First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 👍
- Create a new issue
- Describe the problem and steps to reproduce it
- Suggest a fix if you can but this is not mandatory
If you have a good idea how to improve the code without changing the actual outcome of the processing, you can directly create a pull request (PR). Examples of these kinds of changes are, for example, better
- implementations of the helper functions
- docstrings, type hints, variable names etc.
- unit tests
Try to keep your pull requests small. This will increase the chance to be accepted.
Changes that would alter the actual outcome of the processing need to be carefully reviewed and tested before accepting. Examples include, for example, modifications in the
- methodology (e.g. replacing the wet bulb method with a newer version)
- threshold values used in different functions / methods
- constant values
Also, for these kinds of proposals, you can open a new issue where the idea can be discussed before (possible) implementation.