- Projects for the dashboard tabs can be selected
what do they mean? do they want to add projects on the dashboard tabs now??
- event category for the tabs on the dashboard (Automatic display of the next event from this category)
what?? there are no events on the dashboard??
- Uploading documents for download via the dashboard
- Adding data sources for display
- Activating data sources for display & adjusting the tile logic (admin only)
what do they mean with 'tile logic' (kachellogik)?
- Adding data sources for display & adjust styling
what styling do they want to change?
- Activating data sources for display (admin only)
do they mean that anyone can add layers but the admin has to 'approve' it to be visible?
- Adding data sources for display
- Activating data sources for display & adjusting the tile structure (admin only)
what do they mean with 'tile structure' (kachelaufbaus)?
- fix footer
- Impressum: https://smart.guben.de/impressum
- Datenschutz: https://smart.guben.de/datenschutz
- Stadtlogo nach unten
in the footer?
- SC logo oben
- is the selection of topics correct? duplication in culture and social tab
Datensatze/Einzeleintrage -> all of this is unclear, no idea what they want to display or where and how
e.g. display of imported data from the TMB interface, the Guben website interface, WFS links of the geodata from the LK, BB ... ) with the option to create additional data sets (file upload or link)
Assigning the data records to a category (e.g. event categories) & option to create additional categories and assigning data records/individual entries to each (e.g. for projects)
Assigning “collections” & “data sets” per module (dashboard, map, events, projects) what do they mean here?
- WMS / WFS display & create links
- upload your own geodata
- Some GIS layers are not active
- Integrate the citizen information system interface!
?? this is already visible on the event page
- e.g. clubs complement projects
what does this even mean?
- Footer
- Texts: Display umlauts correctly & do styling
- Insert SC logo above
this is already there in the header?
- Insert photos - create uniformity, e.g. for traffic indicators
what? which photos? insert them where? what is Verkehrs Kennzahlen?
- display 3-4 tiles per category
in the events? in the projects? unclear
- Service-Portal Button nach Oben zu den “Modulen” : ja
- Adjust button colors (red)
- colored filters to be faster (e.g. highlighting events by category) - Intuitive use
do they mean the colors that we show when you select a category, also show it in the dropdown and on the cards?
- false or simulated data should be marked
- Display texts when the mouse hovers over the “modules” (map, events, projects, dashboard)
you mean the navigation items? this is already there
- Filter by locations/km (Guben, +10km, 15km, 20-50km)
- Show location on tile
already there
- Benutzerdefiniert (für Zeiten bspw. am xx.xx.xxxx)
- Styling vom Datum anpassen “Startdatum” - “Enddatum”
adjust styling to what??
- Insert events from the city (Bibo, city museum, etc.)
- kasia will provide excel
- Remove duplicate events (same name) ->
no, some events have the same name but on different dates, if there are any duplicate events, GUBEN should fix it, we just take their data
- LINK: TMB Eintragen von Veranstaltungen (How-to)
- Sortierung
what? need more options? want a default? need more info
- Above: Button to Consul & Industry Guide (including business hours / shopping hours?)
where do I find this data?
- Sort projects below by category (ST, NM, KU, WE, GK or categories of the Guben website?)
- Projects only from the city
we import whatever they give us, if they want a filter on the projects it will need to be more specific or they have to give only that data
- SV-App categories do not exist in this form
- Use TAGS?
- Projects only from the city
- Branchenführer als eigene Produktkachel - dort dann die Gewerbetreibende
Gesundheitskooperation einbinden? https://www.naemi-wilke-stift.de/krankenhaus/gesundheitskooperation/ ???
- what do we do when an event only has german translations and the user is asking for english, do we not show these, do we show the german translation? ->
fallback to german