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GeoMesa Tools


GeoMesa Tools is a set of command line tools to add feature management functions, query planning and explanation, ingest, and export abilities from the command line.


To begin using the command line tools, first build the full GeoMesa project from the GeoMesa source directory with

mvn clean install

You can also make the build process significantly faster by adding -DskipTests. This will create a file called geomesa-tools-{version}-bin.tar.gz in the geomesa-tools/target directory. Untar this file with

tar xvfz geomesa-tools/target/geomesa-tools-${version}-bin.tar.gz

Next, cd into the newly created directory with

cd geomesa-tools-${version}

GeoMesa Tools relies on a GEOMESA_HOME environment variable. Running

source bin/geomesa configure

with the source shell function will set this for you, add $GEOMESA_HOME/bin to your PATH, and set your new environment variables in your current shell session. Now you should be able to use GeoMesa from any directory on your computer.

Note: The tools will read the ACCUMULO_HOME and HADOOP_HOME environment variables to load the appropriate JAR files for Hadoop, Accumulo, Zookeeper, and Thrift. If possible, we recommend installing the tools on the Accumulo master server, as you may also need various configuration files from Hadoop/Accumulo in order to run certain commands. Use the geomesa classpath command in order to see what JARs are being used.

If you are running the tools on a system without Accumulo installed and configured, the script in the bin directory may be used to download the needed Hadoop/Accumulo JARs into the lib directory. You should edit this script to match the versions used by your installation.

To test, cd to a different directory and run:


This should print out the following usage text:

$ geomesa
Usage: geomesa [command] [command options]
    create              Create a feature definition in a GeoMesa catalog
    deletecatalog       Delete a GeoMesa catalog completely (and all features in it)
    deletefeatures      Delete features from a table in GeoMesa. Does not delete any tables or schema information.
    deleteraster        Delete a GeoMesa Raster Table
    describe            Describe the attributes of a given feature in GeoMesa
    env                 Examine the current GeoMesa environment
    explain             Explain how a GeoMesa query will be executed
    export              Export a GeoMesa feature
    genavroschema       Generate an Avro schema from a SimpleFeatureType
    getsft              Get the SimpleFeatureType of a feature
    help                Show help
    ingest              Ingest/convert various file formats into GeoMesa
    ingestraster        Ingest a raster file or raster files in a directory into GeoMesa
    keywords            Add/Remove/List keywords on an existing schema
    list                List GeoMesa features for a given catalog
    queryrasterstats    Export queries and statistics about the last X number of queries to a CSV file.
    removeschema        Remove a schema and associated features from a GeoMesa catalog
    stats-analyze       Analyze statistics on a GeoMesa feature type
    stats-bounds        View or calculate bounds on attributes in a GeoMesa feature type
    stats-count         Estimate or calculate feature counts in a GeoMesa feature type
    stats-histogram     View or calculate counts of attribute in a GeoMesa feature type, grouped by sorted values
    stats-top-k         Enumerate the most frequent values in a GeoMesa feature type
    tableconf           Perform table configuration operations
    version             GeoMesa Version

This usage text lists the available commands. To see help for an individual command run geomesa help <command-name> which for example will give you something like this:

$ geomesa help list
List GeoMesa features for a given catalog
Usage: list [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

The Accumulo username and password is required for each command. Specify the username and password in each command by using -u or --username and -p or --password, respectively. One can also only specify the username on the command line using -u or --username and type the password in an additional prompt, where the password will be hidden from the shell history.

In all commands below, one can add --instance-name, --zookeepers, --auths, and --visibilities (or in short form -i, -z) arguments to properly configure the Accumulo data store connector. The Accumulo instance name and Zookeepers string can usually be automatically assigned as long as Accumulo is configured correctly. The Auths and Visibilities strings will have to be added as arguments to each command, if needed.

Installing SFT and Converter Definitions

Starting with version 1.2.3 GeoMesa Tools ships with embedded SimpleFeatureType and GeoMesa Converter definitions for common data types including Twitter, GeoNames, T-drive, and many more. Users can add additional types by providing a reference.conf file embedded with a jar within the lib/common directory or by registering the reference.conf file in the $GEOMESA_HOME/conf/sfts directory.

For example, to add a type named customtype, create a directory named $GEOMESA_HOME/conf/sfts/customtype and then add the SFT and Conveter typesafe config to the a file named $GEOMESA_HOME/conf/sfts/customtype/reference.conf. This file will be automatically picked up and placed on the classpath when the tools are run.

