python package for self-attention gan implemented as
extension of PyTorch nn.Module.
paper ->
Also includes generic layers for image based attention mechanism.
Includes a Full-Attention
layer as proposed by in another
project of mine here
This is a python package availbale at the
So, installation is fairly straightforward. This package depends on
a suitable GPU version of torch
and torch-vision
for your
architecture. So, please download suitable pytorch prior to installing
this package. Follow the instructions at to install your version of PyTorch.
Install with following commands:
$ workon [your virtual environment]
$ pip install attn-gan-pytorch
some celeba samples generated using this code for the fagan architecture:
Head over to the Fagan project repo for more info!
Also, this repo contains the code for using this package
to build the SAGAN
architecture as mentioned in the paper.
Please refer the samples/
directory for this.
Please feel free to open PRs here if you train on other datasets using this package. Suggestions / Issues / Contributions are most welcome.
Best regards,
@akanimax :)