From 1c0f8ebbc20f1a14aa5edf34d31dbfffbcfa82d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Kvapil <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 09:50:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Revert kamaji edge-24.12.1

Signed-off-by: Andrei Kvapil <>
 .../system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.lock    |  6 +-
 .../system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.yaml    |  6 +-
 .../system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/     |  6 +-
 ...kamaji.clastix.io_tenantcontrolplanes.yaml | 71 +++----------------
 .../charts/kamaji/templates/controller.yaml   |  5 +-
 .../system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/values.yaml   |  2 +-
 .../system/kamaji/images/kamaji/Dockerfile    |  2 +-
 7 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.lock b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.lock
index 98e5e6479..de6049484 100644
--- a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.lock
+++ b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.lock
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 - name: kamaji-etcd
-  version: 0.8.1
-digest: sha256:381d8ef9619c2daeea37e40c6a9772ae3e5cee80887148879db04e887d5364ad
-generated: "2024-10-25T19:28:40.880766186+02:00"
+  version: 0.8.0
+digest: sha256:525b0eb2b5bae709d62de9328312d42c54b5219c6df67061de0da79eeca04fb3
+generated: "2024-08-25T08:44:24.92211307+02:00"
diff --git a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.yaml b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.yaml
index 1a84e3dbe..5519b8f6a 100644
--- a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.yaml
+++ b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/Chart.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 apiVersion: v2
-appVersion: v0.0.0
+appVersion: v1.0.0
 description: Kamaji is the Hosted Control Plane Manager for Kubernetes.
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ name: kamaji
 type: application
-version: 0.0.0
+version: 2.0.0
 - name: kamaji-etcd
-  version: ">=0.8.1"
+  version: ">=0.7.0"
   condition: kamaji-etcd.deploy
 annotations: partner
diff --git a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/ b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/
index 762213584..a98bb0e31 100644
--- a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/
+++ b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # kamaji
-![Version: 0.0.0]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: v0.0.0](
+![Version: 2.0.0]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: v1.0.0](
 Kamaji is the Hosted Control Plane Manager for Kubernetes.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Kubernetes: `>=1.21.0-0`
 | Repository | Name | Version |
-| | kamaji-etcd | >=0.8.1 |
+| | kamaji-etcd | >=0.7.0 |
 [Kamaji]( requires a [multi-tenant `etcd`]( cluster.
 This Helm Chart starting from v0.1.1 provides the installation of an internal `etcd` in order to streamline the local test. If you'd like to use an externally managed etcd instance, you can specify the overrides and by setting the value `etcd.deploy=false`.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Here the values you can override:
 | Key | Type | Default | Description |
 | affinity | object | `{}` | Kubernetes affinity rules to apply to Kamaji controller pods |
-| defaultDatastoreName | string | `"default"` | If specified, all the Kamaji instances with an unassigned DataStore will inherit this default value. |
+| defaultDatastoreName | string | `"default"` | Specify the default DataStore name for the Kamaji instance. |
 | extraArgs | list | `[]` | A list of extra arguments to add to the kamaji controller default ones |
 | fullnameOverride | string | `""` |  |
 | healthProbeBindAddress | string | `":8081"` | The address the probe endpoint binds to. (default ":8081") |
diff --git a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/crds/kamaji.clastix.io_tenantcontrolplanes.yaml b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/crds/kamaji.clastix.io_tenantcontrolplanes.yaml
index c1d38be77..cc2c141fd 100644
--- a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/crds/kamaji.clastix.io_tenantcontrolplanes.yaml
+++ b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/crds/kamaji.clastix.io_tenantcontrolplanes.yaml
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ spec:
               type: object
+              description: TenantControlPlaneSpec defines the desired state of TenantControlPlane.
                   description: Addons contain which addons are enabled
@@ -6412,23 +6413,10 @@ spec:
                   type: object
                   description: |-
-                    DataStore specifies the DataStore that should be used to store the Kubernetes data for the given Tenant Control Plane.
-                    When Kamaji runs with the default DataStore flag, all empty values will inherit the default value.
-                    By leaving it empty and running Kamaji with no default DataStore flag, it is possible to achieve automatic assignment to a specific DataStore object.
-                    Migration from one DataStore to another backed by the same Driver is possible. See:
-                    Migration from one DataStore to another backed by a different Driver is not supported.
-                  type: string
-                dataStoreSchema:
-                  description: |-
-                    DataStoreSchema allows to specify the name of the database (for relational DataStores) or the key prefix (for etcd). This
-                    value is optional and immutable. Note that Kamaji currently doesn't ensure that DataStoreSchema values are unique. It's up
-                    to the user to avoid clashes between different TenantControlPlanes. If not set upon creation, Kamaji will default the
-                    DataStoreSchema by concatenating the namespace and name of the TenantControlPlane.
+                    DataStore allows to specify a DataStore that should be used to store the Kubernetes data for the given Tenant Control Plane.
+                    This parameter is optional and acts as an override over the default one which is used by the Kamaji Operator.
+                    Migration from a different DataStore to another one is not yet supported and the reconciliation will be blocked.
                   type: string
-                  x-kubernetes-validations:
-                    - message: changing the dataStoreSchema is not supported
-                      rule: self == oldSelf
                   description: Kubernetes specification for tenant control plane
@@ -6551,47 +6539,15 @@ spec:
                         type: string
                       type: array
-                    clusterDomain:
-                      default: cluster.local
-                      description: The default domain name used for DNS resolution within the cluster.