Downloading Common Datasets

GeoMesa ships with a script that will download common datasets and place them in a $GEOMESA_HOME/data/<datatype> directory. For example, to download gdelt data run:

> $GEOMESA_HOME/bin/ gdelt
Enter a date in the form YYYYMMDD: 20150101
Saving to: “/tmp/geomesa-tools-1.2.3-SNAPSHOT/data/gdelt/”

> unzip -P data/gdelt/ data/gdelt/ 
Archive:  data/gdelt/
  inflating: 20150101.export.CSV     

> geomesa ingest -u root -p <password> -c catalog -s gdelt -C gdelt $GEOMESA_HOME/data/gdelt/20150101.export.CSV

###Enabling Shape File Support Due to licensing restrictions, a necessary dependency (jai-core) for shape file support must be manually installed:


This library can be downloaded from your local nexus repo or

To install, copy the jai_core.jar and jai_codec.jar into $GEOMESA_HOME/lib/

Optionally there is a script bundled as $GEOMESA_HOME/bin/ that will attempt to wget and install the jai libraries.

Enabling Raster Ingest

Due to licensing restrictions, a number of necessary dependencies required for raster ingest must be manually installed:


To install, you can either locate the JAR files or run the following included script which will attempt to wget and install the JARs.


###Logging configuration GeoMesa tools comes bundled by default with an slf4j implementation that is installed to the $GEOMESA_HOME/lib directory named slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar If you already have an slf4j implementation installed on your Java Classpath you may see errors at runtime and will have to exclude one of the JARs. This can be done by simply renaming the bundled slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar file to slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar.exclude

Note that if no slf4j implementation is installed you will see this error:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

Command Explanations and Usage


To create a new feature on a specified catalog table, use the create command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help create
  Create a feature definition in a GeoMesa catalog
  Usage: create [options]
         Accumulo authorizations
    * -c, --catalog
         Catalog table name for GeoMesa
         DateTime field name to use as the default dtg
    * -f, --feature-name
         Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
      -i, --instance
         Accumulo instance name
         Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
         Default: false
      -p, --password
         Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
      -s, --spec
         SimpleFeatureType specification as a GeoTools spec string, SFT config, or
         file with either
         Use shared tables in Accumulo for feature storage (true/false)
         Default: true
    * -u, --user
         Accumulo user name
         Accumulo scan visibilities
      -z, --zookeepers
         Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

geomesa create -u username -p password -c test_create -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -f testing -s fid:String:index=true,dtg:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326 --dtg dtg


To remove a feature type and it's associated data from a catalog table, use the removeschema command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help removeschema
Remove a schema and associated features from a GeoMesa catalog
Usage: removeschema [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
    -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
       Force deletion without prompt
       Default: false
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
       Regular expression to select items to delete
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

####Example: geomesa removeschema -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c test_catalog -f testfeature1 geomesa removeschema -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c test_catalog --pattern 'testfeatures\d+'


Use the stats-analyze command to update the statistics associated with your data. This can improve query planning.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help stats-analyze
Analyze statistics on a GeoMesa feature type
Usage: stats-analyze [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)


$ geomesa stats-analyze -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c -f twitter
Running stat analysis for feature type twitter...
Stats analyzed:
  Total features: 8852601
  Bounds for geom: [ -171.75, -45.5903996, 157.7302, 89.99997102 ] cardinality: 2119237
  Bounds for dtg: [ '2016-02-01T00:09:12.000Z' to '2016-03-01T00:21:02.000Z' ] cardinality: 2161132
  Bounds for user_id: [ '100000215' to '99999502' ] cardinality: 861283
Use 'stats-histogram' or 'stats-count' commands for more details


Use the stats-bounds command to view the bounds of your data for different attributes.


$ geomesa help stats-bounds
View or calculate bounds on attributes in a GeoMesa feature type
Usage: stats-bounds [options]
    -a, --attributes
       Attributes to evaluate (use multiple flags or separate with commas)
       Default: []
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
    -q, --cql
       CQL predicate
       Calculate against the data set instead of using cached statistics (may be slow)
       Default: false
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)


$ geomesa stats-bounds -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c -f twitter
  user_id [ 100000215 to 99999502 ] cardinality: 861283
  user_name [ unavailable ]
  text [ unavailable ]
  dtg [ 2016-02-01T00:09:12.000Z to 2016-03-01T00:21:02.000Z ] cardinality: 2161132
  geom [ -171.75, -45.5903996, 157.7302, 89.99997102 ] cardinality: 2119237

$ geomesa stats-bounds -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c -f twitter \
    --exact -q 'BBOX(geom,-70,45,-60,55) AND dtg DURING 2016-02-02T00:00:00.000Z/2016-02-03T00:00:00.000Z'
  Running stat query...
    user_id [ 1011811424 to 99124417 ] cardinality: 115
    user_name [ bar_user to foo_user ] cardinality: 113
    text [ bar to foo ] cardinality: 180
    dtg [ 2016-02-02T00:01:07.000Z to 2016-02-02T23:59:41.000Z ] cardinality: 178
    geom [ -69.87212338, 45.01259299, -60.08925, 53.8868369 ] cardinality: 155


Use the stats-count command to count features in your data set.


