This package provides a wrapper around the gorilla/websocket package to simplify WebSocket client usage. It offers a more intuitive interface for managing WebSocket connections by leveraging channels for sending and receiving messages, as well as context for handling lifecycle and cancellation.
- Channel-based message handling for sending and receiving messages, providing a more intuitive and thread-safe interface
- Graceful shutdown and resource cleanup through context-based cancellation
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new WebSocket client
url := "wss://"
client := websocket.NewWebSocketClient(url)
// Monitor WebSocket client state changes and process incoming messages
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-client.Connected:
fmt.Println("WebSocket client connected successfully!")
case err := <-client.Disconnected:
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WebSocket client disconnected with error:", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("WebSocket client disconnected")
return // Exit the loop and terminate the Goroutine after disconnection
case msg := <-client.IncomingMessages:
switch msg.Type {
case websocket.TextMessage:
fmt.Println("Received text message:", string(msg.Data))
case websocket.BinaryMessage:
fmt.Println("Received binary message of length:", len(msg.Data))
case websocket.PingMessage:
fmt.Println("Received ping message")
case websocket.PongMessage:
fmt.Println("Received pong message")
// Send a message to the server
messageData := []byte("Hello WebSocket Server!")
client.SendMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageData)
// Keep the client running to receive messages
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Close the WebSocket connection