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+# Guided creation of submodels via aspect models
+> **NOTE: The SAMM functionality and the corresponding extensions are in an experimental stage.**
+## Table of Contents
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+ - [Audience and Scope](#audience--scope)
+ - [Terminology](#terminology)
+ - [SAMM and ESMF](#samm--esmf)
+ - [Semantic Aspect Meta Model](#semantic-aspect-meta-model)
+ - [Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework](#eclipse-semantic-modeling-framework)
+ - [References for usage of SAMM and ESMF](#references)
+ - [Examples](#examples)
+- [AASX Package Explorer - Step by Step](#aasx-package-explorer-step-by-step)
+ - [Import Aspect Model](#import-aspect-model)
+ - [Creating a Submodel Instance](#creating-a-submodel-instance)
+ - [Export Aspect Model](#export-aspect-model)
+## Introduction
+### Audience and Scope
+The scope of the document is to explain how to create submodels based on an aspect model defined conformant to the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM).
+### Terminology
+> a domain-specific view on information and functionality associated with
+a specific [*Digital Twin*](#digital-twin) with a reference to a concrete [*Aspect Model*](#aspect-model).
+Note 1 to entry: An Aspect is a software service to retrieve the actual
+runtime data of a Digital Twin (current or aggregated) from a data
+source or to trigger operations. Thus, an aspect is built with an
+implementation that ensures that the exchanged data is compliant to the
+specification of the referenced Aspect Model via a defined
+Note 2 to entry: Aspects are registered (incl. their "API endpoint"
+information) with the Digital Twin to which they belong in the
+Digital Twin Registry.
+Note 3 to entry: an aspect corresponds to a [*Submodel*](#submodel) in the [*Asset Administration Shell*](#asset-administration-shell)
+*\[SOURCE: [Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF)]([https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/dt.esmf](https://eclipse-esmf.github.io/samm-specification/snapshot/index.html)), editorial changes and notes added \]*
+**Aspect Model**
+> a formal, machine-readable semantic description (expressed with
+RDF/turtle) of data accessible from an [*Aspect*](#aspect).
+Note 1 to entry: An Aspect Model must adhere to the Semantic Aspect Meta
+Model (SAMM), i.e., it utilizes elements and relations defined in the
+Semantic Aspect Meta Model and is compliant with the validity rules
+defined by the Semantic Aspect Meta Model.
+Note 2 to entry: Aspect models are logical data models which can be used
+to detail a conceptual model in order to describe the semantics of
+runtime data related to a concept. Further, elements of an Aspect model
+can/should refer to terms of a standardized Business Glossary (if
+Note 3 to entry: An Aspect Model describes the semantics of a [*Submodel*](#submodel).
+*\[SOURCE: [Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF)]([https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/dt.esmf](https://eclipse-esmf.github.io/samm-specification/snapshot/index.html)), editorial changes and notes added \]*
+**Asset Administration Shell**
+> standardized [*digital representation*](#digital-representation) of an asset
+Note 1 to entry: Asset Administration Shell and Administration Shell are
+used synonymously.
+*\[SOURCE: IEC 63278-1, note added\]*
+**Submodel Template**
+> guides the creation of a [*Submodel*](#submodel) conformant
+to the [*Aspect Model*](#aspect-model) and the [*Asset Administration Shell*](#asset-administration-shell).
+*\[SOURCE: IEC 63278-1, extracted from text plus correlation with aspect model added \]*
+**Digital Twin**
+> [*digital representation*](#digital-representation), sufficient to meet the requirements of a set of
+use cases
+Note 1 to entry: in this context, the entity in the definition of
+digital representation is typically an asset.
+*\[SOURCE: IIC Vocabulary IIC:IIVOC:V2.3:20201025, adapted (an asset,
+process, or system was changed to an asset)\]*
+**Digital representation**
+> information and services representing an entity from a given viewpoint
+EXAMPLE 1: examples of information are properties (e.g., maximum
+temperature), actual parameters (e.g., actual velocity), events (e.g.,
+notification of status change), schematics (electrical), and
+visualization information (2D and 3D drawings).
