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347 lines (234 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

347 lines (234 loc) · 11.3 KB



This utility script can build and publish sets of images. It can also extract selected information from the building log.

The common usage pattern

./ <mode> <argument> [<optional-argument>]...

has the following typical forms that also described below:

./ [<options>] <command> group <blend> [<blend>]...
./ [<options>] <command> family <parent-blend> [<child-suffix>]...
./ [--log-all] log get (digest|stickers|timing|errors)

The supported option values can be taken from the embedded help:

This script can:
    - build sets of images using the builder script ''
    - extract selected information from the log

Usage: <script> <mode> <argument> [<optional-argument>]...

    ./ [<options>] <command> group <blend> [<blend>]...
    ./ [<options>] <command> family <parent-blend> [<child-suffix>]...
    ./ [--log-all] log get (digest|stickers|timing|errors)

<options>      := (--log-all|--no-cache) 
<command>      := (all|all-no-push)
<mode>         := (group|family)
<blend>        := pivotal
<parent-blend> := (complete)|(latest|noble|jammy|focal[-chromium|-firefox])
<child-suffix> := depends on context, e.g. '-ver1|-ver2' (currently none supported)

Group mode : All images are processed independently.
Family mode: The children are skipped if a new parent image was not actually built.
Remark: Currently are both modes equivalent, because there are no child suffixes supported.

The command and the blend are passed to the builder script.
The result "<parent-blend><child-suffix>" must be a blend supported by the builder script.

The script creates a complete execution log.

The optional parameter --no-cache will be passed to the internally used script

The optional parameter --log-all will cause that the script's output will be written into the log file in all cases. Normally the command line errors or the log processing mode commands are not logged.


Ensure file attributes after cloning

It may be necessary to repair the executable files attributes after cloning the repository (by git clone).

You can do that by executing the following commands from the project's root directory:

find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x '{}' \;
chmod +x docker/hooks/*

For example, if the files in the folder docker/hooks would not be executable, then you would get errors similar to this:

$ ./ latest build

==> EXECUTING @2023-03-05_16-42-57: ./ 

./ line 84: ./docker/hooks/build: Permission denied

Set environment variables before building

Open a terminal windows and change the current directory to the root of the project (where the license file is).

Make a copy of the secrets example file, modify it and then source it in the terminal:

### make a copy and then modify it
cp examples/example-secrets.rc secrets.rc

### source the secrets
source ./secrets.rc

### or also

. ./secrets.rc

TIP: If you copy a file named secrets.rc into the folder docker/hooks/, then it will be automatically sourced by the hook script env.rc.

Be aware that the following environment variables are mandatory and must be always set:


Ensure that your secrets.rc file contains at least the lines similar to these:

export REPO_OWNER_NAME="accetto"
export BUILDER_REPO="headless-ubuntu-g3"

You can use your own names if you wish.

Alternatively you can modify the hook script file env.rc like this:

### original lines
declare _owner="${REPO_OWNER_NAME:?Need repo owner name}"
DOCKER_REPO="${_owner}/${BUILDER_REPO:?Need builder repo name}"

### modified lines
declare _owner="${REPO_OWNER_NAME:-accetto}"

Again, you can use your own names if you wish.

You can also use other ways to set the variables.

Ensure wget utility

If you are on Windows, you can encounter the problem of missing wget utility. It is used by refreshing the g3-cache and it's available on Linux by default.

On Windows you have generally two choices. You can build your images inside the WSL environment or you can download the wget.exe application for Windows. Make sure to update also the PATH environment variable appropriately.

Usage modes

Group mode

The group mode is intended for building sets of independent images.

The group mode usage pattern:

./ [<options>] <command> group <blend> [<blend>]...

Group mode examples

The image tags can be listed in the command line. For example, all these images will be built independently of each other.

./ all group latest latest-firefox latest-chromium

You can also use one of the named groups:

### includes the images 'latest', 'latest-chromium' and 'latest-firefox'
./ all group pivotal

### includes all the images (latest, latest-chromium, latest-firefox)
./ all group complete

### includes all the images featuring the Firefox browser (currently only latest-firefox)
./ all group complete-firefox

### includes all the images featuring the Chromium browser (currently only latest-chromium)
./ all group complete-chromium

Family mode

The family mode is intended for efficient building of sets of dependent images.

