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太阳照常升起:The Sun Also Rises(英文版).md

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太阳照常升起:The Sun Also Rises(英文版)

海明威 - 教育学习榜-外语



overmatched c:115

spectacles. c:125

race-conscious. c:93

literary people c:32

taken in hand c:42

Braddocks was his literary friend. I was his tennis friend. c:18

exploitation c:62

her chin lifting and her face hardening c:48

Don't get sore c:66

she led him quite a life. c:47


made an awful row c:60

on the rebound c:90

reservations c:29

“I'll be too old before I can ever do it.” c:13

All countries look just like the moving pictures c:37

Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters.” c:95

get off some cable c:37

“Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you've lived nearly half the time you have to live already? ” c:118

one time or other c:25

You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. There's nothing to that.” c:152

Cruise around c:31

stubbornnesses: c:30

I could picture it. I have a rotten habit of picturing the bedroom scenes of my friends. c:20


Dites garçon c:12

social graces c:34

made a few passes at her face as she looked in the little mirror c:34

perspiring. c:52

Not drunk in any positive sense but just enough to be careless. c:46

be cross with c:39

worked up over c:31

I've been so miserable c:22


levelled out c:13

turn all to jelly c:49

She was looking into my eyes with that way she had of looking that made you wonder whether she really saw out of her own eyes. c:32

Her eyes had different depths, sometimes they seemed perfectly flat. Now you could see all the way into them. c:29

including the one that certain injuries or imperfections are a subject of merriment while remaining quite serious for the person possessing them. c:31

stepped down. c:20

inscription: c:19

circularizing c:30

You, a foreigner, an Englishman” (any foreigner was an Englishman)“have given more than your life.” c:11

illuminated c:14

I suppose she only wanted what she couldn't have. c:36

I lay awake thinking and my mind jumping around. c:21

Don't be cross c:16

It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing. c:119


horn-rimmed c:18

obligations c:12

There's a certain quality about her, a certain fineness. She seems to be absolutely fine and straight. c:11

don't ask me a lot of fool questions if you don't like the answers. c:14

prep-school c:13

but I held him off it c:16


You're only a case of arrested development.” c:38

push your face in c:14

Cut it out about me. c:13

gets on my nerves. c:29

inconsequentially c:35

rotten luck c:22

rotten shame c:22

Now for the first time she dropped her bright, terribly cheerful manner. c:13

They give you a feeling that the world would be destroyed, would actually be destroyed before your eyes, if you said certain things. c:23

live by the sword shall perish by the sword. c:65


earthenware c:18

Joke people and you make enemies. c:15

it is because I have lived very much that now I can enjoy everything so well. c:28

ostentatious c:44

He was all teeth and lips. c:20

I had the feeling as in a nightmare of it all being something repeated, something I had been through and that now I must go through again. c:19


theatrical c:17

Road to hell paved with unbought stuffed dogs. c:18

pestilential c:38

wrinkling the corners of her eyes. c:12

compatriots c:13


doubletapered c:12

nearsighted. c:11


It was hot, but the town had a cool, fresh, early-morning smell and it was pleasant sitting in the café. A breeze started to blow, and you could feel that the air came from the sea. c:16

Why I felt that impulse to devil him I do not know. Of course I do know. I was blind, unforgivingly jealous of what had happened to him. c:19

I slept like a log. c:14


It felt good to be warm and in bed. c:12


the sun had not yet dried the dew c:22

expatriated c:21

“You're an expatriate. You've lost touch with the soil. You get precious. Fake European standards have ruined you. You drink yourself to death. You become obsessed by sex. You spend all your time talking, not working. You are an expatriate, see? You hang around cafés.” c:43

Our stay on earth is not for long. Let us rejoice and believe and give thanks.” c:26


desencajonada c:13

fortifications c:16

perfunctorily c:26

show a little breeding c:14

“We're none of us sober, ” c:15

There was much wine, an ignored tension, and a feeling of things coming that you could not prevent happening. c:29


Enjoying living was learning to get your money's worth and knowing when you had it. c:28

oversensitized c:12

amphitheatre c:22


assimilated c:22


silhouetted c:11


acclamation c:17


eavesdropper c:14


Everything is on such a clear financial basis in France. It is the simplest country to live in. No one makes things complicated by becoming your friend for any obscure reason. If you want people to like you you have only to spend a little money. c:26

Send a girl off with one man. Introduce her to another to go off with him. Now go and bring her back. And sign the wire with love. c:23