$ geomesa help stats-count
  Estimate or calculate feature counts in a GeoMesa feature type
  Usage: stats-count [options]
         Accumulo authorizations
    * -c, --catalog
         Catalog table name for GeoMesa
      -q, --cql
         CQL predicate
         Calculate against the data set instead of using cached statistics (may be slow)
         Default: false
    * -f, --feature-name
         Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
      -i, --instance
         Accumulo instance name
         Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
         Default: false
      -p, --password
         Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
    * -u, --user
         Accumulo user name
         Accumulo scan visibilities
      -z, --zookeepers
         Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)


$ geomesa stats-count -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c -f twitter
  Estimated count: 8852601

$ geomesa stats-count -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c -f twitter \
    -q 'BBOX(geom,-70,45,-60,55) AND dtg DURING 2016-02-02T00:00:00.000Z/2016-02-03T00:00:00.000Z'
  Estimated count: 2681

$ geomesa stats-count -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c -f twitter \
    --exact -q 'BBOX(geom,-70,45,-60,55) AND dtg DURING 2016-02-02T00:00:00.000Z/2016-02-03T00:00:00.000Z'
  Running stat query...
  Count: 182



$ geomesa help stats-top-k
  Enumerate the most frequent values in a GeoMesa feature type
  Usage: stats-top-k [options]
      -a, --attributes
         Attributes to evaluate (use multiple flags or separate with commas)
         Default: []
         Accumulo authorizations
    * -c, --catalog
         Catalog table name for GeoMesa
         Number of top values to show
      -q, --cql
         CQL predicate
    * -f, --feature-name
         Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
      -i, --instance
         Accumulo instance name
         Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
         Default: false
      -p, --password
         Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
    * -u, --user
         Accumulo user name
         Accumulo scan visibilities
      -z, --zookeepers
         Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)


$ geomesa stats-top-k -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c \
    -f twitter -a user_id --no-cache
  Running stat query...
  Top values for 'user_id':
    3144822634 (26383)
    388009236 (20457)
    497145453 (19514)
    563319506 (15848)
    2841269945 (15716)


Use the stats-histogram command to view the values of different attributes, grouped into sorted bins. If you query a histogram for a geometry attribute, the result will be displayed in an ASCII heatmap.


$ geomesa help stats-histogram
  View or calculate counts of attribute in a GeoMesa feature type, grouped by sorted values
  Usage: stats-histogram [options]
      -a, --attributes
         Attributes to evaluate (use multiple flags or separate with commas)
         Default: []
         Accumulo authorizations
      -b, --bins
         How many bins the data will be divided into. For example, if you are
         examining a week of data, you may want to divide the date into 7 bins, one per day.
    * -c, --catalog
         Catalog table name for GeoMesa
      -q, --cql
         CQL predicate
         Calculate against the data set instead of using cached statistics (may be slow)
         Default: false
    * -f, --feature-name
         Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
      -i, --instance
         Accumulo instance name
         Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
         Default: false
      -p, --password
         Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
    * -u, --user
         Accumulo user name
         Accumulo scan visibilities
      -z, --zookeepers
         Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)


$ geomesa stats-histogram -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c \
    -f twitter -a dtg --bins 10
  Binned histogram for 'dtg':
    [ 2016-02-01T00:09:12.000Z to 2016-02-03T21:46:23.000Z ] 798968
    [ 2016-02-03T21:46:23.000Z to 2016-02-06T19:23:34.000Z ] 868019
    [ 2016-02-06T19:23:34.000Z to 2016-02-09T17:00:45.000Z ] 861720
    [ 2016-02-09T17:00:45.000Z to 2016-02-12T14:37:56.000Z ] 833473
    [ 2016-02-12T14:37:56.000Z to 2016-02-15T12:15:07.000Z ] 990292
    [ 2016-02-15T12:15:07.000Z to 2016-02-18T09:52:18.000Z ] 842434
    [ 2016-02-18T09:52:18.000Z to 2016-02-21T07:29:29.000Z ] 968936
    [ 2016-02-21T07:29:29.000Z to 2016-02-24T05:06:40.000Z ] 862808
    [ 2016-02-24T05:06:40.000Z to 2016-02-27T02:43:51.000Z ] 869208
    [ 2016-02-27T02:43:51.000Z to 2016-03-01T00:21:02.000Z ] 956743

