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DEV: Create no hail lfdr class (#237)
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FEAT: Implement function for manhattan plotting negative log p values
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NickEdwards7502 committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent 3356d9a commit 59f40bc
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204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions python/varspark/
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import regex as re
import pandas as pd
from varspark.stats.lfdr import *

class LocalFdrVs:
local_fdr: object
df_: object

def __init__(self, df):
Constructor class
:param df: Takes a pandas dataframe as argument with three columns: variant_id,
logImportance and splitCount.
self.df_ = df.sort_values('logImportance', ascending=True)

def from_imp_df(cls, df):
Alternative class instantiation from a pandas dataframe
:param cls: LocalFdrVs class
:param df: Pandas dataframe with columns locus, alleles, importance, and splitCount.
:return: Initialized class instance.
df = df[df['splitCount'] >= 1]
df = df.assign(logImportance=np.log(df.importance))
#df['variant_id'] = df.apply(
# lambda row: str(row['locus'][0]) + '_' + str(row['locus'][1]) + '_' + \
# str('_'.join(row['alleles'])), axis=1)
return cls(df[['variant_id', 'logImportance', 'splitCount']])

def find_split_count_th(self, cutoff_list=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20], quantile=0.75, bins=120):
Finds the ideal threshold for the splitCount. Ideal being the lowest differences between
the fitted skewed normal distribution vs the real data
:param cutoff_list: List of all values to be tried for the cutoff in the splitCount
:param quantile: Quantile to evaluate the distribution
:param bins: Number of bins for the distribution
:return: best splitCount threshold
best_split = [1, np.inf]

for split in cutoff_list:
# impDfWithLog = self.df_[self.df_.splitCount >= split]
impDfWithLog = self.df_[self.df_.splitCount >= split] # temp
impDfWithLog = impDfWithLog[['variant_id', 'logImportance']].set_index(

local_fdr = LocalFdr()
local_fdr.bins = bins

impDfWithLog = impDfWithLog + sys.float_info.epsilon
x, f_observed_y = local_fdr._observed_density(impDfWithLog)
f_y = local_fdr._fit_density(x, f_observed_y)

C = np.quantile(impDfWithLog, q=quantile)

initial_f0_params = local_fdr._estimate_skewnorm_params(x[x < C], f_observed_y[x < C],

res = skewnorm.pdf(x, a=initial_f0_params.a, loc=initial_f0_params.loc,
scale=initial_f0_params.scale) - f_observed_y
res = sum(res[x < C] ** 2)
if best_split[1] > res:
best_split[0] = split
best_split[1] = res

return best_split[0]

def plot_log_densities(self, ax, cutoff_list=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20], palette='Set1',
find_automatic_best=False, xLabel='log(importance)', yLabel='density'):
Plotting the log densities to visually identify the unimodal distributions.
:param ax: Matplotlib axis as a canvas for this plot.
:param cutoff_list: list of potential splitCount thresholds
:param find_automatic_best: The user may let the computer highlight the potential best option.
:param palette: Matplotlib color palette used for the plotting.
:param xLabel: Label on the x-axis of the plot.
:param yLabel: Label on the y-axis of the plot.
assert type(palette) == str, 'palette should be a string'
assert type(xLabel) == str, 'xLabel should be a string'
assert type(yLabel) == str, 'yLabel should be a string'

n_lines = len(cutoff_list)
colors = sns.mpl_palette(palette, n_lines)
df = self.df_
for i, c in zip(cutoff_list, colors):
sns.kdeplot(df.logImportance[df.splitCount >= i],
ax=ax, c=c, bw_adjust=0.5) # bw low show sharper distributions

if find_automatic_best:
potential_best = self.find_split_count_th(cutoff_list=cutoff_list)
sns.kdeplot(df.logImportance[df.splitCount >= potential_best],
ax=ax, c=colors[potential_best - 1], bw_adjust=0.5, lw=8, linestyle=':')
best_split = [str(x) if x != potential_best else str(x) + '*' for x in cutoff_list]
best_split = cutoff_list

ax.legend(title='Minimum split counts in distribution')
ax.legend(labels=best_split, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))

def plot_log_hist(self, ax, split_count, bins=120, xLabel='log(importance)', yLabel='count'):
Ploting the log histogram for the chosen split_count
:param ax: Matplotlib axis as a canvas for this plot.
:param split_count: Minimum split count threshold for the plot.
:param bins: Number of bins in the histogram
:param xLabel: Label on the x-axis of the plot.
:param yLabel: Label on the y-axis of the plot.

