This code was inspired by jsbattle, but it's a completely fresh codebase. I'd eventually like to make it into something bigger, but for now it's a school project I'm using to teach typescript.
git clone
cd tank-battle
npm i
npx serve
Navigate a browser to [http://localhost:3000/editor.html] and you should see a canvas, an output buffer, and a monaco editor with a splash of simple code in it. At the moment, there will be a rectangle moving in a small circle as well... that's going to be a tank someday.
Everying gets launched from editor.html
. The game uses matter-js
collision detection and basic physics (and rendering at the moment, but that
will change).
The game loop is driven by requestAnimationFrame
, and it's handled in game.ts
Tank logic happens in tank.ts
, and the management of scripts for the tank controls
is in script.ts
This is not safe to run as a real site where more than one
person may be interacting with it, because it uses eval
to run the tank code.
I'm working on using hardened JS, but I haven't quite
gotten that figured out yet. It doesn't seem to play nicely with typescript or
esbuild modules or something. If you know how to use it, I'd be grateful for
some pointers.