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Ernest Heningway - 教育学习榜-外语


But they went through this fiction every day. c:63

dressed out c:146

First you borrow.Then you beg. c:268

for a moment he was coming back from a long way away c:83

Then we would have that for all of our lives.' c:34

Age is my alarm clock,'the old man said.‘Why do old men wake so early?Is it to have one longer day? c:227

It was quite light and any moment now the sun would rise. c:47

But,he thought,I keep them with precision.Only I have no luck any more.But who knows?Maybe today.Every day is a new day.It is better to be lucky.But I would rather be exact.Then when luck comes you are ready. c:428

crowded the current c:40

ineffectually c:117

scattering c:80

It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea and the old man had always considered it so and respected it. c:93

Now is the time to think of only one thing.That which I was born for. c:68

east.Can that be the time of day?Or is it some sign of weather that I do not know? c:25

distinguished c:33

‘Come on,'the old man said aloud.‘Make another turn.Just smell them.Aren't they lovely?Eat them good now and then there is the tuna.Hard and cold and lovely.Don't be shy,fish.Eat them.' c:35

He was gone and the old man felt nothing. c:12

imperceptible c:183

he knew that if you said a good thing it might not happen. c:148

reserve coils c:28

sounds and dies c:18

tried not to think but only to endure. c:82

the old man's sweat dried cold on his back c:25

cautiously c:31

intolerable c:77

Not as long as he keeps this up. c:118

phosphorescent c:144

Think of what you are doing.You must do nothing stupid. c:49

No one should be alone in their old age,he thought.But it is unavoidable. c:130

I wonder if he has any plans or if he is just as desperate as I am c:65

I wish the boy was here c:23

Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman,he thought.But that was the thing that I was born for c:63

I wish I had the boy. c:25

coagulated c:162

‘Fish,'he said softly,aloud,‘I'll stay with you until I am dead.' c:93

The boat moved steadily and when the first edge of the sun rose it was on the old man's right shoulder. c:26

jerk widens c:39

‘Fish,'he said,‘I love you and respect you very much.But I will kill you dead before this day ends.' c:72

How old are you?'the old man asked the bird.‘Is this your first trip?' c:19

I must eat the tuna so that I will not have a failure of strength. c:27

I wish the boy were here and that I had some salt c:23

longitudinally c:100

rigor mortis c:131

This is hardly sweet at all and all the strength is still in it. c:12

conscientiously c:91

straightened c:29

undulation c:136

although they are more noble and more able. c:33

There are three things that are brothers:the fish and my two hands. c:18

I wish I was the fish,he thought,with everything he has against only my will and my intelligence. c:80

pilgrimage c:119

mechanically c:64

breeze was rising gently. c:14

Each time was a new time and he never thought about the past when he was doing it. c:145

The sun was on the old man's left arm and shoulder and on his back.So he knew the fish had turned east of north. c:29

Tigres of Detroit. c:13

acrobatics c:128

desperation c:25

convulsively c:130

perceptibly c:104

The setting of the sun is a difficult time for all fish. c:33

nothing is easy. c:48

I feel good and my left hand is better and I have food for a night and a day.Pull the boat,fish.' c:15

sustenance. c:121

Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon,he thought.The moon runs away.But imagine if a man each day should have to try to kill the sun?We were born lucky,he thought. c:64

it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars.It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers. c:57

comparatively c:67

phosphorescence c:61

arm was asleep c:14

Make him pay for the line,he thought.Make him pay for it. c:30

If the boy was here he would wet the coils of line,he thought. c:47

Maybe he suddenly felt fear.But he was such a calm,strong fish and he seemed so fearless and so confident c:25

You better be fearless and confident yourself c:46

And pain does not matter to a man.' c:88

‘You did not do so badly for something worthless,'he said to his left hand. c:37

nourishment c:60

The sun was rising for the third time since he had put to se c:24

slackening c:81

tired deep into his bones c:24

God help me endure. c:24

I must hold his pain where it is,he thought.Mine does not matter.I can control mine.But his pain could drive him mad. c:54

trade wind c:20

considerably c:39

A man is never lost at sea and it is a long island. c:39

Be calm and strong,old man,' c:28

accomplished c:27

I am not good for many more turns.Yes you are,he told himself.You're good for ever. c:20

.Come on and kill me.I do not care who kills who. c:66

Keep your head clear and know how to suffer like a man. c:20

interminable c:113

dresses out c:11

At one time when he was feeling so badly toward the end,he had thought perhaps it was a dream. c:34

The old man's head was clear and good now and he was full of resolution but he had little hope. c:38

Bad luck to your mother. c:18

malignancy. c:94

‘But man is not made for defeat,'he said.‘A man can be destroyed but not defeated.' c:365

Sail on this course and take it when it comes. c:44

unbearable c:12

‘Every minute now you are closer to home.You sail lighter for the loss of forty pounds.' c:70

You were born to be a fisherman as the fish was born to be a fish. c:84

You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food,he thought.You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman.You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after.If you love him,it is not a sin to kill him.Or is it more? c:69

stringiness c:83

involuntarily c:65

I wish it were a dream and that I had never hooked him.I'm sorry about it,fish.It makes everything wrong.' c:15

‘I shouldn't have gone out so far,fish,'he said.‘Neither for you nor for me.I'm sorry,fish.' c:19

Now is not time to think of what you do not have.Think of what you can do with what there is. c:166

Just rest and try to get your hands in shape to defend what is left of him. c:29

I wish it had really been a dream,he thought.But who knows?It might have turned out well. c:11

shovelnose. c:52

fascinated c:27

You're tired inside.' c:27

rubberiness c:35

sluggishly c:81

‘Fight them,'he said.‘I'll fight them until I die.' c:98

You tried to buy it with eighty four days at sea.They nearly sold it to you too.' c:15

Luck is a thing that comes in many forms and who can recognize her? c:124

But what can a man do against them in the dark without a weapon? c:13

desperately c:21

splintered c:69

thing.It is easy when you are beaten,he thought.I never knew how easy it was.And what beat you,he thought. ‘Nothing,'he said aloud.‘I went out too far.' c:36

the depth of his tiredness c:20

A cat passed on the far side going about its business and the old man watched it.Then he just watched the road. c:14

The boy saw that the old man was breathing and then he saw the old man's hands and he started to cry.He went out very quietly to go to bring some coffee and all the way down the road he was crying. c:61

‘They beat me,Manolin,'he said.‘They truly beat me.' c:24

He noticed how pleasant it was to have someone to talk to instead of speaking only to himself and to the sea. c:47

spring leaf c:24

‘You must get well fast for there is much that I can learn and you can teach me everything.How much did you suffer? c:14

He was still sleeping on his face and the boy was sitting by him watching him.The old man was dreaming about the lions. c:83