For debugging on networking issues there are two custom npm start scripts with appropriate settings.
Start a first client listening on the default port and using the default data directory with:
DEBUG=devp2p:* npm run client:start:dev1
DEBUG=devp2p:* npm run client:start:dev1 -- --datadir=datadir-dev1
Then take the enode address from the started client instance (use
for the IP address) and start a second client with:
DEBUG=devp2p:* npm run client:start:dev2 -- --bootnodes=enode://[DEV1_NODE_ID]@
This second client is using './datadir-dev2' for its data directory.
To connect Geth to a running EthereumJS instance start a client with:
DEBUG=devp2p:* npm run client:start:dev1
Then connect with your Geth instance via:
geth --maxpeers=1 --bootnodes=enode://[DEV1_NODE_ID]@
Start your Geth instance:
geth [--syncmode=full] [--verbosity=5]
Then connect with your EthereumJS instance via:
DEBUG=devp2p:* npm run client:start:dev2 -- --bootnodes=enode://[GETH_NODE_ID]@