+EXAMPLE 2: examples of services are providing the history of the
+configuration data, providing the actual velocity, and providing a
+EXAMPLE 3: examples of viewpoints are mechanical, electrical, or
+commercial characteristics.
+*\[SOURCE: IEC 63278-1, editorial changes\]*
+> container of [*SubmodelElement*](#submodel-element)s defining a hierarchical structure
+consisting of SubmodelElements
+*\[SOURCE: IEC 63278-1\]*
+> elements in a [*Submodel*](#submodel)
+*\[SOURCE: IEC 63278-1\]*
+**Submodel template**
+> container of Submodel template elements defining a hierarchical
+structure consisting of Submodel template elements
+*\[SOURCE: IEC 63278-1, note removed\]*
+### SAMM and ESMF
+#### Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework
+The [Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM)](https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-semantic-aspect-meta-model) is specified as an open standard
+as integral part of the [Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF)](https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/dt.esmf).
+This part again is part of the Top-Level Project [Eclipse Digital
+Twin](ttps://projects.eclipse.org/projects/dt). The Eclipse Digital Twin Top-Level Project is a
+collaborative, open-source initiative at the Eclipse Foundation
+fostering the development of reference implementations for the
+activities driven by the [Industrial Digital Twin
+Association](https://industrialdigitaltwin.org) (IDTA).
+The core of the Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework is the development
+of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM). Besides the SAMM specifying
+the language to define the semantics of a submodel in an ["Aspect
+Model"](#aspect-model), the ESMF also includes an editor, SDKs in different programming
+languages, a command line tool for validation, generating documentation
+and different serializations and other functionality easing its usage
+and implementation in digital twin projects. Also, aasx generators for
+support of [Asset Administration Shell](#asset-administration-shell) are in scope.
+Aspect Models express a schema with a defined Resource Description
+Framework ([RDF](http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/)) vocabulary and are validated by a comprehensive
+set of rules in the Shapes Constraint Language ([SHACL](https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/)). Domain
+semantics are captured by a combination of structural elements,
+relations, namespaces and reified named concepts.
+The Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF) in combination with the
+specifications of and open-source solutions for the Asset Administration
+Shell accelerates the development of digital twin technologies and
+drives its adoption in ecosystems.
+#### Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM)
+The [Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM)](https://eclipse-esmf.github.io/samm-specification/2.1.0/index.html) provides a set of predefined
+objects that allow a domain expert to define aspect models and
+![Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM) 2.0.0](src/ESMF_aspect-meta-model.png "Predefined SAMM Objects for Aspect Model Definition - Version 2.0.0")
+The complete specification and further information about its
+implementation and requirements can be accessed via the [Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF)]([https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/dt.esmf](https://eclipse-esmf.github.io/samm-specification/snapshot/index.html)).
+Every aspect model in
+ that has
+status "released" or "standardized" MUST be conformant to the
+Semantic Aspect Meta Model.
+Every new aspect model MUST be conformant to the version of the Semantic
+Aspect Meta Model as noted in the [normative reference](#normative-references) [SAMM](#SAMM).
+#### References for usage of SAMM and ESMF
+Semantic Models conformant to the Semantic Aspect Model Metamodel are defined and standardized in [Catena-X]{https://catena-x.net/en/}. These semantic models are available via the CC-BY-4.0 license in github:
+#### Examples
+An extract from a corresponding machine-readable specification of the
+aspect model conformant to the Semantic Aspect Meta Model could look
+like this:
+:Movement a samm:Aspect ;
+ samm:preferredName "movement"@en ;
+ samm:description "Aspect for movement information"@en ;
+ samm:properties ( :isMoving :position :speed :speedLimitWarning ) ;
+ samm:operations ( ) ;
+ samm:events ( ) .
+:isMoving a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "is moving"@en ;
+ samm:description "Flag indicating whether the asset is currently moving"@en ;
+ samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean .
+The [Movement.ttl](https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-aspect-model-editor/blob/main/core/apps/ame/src/assets/aspect-models/org.eclipse.examples/1.0.0/Movement.ttl) example in the "src/examples" folder is taken from the [Aspect Model Editor 5.0.0](https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-aspect-model-editor).