$ geomesa stats-histogram -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c \
    -f twitter -a dtg --bins 10 --exact
  Running stat query...
  Binned histogram for 'dtg':
    [ 2016-02-01T00:09:12.000Z to 2016-02-03T21:46:23.000Z ] 805620
    [ 2016-02-03T21:46:23.000Z to 2016-02-06T19:23:34.000Z ] 869361
    [ 2016-02-06T19:23:34.000Z to 2016-02-09T17:00:45.000Z ] 859868
    [ 2016-02-09T17:00:45.000Z to 2016-02-12T14:37:56.000Z ] 832458
    [ 2016-02-12T14:37:56.000Z to 2016-02-15T12:15:07.000Z ] 986829
    [ 2016-02-15T12:15:07.000Z to 2016-02-18T09:52:18.000Z ] 841580
    [ 2016-02-18T09:52:18.000Z to 2016-02-21T07:29:29.000Z ] 970460
    [ 2016-02-21T07:29:29.000Z to 2016-02-24T05:06:40.000Z ] 863484
    [ 2016-02-24T05:06:40.000Z to 2016-02-27T02:43:51.000Z ] 871742
    [ 2016-02-27T02:43:51.000Z to 2016-03-01T00:21:02.000Z ] 951199


To delete a specific raster table use the deleteraster command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help deleteraster
  Delete a GeoMesa Raster Table
  Usage: deleteraster [options]
         Accumulo authorizations
      -f, --force
         Force deletion of feature without prompt
         Default: false
      -i, --instance
         Accumulo instance name
         Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
         Default: false
      -p, --password
         Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
    * -t, --raster-table
         Accumulo table for storing raster data
    * -u, --user
         Accumulo user name
         Accumulo scan visibilities
      -z, --zookeepers
         Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

####Example: geomesa deleteraster -u username -p password -t somerastertable -f


To delete a GeoMesa catalog completely (and all features in it) use the deletecatalog command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help deletecatalog
Delete a GeoMesa catalog completely (and all features in it)
Usage: deletecatalog [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
       Force deletion without prompt
       Default: false
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

####Example: geomesa deletecatalog -u username -p password -i instance -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -c test_catalog


To delete features from a table in GeoMesa. Does not delete any tables or schema information.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help deletefeatures
Delete features from a table in GeoMesa. Does not delete any tables or schema information.
Usage: deletefeatures [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
    -q, --cql
       CQL predicate
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)


To describe the attributes of a feature on a specified catalog table, use the describe command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help describe
Describe the attributes of a given feature in GeoMesa
Usage: describe [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

geomesa describe -u username -p password -c test_delete -f testing


Prints out simple feature types and simple feature converters that are available on the current classpath. Available types can be used for ingestion - see the ingest command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help env
Examine the current GeoMesa environment
Usage: env [options]
    -c, --converters
       Examine GeoMesa converters
    -s, --sfts
       Examine simple feature types

Example command:

geomesa env


To ask GeoMesa how it intends to satisfy a given query, use the explain command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help explain
Explain how a GeoMesa query will be executed
Usage: explain [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
  * -q, --cql
       CQL predicate
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

geomesa explain -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -q "INTERSECTS(geom, POLYGON ((41 28, 42 28, 42 29, 41 29, 41 28)))"


To export features, use the export command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help export
Export a GeoMesa feature
Usage: export [options]
    -a, --attributes
       Attributes from feature to export (comma-separated)...Comma-separated
       expressions with each in the format attribute[=filter_function_expression]|derived-attribute=filter_function_expression.
       filter_function_expression is an expression of filter function applied to attributes, literals and
       filter functions, i.e. can be nested
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
    -q, --cql
       CQL predicate
       name of the date attribute to export
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -F, --format
       Format to export (csv|tsv|gml|json|shp|bin)
       Default: csv
       level of gzip compression to apply to output, from 1-9
       name of the id attribute to export
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       name of the attribute to use as a bin file label
       name of the latitude attribute to export
       name of the longitude attribute to export
    -m, --max-features
       Maximum number of features to return. default: Long.MaxValue
       Default: 2147483647
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -o, --output
       name of the file to output to instead of std out
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

attribute expressions Attribute expressions are comma-separated expressions with each in the format


filter_function_expression is an expression of filter function applied to attributes, literals and filter functions, i.e. can be nested

