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48 lines (38 loc) · 2.15 KB

File metadata and controls

48 lines (38 loc) · 2.15 KB

∴ quark.nvim

Sure he hasn't got much of a bark And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.

Fuzzy pickers to open files, switch buffers and execute ex-commands. Minimal configuration; tiny hackable source code. Ce n'est pas un télescope.

This NeoVim plugin, written in Lua, offers just three commands to (1) open files from a directory, (2) switch between open buffers and (3) open files from recent history (see :help shada-file). There is also an optional function which can be used to find and execute ex-commands. Recommended configuration:

-- Requires fzf: <>
-- You might need to load that URL using your NeoVim package manager.
-- The test suite contains some example setups for a few package managers.
quark = require("quark").setup{
    -- Requires ripgrep: <>
    fzf = { default_command = "rg --files --hidden --no-messages" }
if quark ~= nil then
    vim.keymap.set("n", ";", quark.fuzzy_cmd, { desc = "Search for (and execute) ex-commands" })
    -- Optional mappings for quick fuzzy-picker launching.
    vim.keymap.set("n", [[<Leader>b]], [[<Cmd>QuarkSwitch<Cr>]], { desc = "Launch buffer switcher" })
    vim.keymap.set("n", [[<Leader>f]], [[<Cmd>QuarkFind<Cr>]], { desc = "Launch file browser" })
    vim.keymap.set("n", [[<Leader>r]], [[<Cmd>QuarkRecent<Cr>]], { desc = "Launch recent file browser" })

Pickers don't list the currently open buffer. I only have Win11 and Linux to test, so it might be broken on MacOS. Patches welcome.

Supported fuzzy-finder backends:

Install the plugin using your preferred plugin manager. Alternatively, NeoVim can load packages if they are added to your 'packpath'.

Available commands and options are described in :help quark.

Please send patches/queries to my public inbox. CI status of the dev branch: status