+For more examples of aspect models conformant to the Semantic Aspect
+Meta Model see
+## AASX Package Explorer - Step by Step
+### Import Aspect Model
+For importing an existing aspect model use "File/Import .../Import SAMM aspect into ConceptDescriptions ...".
+Note: you should start with a new environment via "File/New ..." and switch to edit mode with"Workspace/Edit".
+![Import Aspect Model](src/aasx-package-explorer_import-SAMM-into-CD.png "Import aspect model to concept descriptions")
+After Import all elements of the aspect models are represented as concept description with their unqiue ID.
+![Imported Aspect Model](src/aasx_package_explorer_SAMM_CDs.png "Example: Imported elements of an aspect model")
+The coloring and nmaing of the different types of concept descriptions is aligend with the ESMF Aspect Model Editor.
+![Aspect Model Editor](src/ESMF_AspectModelEditor.png "Coloring and naming of SAMM elements")
+There are different views on the concept description supported by the AASX Package Explorer. For seeing the structure choose "Dynmaic Order" "structured":
+![Dynamic Order](src/aasx-package-explorer_DynamicOrder.png "Dynamic Order of Concept Descriptions")
+Please note that in the structured view elements that are used in several SAMM property elements etc. are contained several times. However, in the model they only exist once.
+![Dynamic Order Structured](src/aasx-package-explorer_DynamicOrder_Structured.png "Example for Dynamic Order: Structured")
+### Creating a Submodel Instance
+It is possible to create a submodel based on an aspect model. Use "Workspace/Create .../New Submodel from SMT/SAMM Concept Description"
+![Create Submodel from SAMM Concept Description](src/aasx_package_explorer_CreateSMT-SAMM.png "Create Submodel from SAMM Concept Description")
+A list of all available concept description that can guide the creation of a submodel are shown. In this example there is only one concept description of kind "SAMM" that can be selected.
+The newly created submodel will have the ID of the selected semantic model as value of its semanticId
+![Select Submodel Template or SAMM aspect model to create a submodel ](src/aasx_package_explorer_Select-SMT-SAMM-concepts.png "Select Submodel Template or SAMM aspect model to create a submodel")
+After selecting a submodel either all elements can be created at once including all optional elements ("Create root and all childs") or only the root ("Create root"). In the latter case the additional elements will be added one by one in a guided way. Only mandatory elements will be added at once.
+![semantic ID of submodel ](src/aasx_package_explorer_semanticId-submodel.png "Semantic ID of submodel")
+In the following we show the way when selecting the root only.
+![Create root of submodel guided by aspect model ](src/aasx-package-explorer_guidedSM-bySAMM.png "Select Submodel Template or SAMM aspect model to create a submodel")
+In the next step an Administration Shell should be created that references the newly created Submodel. Otherwise it is not visible in the AASX Package Explorer which elements will be added to the created Submodel in the next steps.
+![Reference existing submodel ](src/aasx-package-explorer_ReferenceExistingSubmodel.png "Reference existing submodel")
+After referencing the submodel that was created in the previous step the submodel is visible with its mandatory elements of the first level. There still might be mandatory elements on deeper levels.
+![After referencing existing submodel ](src/aasx_package_explorer_AfterReferencingExistingSM.png "After referencing existing submodel")
+In a next step new elements can be added in a guided way by choosing SubmodelElement -> "Add SMT guided ...". In our example this is only relevant for the SubmodelElementCollection "position". Properies are atomic and no sub-elements can be added.
+![Add new elements guided by SMT](src/aasx-package-explorer_AddSMTGuided.png "Add new elements guided by SMT")
+The list of all allowed elements conformant to the aspect model/SMT selected in the previous step is shown. The "Card." shows whether the element is optional ("[0..1]") or mandatory ("[1]"). The "Type" column shows which kind of SubmodelElement will be created. In the example "latitude" will be mapped to a SubmodelElement "Property.
+Multi-Select is supported. It is strongley recommended to add all mandatory fields. The columns "Present" shows whether an element is already present ("1") (in this case do not add it twice) or not ("-").
+Note: The aasx package explorer does not hinder to add fields several time or add additional properties not available in the aspect model. Validation will show whether the created submodel is valid and conformant to the semantic model selected.