assert bins > 0, 'bins should be bigger than 0'
assert split_count > 0, 'split_count should be bigger than 0'
assert type(xLabel) == str, 'xLabel should be a string'
assert type(yLabel) == str, 'yLabel should be a string'

df = self.df_
sns.histplot(df.logImportance[df.splitCount >= split_count], ax=ax, bins=bins)

def plot(self, ax):

def compute_fdr(self, countThreshold=2, local_fdr_cutoff=0.05, bins=120):
Compute the FDR and p-values of the SNPs.
:param countThreshold: The split count threshold for the SNPs to be considered.
:param local_fdr_cutoff: Threshold of False positives over total of genes
:param bins: number of bins to which the log importances will be aggregated
:return: A tuple with a dataframe containing the SNPs and their p-values,
and the expected FDR for the significant genes.

assert countThreshold > 0, 'countThreshold should be bigger than 0'
assert 0 < local_fdr_cutoff < 1, 'local_fdr_cutoff threshold should be between 0 and 1'

self.local_fdr_cutoff = local_fdr_cutoff

impDfWithLog = self.df_[self.df_.splitCount >= countThreshold]
impDfWithLog = impDfWithLog[['variant_id', 'logImportance']].set_index(

self.local_fdr = LocalFdr(), bins)
pvals = self.local_fdr.get_pvalues()
fdr, mask = self.local_fdr.get_fdr(local_fdr_cutoff)
self.pvalsDF = impDfWithLog.reset_index().assign(pvalue=pvals, is_significant=mask)
return (

def plot_manhattan_imp(self, fdr=None, gap_size=None):
""" Displays manhattan plot of negative log importances for each feature, as well as significance cutoff.
Categorises features in respective chromosomes, ordered by locus.
:param gap_size: The size of gap between each chromosome.
Included as an adjustable parameter as this value scales with the total number of loci
pvals = self.pvalsDF
# Estimate appropriate size for gap between chromosomes based on number of loci to plot
gap_size = gap_size if gap_size is not None else int(np.ceil(pvals.shape[0]/80))
if fdr is None:
cutoff = self.local_fdr_cutoff
cutoff = fdr
def process_variant_id(variant_id):
""" Extracts chromosome, locus, and alleles from the variant_id field using regex
:param variant_id: Feature label
pattern = r'(\d+)_([\d]+)_([A-Z]*)_([A-Z]*)'

match = re.match(pattern, variant_id)

if match:
chrom =
locus =
alleles = [,]
return pd.Series([int(chrom), int(locus), alleles], index=['chrom', 'locus', 'alleles'])
return pd.Series([None, None, None], index=['chrom', 'locus', 'alleles'])

pvals[['chrom', 'locus', 'alleles']] = pvals['variant_id'].apply(process_variant_id)
pvals['-logp'] = -np.log10(pvals.pvalue)
sorted_pvals = pvals.sort_values(by=['chrom', 'locus'])
sorted_pvals.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
sorted_pvals['i'] = sorted_pvals.index
sorted_pvals['chrom'] = sorted_pvals['chrom'].astype('category')
sorted_pvals['chrom_idx'] = sorted_pvals['chrom']
sorted_pvals['x'] = sorted_pvals['chrom_idx'] * gap_size + sorted_pvals['i']
plot = sns.relplot(data=sorted_pvals, x='x', y='-logp', aspect=3.7,
hue='chrom', palette = 'bright', legend=None)
cutoff_logp = -np.log10(cutoff), color='black', linestyle='--')[1]+0.1, cutoff_logp, f"FDR Cutoff = {cutoff:.6f}")
plot.figure.suptitle('Manhattan plot of p values')
return sorted_pvals

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