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133 lines (124 loc) · 4.87 KB

File metadata and controls

133 lines (124 loc) · 4.87 KB

SediCiPU 2: Control signals from decoder ROM

The decoder/control ROM produces 32 bits of control signals for every instruction, some signals are shared/multipurpose:

  • OP
    • 4-bit ALU operation code. ALU operation and relevant signals within ALU:

      0000 sr          SEXT=0 ROT=0 LEFT=0
      0001 sl          SEXT=0 ROT=0 LEFT=1
      0010 rr          SEXT=0 ROT=1 LEFT=0
      0011 rl          SEXT=0 ROT=1 LEFT=1
      0100 asr         SEXT=1 ROT=0 LEFT=0
      0101 reserved
      0110 reserved
      0111 xor
      1000 add         CI=0 SUB=0
      1001 sub/cmp     CI=0 SUB=1
      1010 adc         CI=I SUB=0
      1011 sbb         CI=I SUB=1
      1100 zxt
      1101 sxt
      1110 and
      1111 or
    • Instructions: all.

  • RL
    • Feeds RegFile's QSELL.
    • ((QSELL == 7) | (QSELR == 7)) drives MiscIntMem's D1.
    • Instructions: many.
  • RLOE
    • Drives RegFile's OEL.

    • Drives DelayReg's nOE.

    • ((RLOE & CNZ & Flags' CO) | !CNZ) widened to 16 bits, ANDed with output of selection between RegFile's RL and DelayReg's Q, feeds ALU's DIL. RL vs 0 vs DelayReg selection at ALU's DIL:

      • We need to choose between 3 values: RL vs 0 vs DelayReg, e.g.:
        • RLOE selects between RL (RLOE==1) and DelayReg (RLOE==0)

        • each bit of selector's output is ANDed with F:

          CNZ  Flags' CO  RLOE -> F  Result of selection
            0          X     0    1  DelayReg
            0          X     1    1  RL
            1          X     0    0  0
            1          0     1    0  0  \ That is, RL or 0,
            1          1     1    1  RL / depending on Flags' CO
          F = !CNZ | (CNZ & Flags' CO & RLOE) =
              !(CNZ & !(CNZ & Flags' CO & RLOE))
    • Instructions: many.

  • RR
    • One of two inputs to the selector that feeds RegFile's QSELR (the other being instruction's qqq field).
    • Instructions: many.
  • RROE
    • Drives selection of ALU's DIR between RegFile's QR (RROE==1) and immediate (RROE==0).
    • Instructions: many.
  • RI
    • Feeds RegFile's DSEL.
    • Instructions: many.
  • RIWE
    • Drives RegFile's WE.
    • Instructions: many.
  • IMM
    • Feeds ImmDecoder's SEL. IMM encoded and decoded values and some examples:

      000 -1                               ; (d)incm/(d)decm, add, sb/sw, ls5r/ss5r, last, jal, mrs/msr, stc, cpl, mf0
      001 imm7                             ; and/or/xor, l/s, last, sac/sr/sl/asr/rl, (d)incm/(d)decm
      010 simm7                            ; add/cmp, push, l/s, swi, incm/decm
      011 (simm7 * condition_is_true) << 1 ; j<cond>
      100 imm9 << 7                        ; addu, lurpc
      101 simm9                            ; li, j
      110 simm11 << 1                      ; jal
      111 -2                               ; push/pop, dincm/ddecm, swi/reti, ls5r/ss5r
    • Instructions: many.

    • Drives connection of RegFile's QR to the data bus.
    • Instructions: push r, sb/sw, ss5r, add odd_imm/link, jal, msr.
    • Drives connection of ALU's DO to the data bus.
    • Instructions: many.
    • Drives connection of Flags' DO to the data bus.
    • Instructions: m0f.
    • Drives Flags' nWE.
    • Instructions: (d)incm/(d)decm, addm/subm, adcz, and/or/xor, add/sub/adc/sbb/cmp, addu, stc, neg, sr/sl/asr/rl/rr, sac, mf0, add00adc11, cadd02, cadd02adc1z, csub12.
    • Drives selection of the address from either ALU's DO (IADDRSEL==0) or DelayReg's Q (IADDRSEL==1).
    • Drives selection of:
      • RegFile's PC0 (0 (IADDRSEL==0) vs MiscIntMem's Q0 (IADDRSEL==1))
      • MiscIntMem's D0 (SELIFLAGSSEL (IADDRSEL==0) vs data bus bit 0 (IADDRSEL==1))
    • Drives MiscIntMem's DEL1.
    • Instructions: (d)incm/(d)decm, swi, pushi, reti, sb2/sw2.
  • IWE
    • Drives MiscIntMem's WE0.
    • Instructions: swi, di/ei, reti.
  • SELE
    • Drives SelRegFile's OWE.
    • Instructions: mrs/msr.
    • One bit value to select MiscIntMem's D0 from.
    • Drives SelRegFile's OnW.
    • Drives Flags' SEL, which selects the source of Flags' new value (ALU's flag outputs (only flags updated; SELIFLAGSSEL==0) vs data bus (flags and interrupt state updated; SELIFLAGSSEL==1)).
    • Instructions: mrs, mf0, ei.
  • CNZ
    • Input to ((RLOE & CNZ & Flags' CO) | !CNZ), see RLOE.
    • Instructions: adcz, swi, push simm7, li, neg, cadd02, cadd02adc1z, csub12, mov.
  • MWE
    • Enables writing a byte or word to memory from the data bus.
    • Instructions: (d)incm/(d)decm, push, sb/sw, ss5r, swi.
  • MOE
    • Enables reading a byte or word from memory to the data bus.
    • Instructions: (d)incm/(d)decm, pop, lb/lw, ls5r, addm/subm, reti.
  • W16
    • Selects 16-bit word as the size of memory read/write.
    • Instructions: (d)incm/(d)decm, lw, sw, ls5r, ss5r, addm/subm, push, pop, swi, reti.
  • CRST
    • Drives synchronous reset of the counter that selects the instruction cycle (fetch, execute1, execute2-optional)
    • Instructions: all.