This module extends support for Emacs Lisp in Doom Emacs.
- Macro expansion
- Go-to-definitions or references functionality
- Syntax highlighting for defined and quoted symbols
- Replaces the built-in help with the more powerful doom-package:helpful
- Adds function example uses to documentation
- @hlissner
Become a maintainer?
This module has no flags.
- doom-package:buttercup
- doom-package:elisp-def
- doom-package:elisp-demos
- doom-package:flycheck-cask if doom-module::checkers syntax
- doom-package:flycheck-package if doom-module::checkers syntax
- doom-package:highlight-quoted
- doom-package:macrostep
- doom-package:overseer
- Symbols that are defined in the current session are highlighted with
. - Eldoc will display the values of variables next to its documentation.
was modified to display API demos for Doom’s standard library (in docs/ This module extends imenu support for Doom’s API (e.g.
) - Flycheck has been configured to tone down the false positives when you are editing your Emacs or Doom config.
This module does not have a changelog yet.
Enable this module in your doom!
This module’s sole dependency is Emacs. It’s very obscure, you wouldn’t know about it.
This module has no usage documentation yet. Write some?
By enabling doom-module::editor format, doom-package:apheleia will be used to format the current buffer.
Enable doom-module::editor format +onsave to format the buffer on save.
This module has no configuration documentation yet. Write some?
There are no known problems with this module. Report one?
This module has no FAQs yet. Ask one?
This module has no appendix yet. Write one?