+![Select elements to be added to Submodel from list of allowed elements](src/aasx_package_explorer_AddSMEguidedBySMT.png "elect elements to be added to Submodel from list of allowed elements")
+After selecting the elements (in our example only the mandatory fields were selected) they are created. As value the example value from the aspect model is inserted.
+![Exmample values](src/aasx_package_explorer_AddSMEguidedBySMT_position.png "Example Values")
+ ### Export Aspect Model
+For exporting an aspect model from a choosen concept description use the "File/Export .../Export SAMM aspect model by selected CD". Before calling the export function you must select an concept description of type "samm-aspect".
+![Export SAMM aspect model](src/aasx_package_explorer_SAMM_export.png "Export SAMM aspect model")
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+@prefix samm: .
+@prefix samm-c: .
+@prefix samm-e: .
+@prefix unit: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix : .
+:Movement a samm:Aspect ;
+ samm:preferredName "movement"@en ;
+ samm:description "Aspect for movement information"@en ;
+ samm:properties ( :isMoving :position :speed :speedLimitWarning ) ;
+ samm:operations ( ) ;
+ samm:events ( ) .
+:isMoving a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "is moving"@en ;
+ samm:description "Flag indicating whether the asset is currently moving"@en ;
+ samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean .
+:position a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "position"@en ;
+ samm:description "Indicates a position"@en ;
+ samm:characteristic :SpatialPositionCharacteristic .
+:speed a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "speed"@en ;
+ samm:description "speed of vehicle"@en ;
+ samm:characteristic :Speed .
+:speedLimitWarning a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "speed limit warning"@en ;
+ samm:description "Indicates if the speed limit is adhered to."@en ;
+ samm:characteristic :TrafficLight .
+:SpatialPositionCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;
+ samm:preferredName "spatial position characteristic"@en ;
+ samm:description "Represents a single position in space with optional z coordinate."@en ;
+ samm:dataType :SpatialPosition .
+:Speed a samm-c:Measurement ;
+ samm:preferredName "speed"@en ;
+ samm:description "Scalar representation of speed of an object in kilometers per hour."@en ;
+ samm:dataType xsd:float ;
+ samm-c:unit unit:kilometrePerHour .
+:TrafficLight a samm-c:Enumeration ;
+ samm:preferredName "warning level"@en ;
+ samm:description "Represents if speed of position change is within specification (green), within tolerance (yellow), or outside specification (red)."@en ;
+ samm:dataType xsd:string ;
+ samm-c:values ( "green" "yellow" "red" ) .
+:SpatialPosition a samm:Entity ;
+ samm:preferredName "spatial position"@en ;
+ samm:description "Represents latitude, longitude and altitude information in the WGS84 geodetic reference datum"@en ;
+ samm:see ;
+ samm:properties ( :latitude :longitude [ samm:property :altitude; samm:optional true ] ) .
+:latitude a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "latitude"@en ;
+ samm:description "latitude coordinate in space (WGS84)"@en ;
+ samm:see ;
+ samm:characteristic :Coordinate ;
+ samm:exampleValue "9.1781"^^xsd:decimal .
+:longitude a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "longitude"@en ;
+ samm:description "longitude coordinate in space (WGS84)"@en ;
+ samm:see ;
+ samm:characteristic :Coordinate ;
+ samm:exampleValue "48.80835"^^xsd:decimal .
+:altitude a samm:Property ;
+ samm:preferredName "altitude"@en ;
+ samm:description "Elevation above sea level zero"@en ;
+ samm:see ;
+ samm:characteristic :MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel ;
+ samm:exampleValue "153"^^xsd:float .
+:Coordinate a samm-c:Measurement ;
+ samm:preferredName "coordinate"@en ;
+ samm:description "Representing the geographical coordinate"@en ;
+ samm:dataType xsd:decimal ;
+ samm-c:unit unit:degreeUnitOfAngle .
+:MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel a samm-c:Measurement ;
+ samm:preferredName "metres above mean sea level"@en ;
+ samm:description "Signifies the vertical distance in reference to a historic mean sea level as a vertical datum"@en ;
+ samm:see ;
+ samm:dataType xsd:float ;
+ samm-c:unit unit:metre .
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