Remark: Since the version G3v3 is this mode for advanced use only. The previous images accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3:latest-fugo and accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-firefox-g3:latest-plus that used it are not published any more. The image accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-firefox-g3:latest-plus has been renamed to accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-firefox-g3:latest.

The dependency in this context is meant more technically than conceptually.

The following example will help to understand the concept.

The image accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3:latest-fugo added some additional features to the image accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3:latest, but otherwise were both images identical.

In such case a conclusion can be made, that if the latest tag does not need a refresh, then also the latest-fugo tag doesn't need it and it can be skipped.

There had been a similar dependency between the images accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-firefox-g3:latest-plus and accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-firefox-g3:latest.

This kind of family-like relation allows to refresh the images more efficiently by skipping the "children" if the "parent" doesn't need a re-build.

The family mode usage pattern:

./ [<options>] <command> family <parent-blend> [<child-suffix>]...

Note that the children tags are specified by their suffixes to the parent's tag.

Family mode examples

The following cases bring the efficiency advantage:

### image 'latest-fugo' will be skipped if the 'latest' image doesn't need a re-build
./ all family latest -fugo

### 'firefox' image 'latest-plus' will be skipped if the 'latest' image doesn't need a re-build 
./ all family latest-firefox -plus

The following command could also be used, but there would be no benefit comparing to the equivalent group mode command:

./ all family latest-chromium

You can also skip the publishing to the Docker Hub by replacing the all command by the all-no-push one. For example:

### image 'latest-fugo' will be skipped if the 'latest' image doesn't need a re-build
./ all-no-push family latest -fugo

Log processing

The log processing mode is intended for evaluating the outcome of the latest image building session. The result are extracted from the ci-builder log by grep utility.

The log processing mode usage pattern:

./ [--log-all] log get (digest|stickers|timing|errors)

Digest command

The digest command extracts the information about the images that have been re-built or that do not require that.

./ log get digest

The output can look out like this:

--> Log digest:

Building image 'headless-ubuntu-g3:latest'
Building image 'headless-ubuntu-g3:latest-chromium'
Building image 'headless-ubuntu-g3:latest-firefox'
No build needed for 'headless-ubuntu-g3:latest'.
No build needed for 'headless-ubuntu-g3:latest-chromium'.
No build needed for 'headless-ubuntu-g3:latest-firefox'.

Stickers command

The stickers command extracts the information about the version stickers of the ephemeral helper images that have been built by the pre_build hook script. That does not mean that the final persistent images have also been built (and optionally also published).

./ log get stickers

The output can look out like this:

--> Version stickers:

Current version sticker of 'accetto/devops-headless-ubuntu-g3:latest-chromium_helper': ubuntu20.04.5-chromium105.0.5195.102
Current version sticker of 'accetto/devops-headless-ubuntu-g3:latest-firefox_helper': ubuntu20.04.5-firefox105.0
Current version sticker of 'accetto/devops-headless-ubuntu-g3:latest_helper': ubuntu20.04.5

Timing command

The timing command extracts the selected timestamps that give an approximation of the building duration.

./ log get timing

The output can look out like this:

--> Building timing:

==> EXECUTING @2022-10-29_09-17-12: ./ 
==> EXECUTING @2022-10-29_09-17-12: ./ 
==> FINISHED  @2022-10-29_09-18-36: ./ 
==> EXECUTING @2022-10-29_09-18-36: ./ 
==> FINISHED  @2022-10-29_09-19-04: ./ 
==> EXECUTING @2022-10-29_09-19-04: ./ 
==> FINISHED  @2022-10-29_09-19-27: ./ 
==> FINISHED  @2022-10-29_09-19-27: ./ 

Errors command

The errors command extract the information about the possible errors during the building.

./ log get errors

The output is mostly empty:

--> Building errors:

Additional building parameters

There is no notion of additional building parameters by the script (compare to

There is no way to build the images only from particular Dockerfile stages using the script