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Releases: accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3

Release 21.03.1

27 Mar 14:06
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Release 21.03.1

  • hook script post_push has been improved
    • environment variable PROHIBIT_README_PUBLISHING can be used to prevent the publishing of readme file to Docker Hub deployment repositories
    • useful for testing on Docker Hub or by building from non-default branches

Release 21.03

08 Mar 17:51
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Release 21.03

  • Chromium and Firefox web browsers are image features now

    • they are controlled by the following variables in the hook script env.rc:
    • Dockerfiles Dockerfile.xfce, Dockerfile.xfce.chromium, Dockerfile.xfce.firefox have been merged into the file Dockerfile.xfce
  • Both the application user name and the sudo password can be set independently from the VNC password now (in build-time)

    • build argument ARG_HEADLESS_USER_NAME sets the application user name and also the home directory name
    • build argument ARG_SUDO_PW sets the default application user's password, which is also the default sudo password
  • Container startup scripts have been updated

    • startup scripts have been moved into docker/src/xfce-startup
    • script has been improved
      • file permissions are not set to 777 any more
      • different permissions are assigned in images built with the feature FEATURES_USER_GROUP_OVERRIDE (fugo tags)
    • script user_generator.rc has been improved
      • supports renaming the application user (build argument ARG_HEADLESS_USER_NAME)
    • script vnc_startup.rc has been improved
      • supports overriding VNC/noVNC parameters in run-time
    • all scripts have been merged into the file docker/src/xfce-startup/
  • VNC/noVNC parameters, ports, password and DISPLAY can be overridden three ways now

    • at image build-time by setting the environment variables through build arguments:
      • ARG_VNC_PW sets the variable VNC_PW (VNV/noVNC password)
      • ARG_VNC_DISPLAY sets the variable DISPLAY
      • ARG_VNC_PORT sets the variable VNC_PORT
      • ARG_VNC_RESOLUTION sets the variable VNC_RESOLUTION
      • ARG_VNC_COL_DEPTH sets the variable VNC_COL_DEPTH
      • ARG_VNC_VIEW_ONLY set the variable VNC_VIEW_ONLY
      • ARG_NO_VNC_PORT sets the variable NO_VNC_PORT
    • at container startup-time by setting the above environment variables through the docker run -e options
    • at VNC/noVNC startup-time by setting the above environment variables through a mounted external file (see README for more information)
      • file example-vnc-override.rc has been added
  • hook script pre_build has been improved

    • environment variable PROHIBIT_BUILDING can be used to prevent the building and publishing of the image unconditionally
    • it is useful for testing the auto-building on Docker Hub before release
  • Other changes

    • Readme files significantly updated (long versions for GitHub)
    • Mousepad editor presets added
    • version sticker's desktop launcher got an icon
    • example files moved into docker/src/examples
    • embedded readme files introduced
      • base readme file got a desktop launcher
      • other readme files go into the application user's home directory
    • project [Discussions][this-discussions] introduced
  • Updated versions:

    • Ubuntu 20.04.2
    • Firefox 86.0

Release 21.02.1

26 Feb 14:11
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Release 21.02.1

  • dconf-editor simple configuration storage system graphical editor added

Release 21.02

24 Feb 17:08
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Release 21.02

  • VNC password not enforced any more (issue #6)
    • it can be disabled by run -e VNC_PW=""
    • readme files also updated

Release 21.01

23 Jan 08:25
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Release 21.01

  • TigerVNC switched from the nightly builds (1.11.80) back to the latest release (1.11.0)

Release 20.12.2

27 Dec 09:37
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Release 20.12.2

  • Chromium Browser release auto-detection added

Release 20.12.1

25 Dec 11:26
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Release 20.12.1

  • Utility for previewing and publishing README files from local computer has been added

Release 20.12

12 Dec 17:06
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Release 20.12