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Here we provide guidelines on how to build GDAL 3.0+ and PROJ 4 (6.X.X) from source for MacOS machines using Macports. For a variant to this using Anaconda click here.

For Linux installation instructions see here.


Make sure to run these in the specified order!

  1. MacPorts
  3. GDAL PYTHON bindings
  4. Jupyter Notebooks SETUP
  5. Return to back to ARIA-tools page


First install Macports following the instructions at Macports website.

Use the ports package manager to install python 3.X.X and associated packages, and compiler tools that are needed for PROJ 4 installation and ARIA-tools. The following instructions are tested using python 3.6.8. Note that below we default the python executable to python3.

sudo port -N install autoconf automake libtool json-c netcdf proj6
sudo port -N install python3X py3X-scipy py3X-matplotlib py3X-pandas py3X-shapely py3X-netcdf4 py3X-pkgconfig
sudo port select python python3X

Place macports install directories (/opt/local/...) ahead of system directories (/usr/...) so that compilers find the right libraries. e.g. for bash:

export PATH="/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/lib:/opt/local/sbin:$(getconf PATH)"


cd /my/gdal
mkdir install

Clone the GDAL repository from github with a version of at least 3.0 (i.e. main branch).

git clone

We will first build the GDAL package and command line tools. Note it is better not to build the python tools at the same time given library and compiler conflicts with NumPy.

cd /my/gdal/gdal/
./configure --prefix=/my/gdal/install --with-proj=/opt/local/lib/proj6 --with-sqlite3  --with-libjson-c=internal

if configure fails, you might want to try and specify additional options, such as:


Next make and install GDAL:

make -j4
make install

Next you can inspect if the following passes without errors:

cd apps
make test_ogrsf
cd ..

Before proceeding to the python bindings installation make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH in your shell to point to the new GDAL installation lib and bin folders. E.g for bash:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/my/gdal/install/lib"
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/my/gdal/install/lib"
export PATH="/my/gdal/install/bin:$(getconf PATH)"

GDAL PYTHON bindings

Make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH are pointing to your GDAL installation.

echo $PATH

To install the python bindings:

cd swig/python

Edit the setup.cfg file such that gdal-config is pointing to your install folder of GDAL.

vim setup.cfg
#update gdal_config=/my/gdal/install/bin/gdal-config

The GDAL python bindings are built here for the python executable. If you are having both python2 and 3 installed make sure you are installing it for python3. Here we assume python is an alias for python3 and specify the use of gcc and g++. Note the later should be the same as used for building NumPy. If the test provided below fail you could remove gcc and g++ specification and try again.

CC=gcc CXX=g++ python build >& blog

Note if you re-run the build command make sure to delete the build folder.

Next, we will extract the library build paths:

grep lgdal blog > linkcmds

Edit this file and remove all '-L/opt/local/lib' occurrences and 'blog:' occurrences at beginning of line.

Once done you can execute the commands using:

chmod +x linkcmds

To set the location the installation for install add the python bindings to your PYTHONPATH and source the environment. E.g for bash:

export PYTHONPATH="/my/gdal/install/lib/python:${PYTHONPATH}"
mkdir /my/gdal/install/lib/python

Now we will install them at the same location as out GDAL command line tools using:

python install --home=/my/gdal/install/

To test your GDAL python bindings are correctly working with NumPy try:

> from osgeo import gdal_array
> import gdalnumeric

Jupyter Notebooks Setup

Use the ports package manager to install python 3.X and associated packages, the py3X-pip package mananger, and py3x-jupyter. Recommended is to use at least >=py36

sudo port install py3X-jupyter py3X-jupyter_client py3X-pip

Instructions for installing contributed notebook extensions

sudo pip-3.X install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
sudo jupyter-3.X contrib nbextension install --user

Instructions for installing extension configurator

sudo pip-3.X install jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
sudo jupyter-3.X nbextensions_configurator enable --user

hide_code plugin for hiding cells with code if needed

sudo pip-3.X install hide_code
sudo jupyter-3.X nbextension install --py hide_code

RISE plugin to turn notebooks into slideshow

sudo pip-3.X install RISE
sudo jupyter-nbextension-3.X install rise --py --sys-prefix


Add export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 to your bash_profile (or equivalent for other shells) to prevent potential unicode problems in python