From the former STOMP web site (at
The STOMP project is the Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol site (or the Protocol Briefly Known as TTMP and Represented by the symbol :ttmp). STOMP provides an interoperable wire format so that any of the available Stomp Clients can communicate with any STOMP Message Broker to provide easy and widespread messaging interop among languages, platforms and brokers.
The RPG client makes it possible to speak to messaging systems like ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Apollo, Artemis ... natively.
The protocol is listed at github.
STOMP is a frame based protocol, with frames modelled on HTTP. A frame consists of a command, a set of optional headers and an optional body. STOMP is text based but also allows for the transmission of binary messages.
A frame contains data for the Message Queuing Server (command and headers) but also the data for the receiver of the message (body).
The client API is divided into many smaller modules:
- STOMP (stomp) - main client module
- STOMPFRAME (stomp_frame) - building and working with frames
- STOMPPARSE (stomp_frame) - buiding a frame from its serialized state
- STOMPCMD (stomp_command) - executing Stomp commands
- STOMPEXT (stomp_ext) - proxy/interface for RPG Stomp extension modules
- STOMPEXTAQ (stomp_ext_activemq) - RPG Stomp extension module for ActiveMQ
- STOMPUTIL (stomp_util) - utility procedures
Using this Stomp client starts with the main module. A client has to be created with the stomp_create procedure which returns a handle which is used on every later call.
client = stomp_create('localhost' : 61216);
The socket to the client must be explicitly opened for communicating with the server.
The client not only needs a connection to the server on a network level but also on an application level. The server expects a CONNECT Stomp frame.
After successfully connecting to the server it accepts messages from this client.
stomp_command_send(client : '/topic/retailprice' : '{ "id":5500 , "oldprice":1.23 , "newprice":1.59 }');
If no more messages are sent or received the client needs to disconnect from the server.
The allocated resources must be freed after finishing the communication with the server.
This client uses Log4RPG as a logging facility. The program using the client API just needs to load a logging configuration and the log messages will be handled according to the logging configuration.
The following modules define these named loggers:
- STOMP - rpgnextgen.stomp
- STOMPFRAME - rpgnextgen.stomp.frame
- STOMPPARSE - rpgnextgen.stomp.parser
- STOMPCMD - rpgnextgen.stomp.command
- STOMPEXTAQ - rpgnextgen.stomp.ext.activemq
The logging is just optional. If no logging is configured the client will run just fine.
log4rpg.debug=off, printer
log4rpg.rootLogger=ERROR, file
log4rpg.logger.rpgnextgen.stomp=INFO, file
log4rpg.logger.rpgnextgen.stomp.parser=ERROR, file
log4rpg.logger.rpgnextgen.stomp.frame=WARN, file
log4rpg.appender.file.layout.conversionPattern=%z [%-5p] %L/%P(%M).%F (%S) %m%n
Some message queuing systems implement the Stomp protocol differently or extending the function set by adding new headers to the frames. There is an extension mechanism for tweaking the Stomp frames for these systems (STOMPEXT). The extension module must implement the stomp_ext interface. For each call on a procedure in the COMMAND module the corresponding procedure in the extension module will be called.
For telling the client which extension to use the procedure stomp_setExtension or stomp_setExtensionByName must be called.
stomp_setExtension(client : stomp_ext_activemq_create());
stomp_setExtensionByName(client : 'STOMPEXTAQ' : *null : 'stomp_ext_activemq_create');
This software package has the following dependencies:
For standard installation the setup script can be executed as is. This will
build the service program in the library OSSILE. If you want to build the
service program in any other library export the library name in the variable
like this
before executing the setup script.
As this service program relies on other libraries the place for the copybook needs to be stated. This is also be the place where the copybooks of the STOMP serviceprogram will be copied to.
export INCDIR=/usr/local/include/
The API documentation is be available at ILEDocs hosted at