-                      pattern: .*\..*
-                      type: string
-                      x-kubernetes-validations:
-                        - message: changing the cluster domain is not supported
-                          rule: self == oldSelf
-                      description: |-
-                        The DNS Service for internal resolution, it must match the Service CIDR.
-                        In case of an empty value, it is automatically computed according to the Service CIDR, e.g.:
-                        Service CIDR, the resulting DNS Service IP will be for IPv4,
-                        for IPv6 from the CIDR 2001:db8:abcd::/64 the resulting DNS Service IP will be 2001:db8:abcd::10.
-                      items:
-                        type: string
-                      type: array
-                    loadBalancerClass:
-                      description: |-
-                        Specify the LoadBalancer class in case of multiple load balancer implementations.
-                        Field supported only for Tenant Control Plane instances exposed using a LoadBalancer Service.
-                      minLength: 1
-                      type: string
-                      x-kubernetes-validations:
-                        - message: LoadBalancerClass is immutable
-                          rule: self == oldSelf
-                    loadBalancerSourceRanges:
-                      description: |-
-                        LoadBalancerSourceRanges restricts the IP ranges that can access
-                        the LoadBalancer type Service. This field defines a list of IP
-                        address ranges (in CIDR format) that are allowed to access the service.
-                        If left empty, the service will allow traffic from all IP ranges (
-                        This feature is useful for restricting access to API servers or services
-                        to specific networks for security purposes.
-                        Example: {"", ""}
+                      default:
+                        -
                         type: string
                       type: array
-                      description: 'CIDR for Kubernetes Pods: if empty, defaulted to'
+                      description: CIDR for Kubernetes Pods
                       type: string
                       default: 6443
@@ -6600,24 +6556,13 @@ spec:
                       type: integer
-                      description: 'CIDR for Kubernetes Services: if empty, defaulted to'
+                      description: Kubernetes Service
                       type: string
                   type: object
                 - controlPlane
                 - kubernetes
               type: object
-              x-kubernetes-validations:
-                - message: unsetting the dataStore is not supported
-                  rule: '!has(oldSelf.dataStore) || has(self.dataStore)'
-                - message: unsetting the dataStoreSchema is not supported
-                  rule: '!has(oldSelf.dataStoreSchema) || has(self.dataStoreSchema)'
-                - message: LoadBalancer source ranges are supported only with LoadBalancer service type
-                  rule: '!has(self.networkProfile.loadBalancerSourceRanges) || (size(self.networkProfile.loadBalancerSourceRanges) == 0 || self.controlPlane.service.serviceType == ''LoadBalancer'')'
-                - message: LoadBalancerClass is supported only with LoadBalancer service type
-                  rule: '!has(self.networkProfile.loadBalancerClass) || self.controlPlane.service.serviceType == ''LoadBalancer'''
-                - message: LoadBalancerClass cannot be set or unset at runtime
-                  rule: self.controlPlane.service.serviceType != 'LoadBalancer' || (oldSelf.controlPlane.service.serviceType != 'LoadBalancer' && self.controlPlane.service.serviceType == 'LoadBalancer') || has(self.networkProfile.loadBalancerClass) == has(oldSelf.networkProfile.loadBalancerClass)
               description: TenantControlPlaneStatus defines the observed state of TenantControlPlane.
diff --git a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/templates/controller.yaml b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/templates/controller.yaml
index 38d635dd3..d4ca6dc51 100644
--- a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/templates/controller.yaml
+++ b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/templates/controller.yaml
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ spec:
         - --leader-elect
         - --metrics-bind-address={{ .Values.metricsBindAddress }}
         - --tmp-directory={{ .Values.temporaryDirectoryPath }}
-        {{- if not (eq .Values.defaultDatastoreName "") }}
-        - --datastore={{ .Values.defaultDatastoreName }}
-        {{- end }}
+        {{- $datastoreName := .Values.defaultDatastoreName | required ".Values.defaultDatastoreName is required!" }}
+        - --datastore={{ $datastoreName }}
         {{- if .Values.telemetry.disabled }}
         - --disable-telemetry
         {{- end }}
diff --git a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/values.yaml b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/values.yaml
index 79dd254a7..21b529e0b 100644
--- a/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/values.yaml
+++ b/packages/system/kamaji/charts/kamaji/values.yaml
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ loggingDevel:
   # -- Development Mode defaults(encoder=consoleEncoder,logLevel=Debug,stackTraceLevel=Warn). Production Mode defaults(encoder=jsonEncoder,logLevel=Info,stackTraceLevel=Error) (default false)
   enable: false
-# -- If specified, all the Kamaji instances with an unassigned DataStore will inherit this default value.
+# -- Specify the default DataStore name for the Kamaji instance.
 defaultDatastoreName: default
diff --git a/packages/system/kamaji/images/kamaji/Dockerfile b/packages/system/kamaji/images/kamaji/Dockerfile
index 5824c9565..a5f2d2f52 100644
--- a/packages/system/kamaji/images/kamaji/Dockerfile
+++ b/packages/system/kamaji/images/kamaji/Dockerfile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Build the manager binary
 FROM golang:1.23 as builder
-ARG VERSION=edge-24.12.1
+ARG VERSION=edge-24.9.2
 WORKDIR /workspace