The environments and experiments built using CoRL are designed to be highly configurable. There are several relevant configuration files used to define a full task environment and RL experiment. All configuration files use the YAML file format.
The agent configuration file defines the platform parts, rewards, dones, and glues used by an agent in an RL experiment. The agent configuration file contains two top level fields:
"agent": "corl.agents.base_agent.TrainableBaseAgent"
"config": {
: agent class of type BaseAgentconfig
: agent configuration parameters (see below)
The agent config parameters define the agent platform used in the RL experiment. Available configuration parameters include:
: list of platform part entries- Each part entry includes the part's name (
) and optional initialization parameters (config
) - Initialization parameters are unique to the platform part's implementation
# Example "parts": [ {"part": "Controller_Thrust", "config": { "name": "X Thrust", "axis": 0, "properties": {"name": "x_thrust"} } }, {"part": "Sensor_Position"}, {"part": "Sensor_Velocity"} ]
- Each part entry includes the part's name (
: object which provides agent initialization parameters during an experimenttype
: class of type EpisodeParameterProviderconfig
: implementation specific initialization parameters for the parameter provider
# Example "episode_parameter_provider": { "type": "corl.episode_parameter_providers.simple.SimpleParameterProvider" },
: keyword arguments and values passed to the simulator used during the experiment whenever the simulator is reset. These values are simulator-specific, so refer to your simulator documentation to see what values are expected.# Example "simulator_reset_parameters": { "x": 100, "y": 100, "z": 100, "xdot": 0, "ydot": 0, "zdot": 0, },
: list of glue entries- Glues connect an agent platform to a RL training framework by providing an endpoint for observations and actions.
- A glue may transform and send data from a platform part to a training framework as an observation. The full set of glues which provide observations over all agents in the environment defines the environment's observation space.
- A glue may transform and send data from a training framework to a platform part as an action. The full set of glues which provide actions over all agents in the environment defines the environment's action space.
# Example "glues": [ { "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.dones.common_dones.TimeoutDoneFunction", "config": { ... }, }, { "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.dones.docking_dones.MaxDistanceDoneFunction", "config": { ... }, }, { "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.glues.normal.normal_observe_glue.NormalObserveSensorGlue", "config": { ... }, }, ]
Glue entries have two top level fields:
: a class of type BaseAgentGlueconfig
: a set of glue-specific configuration arguments
# Example "functor": "corl.glues.common.controller_glue.ControllerGlue", "config": { "controller": "X Thrust", "training_export_behavior": "EXCLUDE", "normalization": { "enabled": False, } }
: list of done functions- Done functions provide the terminal conditions for an agent during an episode in an experiment.
# Example "dones": [ { "functor": "corl.glues.common.controller_glue.ControllerGlue", "config": { ... }, }, { "functor": "corl.glues.common.controller_glue.ControllerGlue", "config": { ... }, }, { "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.rewards.docking_rewards.DockingDeltaVReward", "config": { ... }, }, ]
Done function entries have two top level fields:
: a class of type DoneFuncBaseconfig
: a set of function-specific configuration arguments
# Example "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.dones.docking_dones.CrashDockingDoneFunction", "config":{ "docking_region_radius": 0.5, "velocity_threshold": 0.2, "threshold_distance": 0.5, "mean_motion": 0.001027, "lower_bound": False, },
: list of reward functions-
Reward functions provide the agent rewards at each step during an episode in an experiment.
# Example "rewards": [ { "name": "DockingDistanceExponentialChangeReward", "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.rewards.docking_rewards.DockingDistanceExponentialChangeReward", "config": { ... }, }, { "name": "DockingDeltaVReward", "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.rewards.docking_rewards.DockingDeltaVReward", "config": { ... }, }, { "name": "DockingSuccessReward", "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.rewards.docking_rewards.DockingSuccessReward", "config": { ... }, }, ]
Reward function entries have three top level fields:
: a name for the reward functionfunctor
: a class of type DoneFuncBaseconfig
: a set of function-specific configuration arguments
# Example "name": "DockingDeltaVReward", "functor": "safe_autonomy_sims.core.rewards.docking_rewards.DockingDeltaVReward", "config": { "scale": -0.01, "bias": 0.0, "mass": 12.0 }
The environment configuration file details environment level configuration options. These include configuring the environment simulator, defining the available platform types, specifying paths for various plugins, and defining and environment-level episode parameter provider.
: the simulator used to process a single step in the environment and update the state of all objects in the environment during an episode.type
: the registered name of a class of type BaseSimulatorconfig
: a simulator-specific set of keyword arguments and values passed to the simulator during initialization
# Example "simulator": { "type": "CWHSimulator", "config": { "step_size": 1 }, },
: list of registered platform types available in this environment# Example "platforms": "CWHSimulator_Platforms",
: list of module or package paths in which the plugin library should search for CoRL compatible plugins (platforms, platform parts, CoRL simulators)# Example "plugin_paths": ["safe_autonomy_sims.core.platforms", "safe_autonomy_sims.core.simulators"],
: object which provides environment initialization parameters during an experimenttype
: class of type EpisodeParameterProviderconfig
: implementation specific initialization parameters for the parameter provider
# Example "episode_parameter_provider": { "type": "corl.episode_parameter_providers.simple.SimpleParameterProvider" },
The platforms configuration file allows you to specify which registered platform types you are using in your experiment. Incompatible or unspecified platform types will not be allowed, preventing use of inappropriate platforms with inappropriate simulators, parts, etc.
: name of allowed platform type# Example { name: CWH }
The policy configuration file allows you to define a custom policy or override parameters for a provided policy in your training framework. This file contains a YAML dictionary of policy specific configuration options. This dictionary can be left blank if the policy default parameters are used.
The task configuration file defines the experiment class you wish to use and overrides any default training parameters of your chosen training framework.
: a class of type BaseExperiment- The experiment class interfaces with your chosen training framework and defines how training is handled.
: experiment class specific configuration parameters# Example using Ray RLLib and Tune, assumes framework specific configuration files `ray.yml`, `tune.yml`, and `rllib.yml` exist in the context: experiment_class: corl.experiments.rllib_experiment.RllibExperiment config: rllib_config_updates: &rllib_config_updates # No overrides for ray as there are no changes ray_config_updates: &ray_config_updates local_mode: False # Change the default path for saving out the data env_config_updates: &env_config_updates TrialName: DOCKING output_path: /tmp/safe_autonomy_sims/ # Change the default path for saving out the data tune_config_updates: &tune_config_updates local_dir: /tmp/safe_autonomy_sims/ray_results/ #################################################################### # Setup the actual keys used by the code # Note that items are patched from the update section ################################################################### rllib_configs: default: [!include rllib.yml, *rllib_config_updates] local: [!include rllib.yml, *rllib_config_updates] ray_config: [!include ray.yml, *ray_config_updates] env_config: [!include ../../environments/docking.yml, *env_config_updates] # Environment configuration file tune_config: [!include tune.yml, *tune_config_updates]