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"rewards":"Hello! I am here to help you set up rewards in the parkour!\n\nFirst, open rewards.yml. You will see two sections: intervals and exceptions.\n\nIntervals will activate at an interval you specify. So if you set the interval to 10, it would activate every 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, etc jumps.\n\nExceptions are exceptions to intervals that will only activate on the score you specify. If you put the exception to 5, it will only activate once the player reaches 5 and no other time.\n\nFor more information, please read the docs on rewards: https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajparkour/configs/Rewards/",
"norewards": "Hello!\nIt's pretty easy to disable rewards in ajParkour.\nSee how to do it here: https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajParkour/configs/Rewards#no-rewards",
"wiki": "Hello! You can probably find the answer you are looking for on the wiki.\n\nYou can find the wiki here: https://wiki.ajg0702.us",
"board": "Hello!\n\nIt seems like you skipped the most important part of setting up ajLeaderboards.\nPlease read step 2 here: https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/setup/#2-required-add-the-placeholder-to-ajleaderboards",
"placeholders": "Hello!\n\nIt looks like you are using old placeholders for ajLeaderboards.\n\nYou can see the new placeholders here: https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/setup/placeholders",
"dontupdateperm": "Hello! You might not be appearing on the leaderboard because of the `dontupdate` permission.\nThis can happen if you are opped, or if you have the `*` permission in your permission plugin.\nSee the link below for possible fixes.\n\nMore info: https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/faq#admins-dont-show-up-on-the-leaderboard",
"onlineonly": "Hello! This question in the FAQ might be relavent to you:```Why does the leaderboard only show online players?```https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/faq#why-does-the-leaderboard-only-show-online-players",
"pingerdebug": "Hello! When you are having issues with ajqueue detecting incorrect server info (offline, incorrect player count, whitelisted status) there is a step you should complete that will help find the issue\nIn the config, change `pinger-debug` to `true`, then do `/ajq reload`.\nNow wait a minute or so, and then send your logs here (using a paste site such as <https://paste.ajg0702.us> ).",
"existingtop": "Hello!\nPlease read step 1 here: https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/setup/#1-required-figure-out-which-placeholder-to-use \nSpecifically the part that says ⚠️**Important**⚠️",
"latest": "Please don't just say latest!\nA common issue is that people think they are on the latest version, but they are actually outdated (sometimes extremly outdated)\n\nTo make sure, please send the actual version you are running.\nTo check the version of a plugin, you can use `/version <plugin>`",
"hdv3": "In newer version of HolographicDisplays (since 3.0.0 beta 2), they’ve changed the placeholder format to be non-standard. You either need to use their weird format, use an older version of HolographicDisplays (with HolographicExtension), or switch to another hologram plugin.\n\nIf you switch to another hologram plugin, I recommend DecentHolograms. It also has a [command to convert from HolographicDisplays](<https://wiki.decentholograms.eu/general/compatibility#holographicdisplays>)",
"h2": "Please upgrade to h2!\nh2 is like sqlite, but a __lot__ faster.\nTo switch to h2, first use `/ajlb export`. Then open `cache_storage.yml` and change `method` to `h2`. Then restart the server. Once you restart the server, do `/ajlb import`\n\nSee more details here: https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/moving-storage-methods",
"emptylb": "Hello! This question in the FAQ might be relevant to you:```Nobody shows up on the leaderboard (---)```https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/faq#nobody-shows-up-on-the-leaderboard----",
"statisticreset": "Hello!\nTo reset minecraft's statistics, you need to first shut down the server. Once it is shut down, open the `world` folder.\nIf you want to reset everyone's statistics, delete the `stats` folder.\nIf you only want to reset a certain person's stats, then open the stats folder and find their UUID, and delete that file.\nNow start the server, and all stats should be reset. If they are not, make sure you fully shut down the server before deleting the stats folder and try again.",
"spigotforward": "The last question on the FAQ might be helpful to you:```I set my server selector or npc to execute the queue command as the player, but it says unknown command!```<https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajQueue/faq#i-set-my-server-selector-or-npc-to-execute-the-queue-command-as-the-player-but-it-says-unknown-command>",
"returnitself": "If a placeholder returns itself, that usually means one of two things:\n1. The expansion for that placeholder is [not installed](<https://wiki.placeholderapi.com/users/using-placeholders/#downloadget-expansion>)\n2. You used the placeholder incorrectly (invalid format, missing arguments, etc)",
"ajlbsetup": "Hello!\nHere is a guide that tells you how to set up ajLeaderboards:\nhttps://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/setup/\nIf you don't like reading, there is also a tutorial video on the plugin page.",
"playersnotupdating": "Hello! This question on the FAQ might be relevant to you:```Players are not being updated!```https://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/faq#players-are-not-being-updated",
