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File metadata and controls

250 lines (207 loc) · 8.71 KB


Metadata is a JavaScript object, containing information about the public interface of a UI5 Web Component (tag name, properties, etc...)

Disclaimer: The information below is for UI5 Web Components development only. It is experimental and may change


Defines the HTML tag for the Web Component.


	"tag": "ui5-my-element",

Properties / Attributes

Defines the HTML properties for the Web Component.

Note about attributes: By default, for each property an equivalent attribute is supported. Attributes have the same names as properties, but in kebab-case rather than camelCase. Properties of type Object, properties with multiple set totrue and properties with noAttribute set to true do not have an attribute equivalent.


	"properties": {
		"message": {
			"type": String,
			"defaultValue": "Hello",
		"shown": {
			"type": Boolean,
			"noAttribute": true,
		"settings": {
			"type": Object,
		"nums": {
			"type": Integer,
			"multiple": true,
		"animationDuration": {
			"type": Integer,
		"width": {
			"type": CSSSize,
			"defaultValue": "",

Property configuration settings

Setting Type Default Description
type Property type N/A The type of the property. For more information on types see the table below.
defaultValue Any valid value for the type undefined Default value of the property. Cannot be set for type "Boolean". Booleans are always false by default in HTML
multiple Boolean false Indicates whether the property represents a single value or is an array of values of the given type
noAttribute Boolean false No attribute equivalent will be created for that property. Always false for properties of type Object.

The type setting is required.


Type Class to use Description
string String String value
boolean Boolean Boolean value - always false by default
object Object JS Object
custom type Extend @ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/types/DataType.js Used mainly for enumerations

Examples of prebuilt custom types

Type Class to use Description
Integer @ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/types/Integer.js Integer value
CSSSize @ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/types/CSSSize.js Any valid CSS size definition (px, rem, etc...)
ValueState @ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/types/ValueState.js Enumeration with: None, Error, Warning, Success values


Defines the slots that will be provided by this UI5 Web Component.


	"slots": {
		"default": {
			"type": Node,
		"footer": {
			"type": HTMLElement,
		"rows": {
			"type": HTMLElement,
			"individualSlots": true,

Slot configuration settings

Setting Type Default Description
type * HTMLElement or Node N/A The type of the children that can go into that slot
individualSlots Boolean false If set to true, each child will have its own slot, allowing you to arrange/wrap the children arbitrarily.
propertyName String N/A Allows to set the name of the property on the Web Component, where the children belonging to this slot will be stored.
invalidateOnChildChange ** Boolean or Object false Experimental, do not use. Defines whether every invalidation of a UI5 Web Component in this slot should trigger an invalidation of the parent UI5 Web Component.

* The type setting is required.

** Important: invalidateOnChildChange is not meant to be used with standard DOM Elements and is not to be confused with MutationObserver-like functionality. It rather targets the use case of components that slot abstract items (UI5Element instances without a template) and require to be invalidated in turn whenever these items are invalidated.

The invalidateOnChildChange setting can be either a Boolean (true meaning invalidate the component on any change of a child in this slot) or an Object with properties and slots fields. They in turn can be either of type Boolean (true meaning invalidate on any property change or any slot change) or Array of strings indicating exactly which properties or slots lead to invalidation.


  • In the following example, since invalidateOnChildChange is not used (false by default), the component will be invalidated whenever children are added/removed in the tabs slot, but not whenever a child in that slot changes.
   managedSlots: true,
   slots: {
   	"default": {
   		"type": "HTMLElement",
   		"propertyName": "tabs",
  • Setting invalidateOnChildChange to true means: invalidate the component whenever a child in the tabs slot gets invalidated, regardless of the reason.
   managedSlots: true,
   slots: {
   	"default": {
   		"type": "HTMLElement",
   		"propertyName": "tabs",
   		"invalidateOnChildChange": true
  • The example below results in exactly the same behavior as the one above, but it uses the more explicit Object format:
   managedSlots: true,
   slots: {
   	"default": {
   		"type": "HTMLElement",
   		"propertyName": "tabs",
   		"invalidateOnChildChange": {
   			"properties": true,
   			"slots": true
  • The following example uses the Object format again and means: invalidate the component whenever the children in this slot are invalidated due to property changes, but not due to slot changes. Here "slots": false is added for completeness (as false is the default value for both properties and slots)
   managedSlots: true,
   slots: {
   	"default": {
   		"type": "HTMLElement",
   		"propertyName": "tabs",
   		"invalidateOnChildChange": {
   			"properties": true,
   			"slots": false
  • The final example shows the most complex format of invalidateOnChildChange which allows to define which slots or properties in the children inside that slot lead to invalidation of the component:
   managedSlots: true,
   slots: {
   	"default": {
   		"type": "HTMLElement",
   		"propertyName": "tabs",
   		"invalidateOnChildChange": {
   			"properties": ["text", "selected", "disabled"],
   			"slots": ["default"]


  • Children without a slot attribute will be assigned to the default slot.
  • All HTML text nodes will be assigned to the default slot, as they cannot have a slot attribute.
  • For all slots the Web Component will have a property created, with the name of the slot, to hold a list of all children assigned to this slot. For example, if you have a slot named "rows", "this.rows" will be an array, holding references to all children with slot="rows", or no slot, if rows was default.
  • For the default slot you can provide a propertyName setting. For example, if your default slot has a propertyName: "items", then "this.items" will hold all children that were assigned to the default slot.

Allowed slot types

Type Description
Node Accepts both Text nodes and HTML Elements
HTMLElement Accepts HTML Elements only

Managed slots

Determines whether the framework should manage the slots of this UI5 Web Component.

This setting is useful for UI5 Web Components that don't just slot children, but additionally base their own rendering on the presence/absence/type of children.

	"managedSlots": true

When managedSlots is set to true:

  • The framework will invalidate this UI5 Web Component, whenever its children are added/removed/rearranged (and additionally when invalidated, if invalidateOnChildChange is set).
  • If any of this UI5 Web Component's children are custom elements, the framework will await until they are all defined and upgraded, before rendering the component for the first time.
  • The framework will create properties for each slot on this UI5 Web Component's instances for easier access to the slotted children. For example, if there are header, content and footer slots, there will be respectively header, content and footer properties of type Array holding the slotted children for each slot. Note: You can use the propertyName metadata entity, described above, to modify these.

In essence, set this to true if the UI5 Web Component you're developing should be aware of its children for the purposes of its own state management and rendering (contrary to just displaying them).

An example of a component that would benefit from managedSlots is a Tab Container that monitors its children (Tabs) in order to display a link on its Tab Strip for each Tab child. Therefore it would need to be invalidated whenever Tabs are added/removed, in order to update its own state and visualization.