Example commands:

geomesa export -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -a "geom,text,user_name" --format csv -q "include" -m 100
geomesa export -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -a "geom,text,user_name" --format gml -q "user_name='JohnSmith'"
geomesa export -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -a "user_name,buf=buffer(geom\, 2)" \
    --format csv -q "[[ user_name like `John%' ] AND [ bbox(geom, 22.1371589, 44.386463, 40.228581, 52.379581, 'EPSG:4326') ]]"


Gets an existing simple feature type as an encoded string.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help getsft
Get the SimpleFeatureType of a feature
Usage: getsft [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
       Render in concise format
       Default: false
       Exclude user data
       Default: false
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
       Formats for sft (comma separated string, allowed values are typesafe,
       Default: typesafe
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

geomesa getsft -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -i instance


Ingests various file formats into GeoMesa using the GeoMesa Converter Framework. Converters are specified in HOCON format ( GeoMesa defines several common converter factories for formats such as delimited text (TSV, CSV), fixed width files, JSON, XML, and Avro. New converter factories (e.g. for custom binary formats) can be registered on the classpath using Java SPI. Shapefile ingest is also supported. Files can be either local or in HDFS. You cannot mix target files (e.g. local and HDFS).

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help ingest
Ingest/convert various file formats into GeoMesa
Usage: ingest [options] <file>...
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
    -C, --converter
       GeoMesa converter specification as a config string or name of an
       available converter
    -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -F, --format
       indicate non-converter ingest (shp)
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
    -s, --spec
       SimpleFeatureType specification as a GeoTools spec, SFT config, or name
       of an available type
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Defining Converters and SFTs

Converters and SFTs are specified in HOCON format ( and loaded using TypeSafe config. They can be referenced by name using the -s and -C args.

To define new converters for the users can package a reference.conf file inside a JAR and drop it in the $GEOMESA_HOME/lib directory or add config definitions to the $GEOMESA_TOOLS/conf/application.conf file which includes some examples. SFT and Converter specifications should use the path prefixes geomesa.converters.<convertername> and geomesa.sfts.<typename>

Ingest with Converters and SFTs specified by name

For example...Here's a simple CSV file to ingest:

$ cat example1.csv
23623,Harry,20,2015-05-06,"Will, Mark, Suzan",-100.236523,23
26236,Hermione,25,2015-06-07,"Edward, Bill, Harry",40.232,-53.2356
3233,Severus,30,2015-10-23,"Tom, Riddle, Voldemort",3,-62.23

A SimpleFeatureType named renegades and a converter named renegades-csv can be placed in the application.conf:

# cat $GEOMESA_HOME/conf/application.conf
geomesa {
  sfts {
    renegades = {
      attributes = [
        { name = "id",       type = "Integer",      index = false                             }
        { name = "name",     type = "String",       index = true                              }
        { name = "age",      type = "Integer",      index = false                             }
        { name = "lastseen", type = "Date",         index = true                              }
        { name = "friends",  type = "List[String]", index = true                              }
        { name = "geom",     type = "Point",        index = true, srid = 4326, default = true }
  converters {
    renegades-csv = {
      type   = "delimited-text"
      format = "CSV"
      options {
        skip-lines = 1 // skip the header
      id-field = "toString($id)"
      fields = [
        { name = "id",       transform = "$1::int"                 }
        { name = "name",     transform = "$2::string"              }
        { name = "age",      transform = "$3::int"                 }
        { name = "lastseen", transform = "date('YYYY-MM-dd', $4)"  }
        { name = "friends",  transform = "parseList('string', $5)" }
        { name = "lon",      transform = "$6::double"              }
        { name = "lat",      transform = "$7::double"              }
        { name = "geom",     transform = "point($lon, $lat)"       }

The csv file can then be ingested by referencing the SFT and Converter by name:

# ingest command
geomesa ingest -u username -p password -c geomesa_catalog -i instance -s renegades -C renegades-csv hdfs:///some/hdfs/path/to/example.csv
Providing SFT and Converter configs as arguments

SFT and Converter configs can also be provided as strings or filenames to the -s and -C arguments. The syntax is very similar to the application.conf and reference.conf format. Config specifications must be nested using the paths geomesa.converters.<convertername> and geomesa.sfts.<typename> as shown below:

# A nested SFT config provided as a string or file to the -s argument specifying
# a type named "renegades"
# cat /tmp/renegades.sft
geomesa.sfts.renegades = {
  attributes = [
    { name = "id",       type = "Integer",      index = false                             }
    { name = "name",     type = "String",       index = true                              }
    { name = "age",      type = "Integer",      index = false                             }
    { name = "lastseen", type = "Date",         index = true                              }
    { name = "friends",  type = "List[String]", index = true                              }
    { name = "geom",     type = "Point",        index = true, srid = 4326, default = true }

Similarly, converter configurations must be nested when passing them directly to the -C argument:

# a nested converter definition
# cat /tmp/renegades.convert    
geomesa.converters.renegades-csv = {
  type   = "delimited-text"
  format = "CSV"
  options {
    skip-lines = 0 // don't skip lines in distributed ingest
  id-field = "toString($id)"
  fields = [
    { name = "id",       transform = "$1::int"                 }
    { name = "name",     transform = "$2::string"              }
    { name = "age",      transform = "$3::int"                 }
    { name = "lastseen", transform = "date('YYYY-MM-dd', $4)"  }
    { name = "friends",  transform = "parseList('string', $5)" }
    { name = "lon",      transform = "$6::double"              }
    { name = "lat",      transform = "$7::double"              }
    { name = "geom",     transform = "point($lon, $lat)"       }

Using the SFT and Converter config files we can then ingest our csv file with this command:

# ingest command
geomesa ingest -u username -p password -c geomesa_catalog -i instance -s /tmp/renegades.sft -C /tmp/renegades.convert hdfs:///some/hdfs/path/to/example.csv
More info on Converters

For more documentation on converter configuration, check out the geomesa-convert README

Ingest a shape file

geomesa ingest -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f shapeFileFeatureName /some/path/to/file.shp

Enabling S3 Ingest

Hadoop ships with an implementation of a S3 filesystems that can be enabled in the Hadoop configuration used with GeoMesa Tools. GeoMesa Tools can perform ingest using both the second-generation (s3n) and third-generation (s3a) filesystems. Edit the $HADOOP_CONF_DIR/core-site.xml file in your Hadoop installation, as shown below. These instructions apply to Hadoop 2.5.0 and higher. Note that you must have the environment variable HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME set properly in your environment. Some configurations can substitute HADOOP_PREFIX in the classpath values below.

Warning: AWS credentials are valuable. They pay for services and control read and write protection for data. If you are running GeoMesa on AWS EC2 instances, it is recommended to use s3a. With s3a, you can omit the Access Key Id and Secret Access keys from core-site.xml and rely on IAM roles.

<!-- core-site.xml -->
    <description>The classpath specifically for mapreduce jobs. This override is needed so that s3 URLs work on hadoop 2.6.0+</description>

<!-- OMIT these keys if running on AWS EC2; use IAM roles instead -->
    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>
    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>
    <description>Valueable credential - do not commit to CM</description>

After you have enabled S3 in your Hadoop configuration you can ingest with GeoMesa tools. Note that you can still use the Kleene star (*) with S3.

geomesa ingest -u username -p password -c geomesa_catalog -i instance -s yourspec -C convert s3a://bucket/path/file* 
<!-- core-site.xml -->
<!-- Note that you need to make sure HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME is set or some other way of getting this on the classpath -->
    <description>The classpath specifically for mapreduce jobs. This override is needed so that s3 URLs work on hadoop 2.6.0+</description>
    <description>Tell hadoop which class to use to access s3 URLs. This change became necessary in hadoop 2.6.0</description>
    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>

    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>

S3n paths are prefixed in hadoop with s3n:// as shown below:

geomesa ingest -u username -p password -c geomesa_catalog -i instance -s yourspec -C convert s3n://bucket/path/file s3n://bucket/path/*


To ingest one or multiple raster image files into Geomesa, use the ingestraster command. Input files, Geotiff or DTED, are located on local file system. If chunking (only works for single file) is specified by option -ck, input file is cut into chunks by size in kilobytes (option -cs or --chunk-size) and chunks are ingested. Ingestion is done in local or distributed mode (by option -m or --mode, default is local). In local mode, files are ingested directly from local host into Accumulo tables. In distributed mode, raster files are serialized and stored in a HDFS directory from where they are ingested.

Note: Make sure GDAL is installed when doing chunking that depends on GDAL utility gdal_translate.