"reset": "Hello!\nTo reset data for an ajLeaderboards leaderboard, you need to first reset the data in the target placeholder.\nThe process for resetting data for each target placeholder is different, so its not possible for me to know every process. The one I can help you with is statistic. If you are wanting to reset a player's statistics, run the discord command `/statisticreset` here for more info.\n\nOnce you reset the data in the target placeholder, run `/ajlb reset <board>` to clear the ajLeaderboards cache for that board.\nOnce you do that, players will need to join to show on the leaderboard again, just like when you first set it up.",
"offline": "Hello!\nIf ajQueue is saying a server is offline when its not, and you are able to connect when going around ajQueue, then there are a few steps you can do.\nFirst, if you are on 1.16 or above, make sure that `enable-status` is set to `true` in the `server.properties` of the target server. This is the most common issue, so worth checking first.\nIf it is, check why ajQueue is marking the server as offline. Run the discord command `/pingerdebug` here for more info on how to do that.",
"sparkthreads": "Hello!\nSpark thread counts are a __total__ of all threads that have been used during the profile time, not the amount that are currently running.\najLeaderboards creates threads when it needs to, then deletes them after they go unused for a bit. Because of this, it could show a large number in spark.\nRest assured that ajLeaderboards will not go above the thread count set in the config.",
"playerposition": "Hello!\nYou can use the position placeholder to show the player's position on the leaderboard.\nEach player looking at this placeholder will see their own position on the leaderboard.\nhttps://wiki.ajg0702.us/ajLeaderboards/setup/placeholders#ajlb_position_%3Cboard%3E_%3Ctype%3E",
"moreinfo": "## Please provide more information!\n**What isn't working? In what way is it not working?**\nWhen requesting support, you need to give all of the information needed to help fix your issue.\nDo **not** just say 'it does not work' or 'its broken'. Instead, say exactly what is not working, and in what way it is not working. The more details you give, the easier it is to help you.\n\nAs a general guide, it is always good to **at least** provide the following info:\n* Which plugin you are asking about (e.g. ajLeaderboards, ajQueue, etc)\n* What (exactly) isn't working (e.g. \"Players are not showing up on the leaderboard\" or \"Players are being sent to the server instantly!\")\n* What you have tried to fix the issue already (e.g. \"negating the permission\" or \"making sure I am running the queue command\")\n* **Plenty of detail about the above pieces**. The exact commands or placeholders you tried should always be included. Sending your config might also be helpful.\n\nWe are here to help, but please try to not waste our time by making us ask basic clarifying questions.",
"ajqfull": "Hello!\nIf you are having issues with ajQueue trying to send players to a full server, the issue might be caused by a vanish plugin.\nVanish plugins will often decrease the player count response (that ajQueue uses) by the number of players that are vanished, even if the server is full. That means that if any players are vanished on the server when it is full, it will look like the server is not full even though it is.\n\nTo fix this, check the vanish plugin's config for an option to disable that feature.\nIn SuperVanish/PremiumVanish that option is called `AdjustAmountOfOnlinePlayers` (in `ExternalInvisibility.ServerList`)\nFor other plugins, you might need to go to their support if you cannot find it, or switch to a different vanish plugin.\n\nIf you do not have a vanish plugin on the target server, run the discord command `/pingerdebug` here for the next steps to solving the issue.",
"supportchannels": "Please use the support channels!\nThere are many tools in the support channels to help give you better and faster support, which is why aj will only give support in the official support channels.\n<#810277316298408007>",
"suggest": "Hello! If you have a suggestion, please add it to the plugin's feedbacky page. Before making a post, make sure to check if your idea has already been suggested, and if it has, upvote it so I know more people want it!\n\n ajParkour: <https://app.feedbacky.net/b/ajParkour>\n ajQueue: <https://app.feedbacky.net/b/ajQueue>\n ajLeaderboards: <https://app.feedbacky.net/b/ajLeaderboards>\n ajTNTRun: <https://app.feedbacky.net/b/ajtntrun>",
"prerelease": "Hello!\nTo get a prerelease for one of aj's plugins, you need to get them from either modrinth or polymart.\n\nTo get the link to modrinth or polymart, find the plugin on this page: https://about.ajg0702.us/tag/plugin then select either modrinth or polymart (spigot does not support prereleases)\n\nOnce you are on the modrinth or polymart page, make sure to get the prerelease from the versions or updates tab. If you download it from the main page, you will probably get the release version, which will probably not have the changes im asking you to try.\nPrereleases should have `-b` then a number at the end. For example: `2.0.0-b12`",
"waitaminute": "## Did you wait a minute?\nBy default, ajLeaderboards only updates once per minute (every 60 seconds).\nThis means that it might take up to a minute for any changes to show up on the leaderboard.\nIf a change you made did not work right away, try waiting 60 seconds.\n\nIf you want to change the update interval, you can using the first option in the config."