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File metadata and controls

134 lines (106 loc) · 5.09 KB

import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs'; import { Code } from '../packages/react/src'; import { Customization } from '../.storybook/components';

<Meta title="📗Documentation/Customization" parameters={{ previewTabs: { canvas: { hidden: true } } }} />


When you load a papanasi component and you've previously loaded the corresponding papanasi.css file, a basic style library will be added to the component. To easy customize the different components that this library brings, we have provided two different methods, using BEM Classes and CSS Custom Properties.

BEM Classes

We are always exporting CSS classes in our components and we use BEM to decide the names for each part of the component.

Example of BEM classes:

<Code language="xml" code={`

Alicia Spain

`} >

We are also using other CSS conventions like States from SMACSS, to make the component more readable.

Example of SMACSS States:

<Code language="xml" code={<div className="pa-author is-disabled">...</div>}>

The previous convention plus Reponsive Suffixes are part of BEMIT and we use them to make the component more responsive, those where introduced in CSS Wizardy blog post and an example of this used could be:

<Code language="xml" code={<div className="pa-author is-hidden@xs">...</div>}>

Our configured Responsive Suffixes are the same as our default breakpoints:

<Code language="css" code={--pa-breakpoint-xxs: 360px; // @xxs --pa-breakpoint-xs: 640px; // @xs --pa-breakpoint-s: 768px; // @s --pa-breakpoint-m: 1024px; // @m --pa-breakpoint-l: 1280px; // @l --pa-breakpoint-xl: 1440px; // @xl --pa-breakpoint-xxl: 1920px; // @xxs}


To create a custom theme for your application is easy as create a .css file and override the custom properties or just add new css values to the BEM Classes explained above.

To help the user by default we are exporting our library without themes but there are also some default ones that you can use as base for your custom one, those are papanasi.css, sketch.css.

Import them as any other file in your project, for example in a react project you can import like this:

<Code language="javascript" code={import "@papanasi/react/sketch.css";}>

CSS Custom Properties

We have defined a list of custom properties that we use to customize the components. You can easily override them in your project.

For example if we want to modify the variants, there are 3 different groups of properties and those are the ones from the basic theme called papanasi.css:

<Code language="css" code={/* Color Primary */ --pa-color-primary-brightest: #b9daff; --pa-color-primary-brighter: #a4cfff; --pa-color-primary-bright: #53a5ff; --pa-color-primary-normal: #017aff; --pa-color-primary-dark: #005fc8; --pa-color-primary-darker: #004590; --pa-color-primary-darkest: #002a58; /* Color Secondary */ --pa-color-secondary-brightest: #eeeaff; --pa-color-secondary-brighter: #cec1ff; --pa-color-secondary-bright: #ad99ff; --pa-color-secondary-normal: #6c47ff; --pa-color-secondary-dark: #3f0fff; --pa-color-secondary-darker: #2b00d6; --pa-color-secondary-darkest: #20009e; /* Color Tertiary */ --pa-color-tertiary-brightest: #fde2e8; --pa-color-tertiary-brighter: #fbbccb; --pa-color-tertiary-bright: #f896ad; --pa-color-tertiary-normal: #f34971; --pa-color-tertiary-dark: #f01448; --pa-color-tertiary-darker: #bf0d37; --pa-color-tertiary-darkest: #8b0928;}

We have also defined some intents to be used in some components:

<Code language="css" code={/* Color Info */ --pa-color-info-brightest: #a3f5fe; --pa-color-info-brighter: #8ff2fe; --pa-color-info-bright: #67eefe; --pa-color-info-normal: #02d0e8; --pa-color-info-dark: #029eb0; --pa-color-info-darker: #016c79; --pa-color-info-darkest: #013a41; /* Color Success */ --pa-color-success-brightest: #cbf4e6; --pa-color-success-brighter: #baf0de; --pa-color-success-bright: #99e9ce; --pa-color-success-normal: #34d39d; --pa-color-success-dark: #25aa7d; --pa-color-success-darker: #1b7c5b; --pa-color-success-darkest: #114e39; /* Color Warning */ --pa-color-warning-brightest: #fff7e3; --pa-color-warning-brighter: #ffe5a5; --pa-color-warning-bright: #ffd97d; --pa-color-warning-normal: #ffc12b; --pa-color-warning-dark: #f2ab00; --pa-color-warning-darker: #ba8300; --pa-color-warning-darkest: #825c00; /* Color Error */ --pa-color-error-brightest: #fcdada; --pa-color-error-brighter: #f9b5b5; --pa-color-error-bright: #f58f8f; --pa-color-error-normal: #f15050; --pa-color-error-dark: #e71414; --pa-color-error-darker: #b30f0f; --pa-color-error-darkest: #5c0404;}

There are some other custom properties that you can easily modify, please check the complete list in the repository.