Note: It assumes input raster files have CRS set to EPSG:4326. For non-EPSG:4326 files, they need to be converted into EPSG:4326 raster files before ingestion. An example of doing conversion with GDAL utility is gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 input_file out_file.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help ingestraster
Ingest a raster file or raster files in a directory into GeoMesa
Usage: ingestraster [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -f, --file
       Single raster file or directory of raster files to be ingested
    -F, --format
       Format of incoming raster data (geotiff | DTED) to override file
       extension recognition
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -P, --parallel-level
       Maximum number of local threads for ingesting multiple raster files
       (default to 1)
       Default: 1
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
       Threads for querying raster data
  * -t, --raster-table
       Accumulo table for storing raster data
    -T, --timestamp
       Ingestion time (default to current time)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
       Memory allocation for ingestion operation
       Threads for writing raster data
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example commands:

geomesa ingestraster -u username -p password -t geomesa_raster -f /some/local/path/to/raster.tif


To list the features on a specified catalog table, use the list command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help list
List GeoMesa features for a given catalog
Usage: list [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

geomesa list -u username -p password -c test_catalog


To add, remove, or list all the keywords on a specified catalog table, use the keywords command

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$geomesa help keywords
Add/Remove/List keywords on an existing schema
Usage: keywords [options]
    -a, --add
       A keyword to add. Can be specified multiple times
       Accumulo authorizations
  * -c, --catalog
       Catalog table name for GeoMesa
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
    -l, --list
       List all keywords on the schema
       Default: false
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
    -r, --remove
       A keyword to remove. Can be specified multiple times
       Remove all keywords on the schema
       Default: false
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

geomesa keywords -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f feature_name -i instance \
-a keywordA -a keywordB=foo,bar -r keywordC -l


Export queries and statistics logged for raster tables by using the querystats command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help queryrasterstats
Export queries and statistics about the last X number of queries to a CSV file.
Usage: querystats [options]
       Accumulo authorizations
    -i, --instance
       Accumulo instance name
       Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
       Default: false
    -n, --number-of-records
       Number of query records to export from Accumulo
       Default: 1000
    -o, --output
       Name of the file to output to
    -p, --password
       Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
  * -t, --raster-table
       Accumulo table for storing raster data
  * -u, --user
       Accumulo user name
       Accumulo scan visibilities
    -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

geomesa queryrasterstats -u username -p password -t somerastertable -num 10


Generate an Avro schema from a SimpleFeatureType

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help genavroschema
Convert SimpleFeatureTypes to Avro schemas
Usage: genavroschema [options]
    -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
  * -s, --spec
       SimpleFeatureType specification as a GeoTools spec string, SFT config, or
       file with either

Example commands:

# Convert an SFT loaded from config
geomesa genavroschema -s example-csv

# convert an SFT passed in as an argument
geomesa genavroschema -s "name:String,dtg:Date,geom:Point" -f myfeature


To list, describe, and update the configuration parameters on a specified table, use the tableconf command.

Usage (required options denoted with star):

$ geomesa help tableconf
Perform table configuration operations
Usage: tableconf [options] [command] [command options]
    list      List the configuration parameters for a geomesa table
      Usage: list [options]
             Accumulo authorizations
        * -c, --catalog
             Catalog table name for GeoMesa
        * -f, --feature-name
             Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
          -i, --instance
             Accumulo instance name
             Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
             Default: false
          -p, --password
             Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
        * -t, --table-suffix
             Table suffix to operate on (attr_idx, st_idx, or records)
        * -u, --user
             Accumulo user name
             Accumulo scan visibilities
          -z, --zookeepers
             Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

    describe      Describe a given configuration parameter for a table
      Usage: describe [options]
             Accumulo authorizations
        * -c, --catalog
             Catalog table name for GeoMesa
        * -f, --feature-name
             Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
          -i, --instance
             Accumulo instance name
             Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
             Default: false
        * -P, --param
             Accumulo table configuration param name (e.g. table.bloom.enabled)
          -p, --password
             Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
        * -t, --table-suffix
             Table suffix to operate on (attr_idx, st_idx, or records)
        * -u, --user
             Accumulo user name
             Accumulo scan visibilities
          -z, --zookeepers
             Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

    update      Update a given table configuration parameter
      Usage: update [options]
             Accumulo authorizations
        * -c, --catalog
             Catalog table name for GeoMesa
        * -f, --feature-name
             Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
          -i, --instance
             Accumulo instance name
             Run everything with a mock accumulo instance instead of a real one
             Default: false
        * -n, --new-value
             New value of the property
        * -P, --param
             Accumulo table configuration param name (e.g. table.bloom.enabled)
          -p, --password
             Accumulo password (will prompt if not supplied)
        * -t, --table-suffix
             Table suffix to operate on (attr_idx, st_idx, or records)
        * -u, --user
             Accumulo user name
             Accumulo scan visibilities
          -z, --zookeepers
             Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example commands:

geomesa tableconf list -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -t st_idx
geomesa tableconf describe -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -t attr_idx --param table.bloom.enabled
geomesa tableconf update -u username -p password -c test_catalog -f test_feature -t records --param table.bloom.enabled -n true


Prints out the version, git branch, and commit ID that the tools were built with.


