##CITATIONS All images have been sourced from personal owners or from copyright-free websites (pexels.com).
Citations for the airplace icon on the homepage: -Icon made by http://www.flaticon.com/authors/chanut-is-industries from www.flaticon.com is licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0 Citation for the buddy icon on the homepage: -Icon made by http://www.freepik.com from http://www.flaticon.com is licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0
API and client keys for Cloudinary and Facebook oauth are depricated. Please provide your own.
- npm install // install all dependecies
- remember to setup mongodb, make a directory ./data, then run mongod -dbpath ./data
- npm run start // should be able to start in local
npm run startDemon
npm run fillLocation
Alisa Ono
Christina Lee
Purnawirman Huang
Created for 6.148 (2017 IAP)