

const Contract = artifacts.require('./Game.sol');  
let moment = require("moment");  
contract('Check For Winner : ', async (accounts) => {  
  //Current timestamp  
  let now = moment().utc();  
  //Set start 10min from now & end time 1hr 40min from now  
 //considering a game is 90min  let start = now.add({minutes : 10}).unix();  
  let end = now.add({minutes: 100}).unix();  
  it('game has no winner', async () => {  
  let game = await,end);  
  let winner = await game.winner();  
  it('game has as a winner', async () => {  
  let game = await,end);  
  await game.endGame();  
  await game.getWinner({value: web3.toWei(0.1, "ether")});  
  // Wait for the callback to be invoked by oraclize and the event to be emitted  
  const logWhenBetClosed = promisifyLogWatch(game.BetClosed({ fromBlock: 'latest' }));  
  let log = await logWhenBetClosed;  
  assert.equal(log.event, 'BetClosed', 'BetClosed not emitted');  
  assert.equal(log.args.result, 'swansea');  
 * @credit  
 * Helper to wait for log emission. * @param {Object} _event The event to wait for.  
 */  function promisifyLogWatch(_event) {  
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, log) => {  
  if (error !== null)  
 }); }); }  

run truffle test test/successfully_check_for_winner.js

Test to check if there is a winner of the game

This test makes a call to the game api that returns result, the etherum bridge console should have a log and look something like this.

Ethereum Bridge Log

Finally we would test to ensure contract successfully distribute the correct value to individual accounts.

const Contract = artifacts.require("./Game.sol");  
let moment = require("moment");  
contract('Place Bet : ', async (accounts) => {  
  //Current timestamp  
  let now = moment().utc();  
  //Set start 10min from now & end time 1hr 40min from now  
 //considering a game is 90min  let start = now.add({minutes : 10}).unix();  
  let end = now.add({minutes: 100}).unix();  
  it('successfully transfer payout to winners', async () => {  
  let game = await,end);  
  //Place bets  
  await game.placeBet('swansea',{value: web3.toWei(0.1, "ether"), from: accounts[1]});  
  await game.placeBet('swansea',{value: web3.toWei(0.2, "ether"), from: accounts[2]});  
  await game.placeBet('realmadrid',{value: web3.toWei(0.3, "ether"), from: accounts[3]});  
  await game.placeBet('realmadrid',{value: web3.toWei(0.4, "ether"), from: accounts[4]});  
  let prevAccBalance = await game.getBalance(accounts[2]);  
  //End game  
  await game.endGame();  
  //Retrieve winner from oracle  
  await game.getWinner({value: web3.toWei(0.4, "ether")});  
  // Wait for the callback to be invoked by oraclize and the event to be emitted  
  const logWhenBetClosed = promisifyLogWatch(game.BetClosed({ fromBlock: 'latest' }));  
  let log = await logWhenBetClosed;  
  assert.equal(log.event, 'BetClosed', 'BetClosed not emitted');  
  await game.distributeStake();  
  let conversion = 10 ** 18;  
  let totalPayable = await game.totalPayable();  
  let accountPayable = await game.payouts(accounts[2]);  
  let newAccBalance = await game.getBalance(accounts[2]);  
  let totalPayableInEther = totalPayable.toNumber() / conversion;  
  let accountPayableInEther = accountPayable.toNumber() / conversion;  
  let prevAccBalanceInEther = prevAccBalance.toNumber() / conversion;  
  let newAccBalanceInEther = newAccBalance.toNumber() / conversion;  
  //assert.equal(totalPayableInEther, 0.3);     //0.3 Sum of stake lost to swansea punters  
  assert.equal(prevAccBalanceInEther + accountPayableInEther, newAccBalanceInEther);  
 * @credit  
 * Helper to wait for log emission. * @param {Object} _event The event to wait for.  
 */  function promisifyLogWatch(_event) {  
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, log) => {  
  if (error !== null)  
 }); }); }});

run truffle test test/successfully_distribute_payout.js

Test For Payouts

Now we have a smart contract that passes all three crateria.

In future posts about this topic, we might considering launching it on a testnet like rinkeby and build an actual UI to place bet, interacting with it using web3 and placing bet with wallet like metamask.