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Project1: Navigation

Goal of this project:

The goal is to train an agent that can navigate a simple gridworld environment collecting yellow bananas each giving a reward of +1 while avoiding blue ones who has a reward of -1 and maximize its total reward per episode.

Definition of Solved:

The environment is solved if the agent's average total rewards over 100 consequitive episodes is >=+13.

Method used:

To solve this environment, I trained and used a vanilla Deep Q-Network (DQN) agent. I have also tweaked the reward signal a bit, to avoid an issue I noticed that the agent sometimes gets stuck doing nothing but moving right and left in front of a blue banana!

My tweaked reward penalizes taking an action that is not collecting a banana, so, the rewards received from the environment are +1 for collecting a yellow banana, -1 for a blue one and a decaying by episode length nevative reward for transitions where the reward is originally 0 in the environment, which I call idel_reward.

The goal behind this is to urge the agent to collect yellow bananas quickly espeically in the beginning of the episode and not "slack around" and grab the nearest yellow bananas.

The decay factor of the penality is to ensure that the agent still is encouraged to take more steps when there are no more nearby yellow bananas, thus it can travel further in the environment, since near the end of the episode the agent is has most likely consumed all the yellow bananas in his local area and might need to move further to get more.

That said, my concept of the idel_reward adds two additional hyperparameters to tweak, the idel_reward_start and the idle_reward_decay.

I start by a penalty of idel_reward = -0.5, decay it each step by idel_reward*0.8 which taking a limit to inf converges to a 0 penalty.

This has sped up the solution to ~1k episodes!

Q values in a brief:

For each state, for each action in it, the agent learns to estimate a value indicating the total outcome if the agent happens to be in that state and executes that action then acts rationally onwards to the end of the episode/task.

Deep Q-Learning belongs to the deep reinforcment learning toolbox of, off-policy, Value based methods, where the agent learns by interactions with the environment to estimate aa state action value for each state action pair it encounters.

After training, the agent can exploit its estimations of the state action value pairs to select the action with the largest Q values on each state it lands on.

figure 1. Deep reinforcement learning nano degree description of the DQN algorithm

Project files:

Navigation.ipynb the notebook driving the instantiation of the environment, the agent and training of the agent's model, it is following closely the udacity DRL nano degree class's implementation with a few tweaks e.g. a custom reward signal plus adaptation to the Navigation environment.

Navigation.html the same notebook saved in .html format after running it

play_trained_agent.ipynb a notebook for trying a trained model

play_trained_agent.ipynb the same notebook saved in .html format after running it a trained model by the Navigation.ipynb notebook the replay buffer implementation, exactly the same as the nano degree class' implementation a vanilla DQN agent implementation following closely the ones from the udacity DRL nano degree class with a few tweaks a 1 hidden layer network used as the deep model for the local and target networks used in the agent following closely the ones from the udacity DRL nano degree class with a few tweaks


BUFFER_SIZE = int(1e5) replay buffer size

BATCH_SIZE = 512 minibatch size

GAMMA = 0.99 discount factor

TAU = 1e-3 for soft update of target parameters

LR = 0.001 learning rate

UPDATE_EVERY = 20 how often to update the target network

FC1_UNITS = 128 the number of the DQN hidden layer neurons

idle_reward_start = -0.5 the initial custom reward penalty for not picking a banana

idle_reward_decay = 0.8 the decay of the penalty

SEED = 13 The random seed used for reproducibility

The model used

The model is very simple, thanks to the reward trick and proper hyperparameter tuning,

An input layer of size 37 same as the state size

one hidden layer of 128 neurons with a RELU activation

An output layer of 4 neurons one for each action value for the input state

Training progress:

  • Episode 100 Average Score: -2.13
  • Episode 200 Average Score: 0.044
  • Episode 300 Average Score: 2.05
  • Episode 400 Average Score: 3.91
  • Episode 500 Average Score: 5.63
  • Episode 600 Average Score: 6.06
  • Episode 700 Average Score: 7.52
  • Episode 800 Average Score: 9.38
  • Episode 900 Average Score: 10.29
  • Episode 1000 Average Score: 12.26
  • Episode 1100 Average Score: 12.18
  • Episode 1200 Average Score: 12.90
  • Episode 1201 Average Score: 13.01
  • Environment solved in 1101 episodes! Average Score: 13.01

Future improvements:

Confidently, next target is to step up from the vanilla DQN and try out extensions of DQN mentioned in DeepMinds' paper Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Briefly a few:

Using a Prioritized replay buffer:

Instead of uniformally sampling from our replay buffer, we could prioritize samples from episodes with better total rewards

Tweaking the agent's model for a more efficient exploration by embedding noise in the network's weights

N-Step DQN:

Learning to Predict by the Methods of Temporal Differences, by Richard Sutton (Sutton, 1988) Unrolling the bellman equation to N-steps look-ahead for a better approximation of the Q values, which should speed up the correction of the computed Q values per state action.

The vanilla DQN are found to overestimate the Q values, the next state's q values in the bellman equation were computed using our target network The Authors of the paper in the link suggested instead choosing the actions for the next state using the local network instead of the target and then taking their Q values using the target network.

Or even trying a different family of methods:

e.g. Policy gradient methods in which the agent's model learns the policy directly, by learning to predict a distribution over actions and sampling the action to use from it for each state.

Splitting the Buffer filling and the training into two different processes for training speed