$geomesa help version
GeoMesa Version
Usage: version

Example commands:

geomesa version

GeoMesa Kafka Command Line Tools

GeoMesa also comes with Kafka command line tools. The tools use kafka 0.8 jars by default, so when using kafka 0.9 you will need to make the following replacements in the lib/kafka directory:

geomesa-kafka-datastore-<version>.jar   replace with     geomesa-kafka-09-datastore-<version>.jar
kafka_2.11-                  replace with     kafka_2.11-
kafka-clients-               replace with     kafka-clients-
zkclient-0.3.jar                        replace with     zkclient-0.7.jar

You can run the tools with:


This should print out the following usage text:

$ geomesa-kafka
Usage: geomesa-kafka [command] [command options]
    create          Create a feature definition in GeoMesa
    describe        Describe the attributes of a given feature in GeoMesa
    help            Show help
    list            List GeoMesa features for a given zkPath
    listen          Listen to a GeoMesa Kafka topic
    removeschema    Remove a schema and associated features from GeoMesa
    version         GeoMesa Version


Used to create a feature type SimpleFeatureType at the specified zkpath.


$ geomesa-kafka help create
Create a feature definition in GeoMesa
Usage: create [options]
  * -b, --brokers
       Brokers (host:port, comma separated)
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
       Number of partitions for the Kafka topic
       Replication factor for Kafka topic
  * -s, --spec
       SimpleFeatureType specification as a GeoTools spec string, SFT config, or
       file with either
  * -p, --zkpath
       Zookeeper path where feature schemas are saved
  * -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

$ geomesa-kafka create -f testfeature \
  -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 \
  -b broker1:9092,broker2:9092 \
  -s fid:String:index=true,dtg:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326 \
  -p /geomesa/ds/kafka


Display details about the attributes of a specified feature type.


$ geomesa-kafka help describe
Describe the attributes of a given feature in GeoMesa
Usage: describe [options]
  * -b, --brokers
       Brokers (host:port, comma separated)
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
  * -p, --zkpath
       Zookeeper path where feature schemas are saved
  * -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

$ geomesa-kafka describe -f testfeature -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -b broker1:9092,broker2:9092 -p /geomesa/ds/kafka


List all known feature types in Kafka. If no zkpath parameter is specified, the list command will search all of zookeeper for potential feature types.


$ geomesa-kafka help list
List GeoMesa features for a given zkPath
Usage: list [options]
  * -b, --brokers
       Brokers (host:port, comma separated)
    -p, --zkpath
       Zookeeper path where feature schemas are saved
  * -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

$ geomesa-kafka list -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -b broker1:9092,broker2:9092


Logs out the messages written to a topic corresponding to the passed in feature type.


$ geomesa-kafka help listen
Listen to a GeoMesa Kafka topic
Usage: listen [options]
  * -b, --brokers
       Brokers (host:port, comma separated)
  * -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
       Consume from the beginning or end of the topic
       Default: false
  * -p, --zkpath
       Zookeeper path where feature schemas are saved
  * -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

$ geomesa-kafka listen -f testfeature \
  -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 \
  -b broker1:9092,broker2:9092 \
  -p /geomesa/ds/kafka \


Used to remove a feature type SimpleFeatureType in a GeoMesa catalog. This will also delete any feature of that type in the data store.


$ geomesa-kafka help removeschema
Remove a schema and associated features from GeoMesa
Usage: removeschema [options]
  * -b, --brokers
       Brokers (host:port, comma separated)
    -f, --feature-name
       Simple Feature Type name on which to operate
       Force deletion without prompt
       Default: false
       Regular expression to select items to delete
  * -p, --zkpath
       Zookeeper path where feature schemas are saved
  * -z, --zookeepers
       Zookeepers (host[:port], comma separated)

Example command:

$ geomesa-kafka removeschema -f testfeature \
  -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 \
  -b broker1:9092,broker2:9092 \
  -p /geomesa/ds/kafka
$ geomesa-kafka removeschema --pattern 'testfeature\d+' \
  -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 \
  -b broker1:9092,broker2:9092 \
  -p /geomesa/ds/kafka


Prints out the version, git branch, and commit ID that the tools were built with.


$ geomesa-kafka help version
GeoMesa Version
Usage: version [options]

Example command:

$ geomesa-kafka version