You can use the chinesedict-js module on any web or application server. These instructions explain how to a more complex example than the initial example using the App Engine Standard Node.js Runtime Environment, which uses the Express web framework. Actually, the demo only uses Express for static file serving but takes advantage of the economical container-based serving environment provided by App Engine Standard.
Create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project and install the gcloud command line tool.
Set a variable for the top level project directory:
Clone the project and set an environment variable for the location:
git clone
This contains a tab separated variable (TSV) dictionary file words.txt that will be used for this demo. Change to the build directory and build the JSON format of the dictionary file:
cd $CDICT_HOME/build
node gen_dictionary.js --topic "Buddhism" $CNREADER_HOME/data/words.txt
This generates a words.json file that can be copied to your web dist directory created below.
The static files are compiled in the directory 'static'.
cd $CDICT_HOME/demo
npm install
Copy the relevant files into a dist directory:
mkdir -p static/dist
cp $CDICT_HOME/index.js static/dist/.
cp $CDICT_HOME/assets/chinesedict.css static/dist/.
cp node_modules/dialog-polyfill/dialog-polyfill.js static/dist/.
cp node_modules/dialog-polyfill/dialog-polyfill.css static/dist/.
This creates the dist directory and writes the bundled JavaScript files there. Copy the dictionary file to the dist directory:
cp $CDICT_HOME/build/words.json static/dist/.
Since the application code does not use any App Engine specific features it can be run without change using Node.js.
npm start
Set the default GCP project:
GAE_APPLICATION=[Your project id]
gcloud config set project $GAE_APPLICATION
Deploy to App Engine from the demo directory to avoid deploying the full contents of the GitHub project. You will need to do som editing of links and reorganization of static assets.
cp $CDICT_HOME/demo
gcloud app deploy
The example in static/highlighting.html demonstrates restricting highlighting of proper nouns only. The other words are clickable but not highlighted. This prevents the user being presented with a page filled with highlighted elements.
Build the whole Chinese Notes dictionary
cd $CDICT_HOME/build
node gen_dictionary.js $CNREADER_HOME/data/words.txt
node check_dictionary.js
cd $CDICT_HOME/demo
cp $CDICT_HOME/build/words.json $CDICT_HOME/demo/static/dist/words_all.json
npm start
The entire Chinese Notes / NTI Reader dictionary is large. It would be ideal to serve it compressed.