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This document describes the Parsec API endpoints that allow third-party apps to authenticate Parsec users and obtain a sessionID without an email and password. If you are using Unity, the Parsec Unity SDK already takes care of these API calls.

Please see the cURL command examples below and the example scripts in Python. Please reach out at [email protected] if you have any questions.

The Python examples require Python 3.0 and the requests package:

pip3 install requests

Important Concepts

Session ID

A sessionID is string token that is required for secure use of the Parsec API. It is sensitive information, similar to a password, so your application must store the sessionID securely. The Parsec SDK needs a sessionID to host via ParsecHostStart and connect via ParsecClientConnect.

Auth Code

An Auth Code is different from a sessionID -- it is a way for a user to securely login and provide your SDK integration with a sessionID, without directly giving you their email and password.


Auth Codes - /auth/codes

The Auth Codes allow for a user to sign in and obtain a sessionID without providing their password directly to your app. The workflow is as such:

  1. You create a new Auth Code with a POST to the /auth/codes endpoint.
  2. You begin polling with POST requests against /auth/sessions with the hash received in Step 1 and a grant_type of auth_code. The Auth Code will be valid for 30 minutes from the time it was created.
  3. The user visits in their browser and enters in the user_code received in Step 1 Important: An Auth Code is not the same as a sessionID. An Auth Code will be exchanged for a sessionID, which is then what you use for authenticated API calls.
  4. Once the user signs in and approves the user_code in the browser, the polling against /auth/sessions will receive a response with a sessionID

The first step in obtaining a sessionID securely is making a call to the /auth/codes endpoint. An example of this is found in the example script. You must submit your Parsec supplied game_id as a command line argument to the script. Please contact us if you do not have a game_id.

  • Request

      Content-Type: application/json
        "game_id": "xxxxxxxx"
  • Response

    STATUS 201
      "data": {
        "verification_uri": "", // The URL for user to visit
        "user_code": "ABCD3456", // The code the user will enter after logging in at above URL
        "hash": "0ujsswThIGTUYm2K8FjOOfXtY1K", // The hash to send in the /auth/sessions polling call
        "expires_at": {UNIX Epoch time},
        "interval": 5 // Number of seconds you should wait between polling calls to /auth/sessions
  • cURL Example

    curl -X "POST" "" \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d $'{ "game_id": "YOUR_GAME_ID" }'

Sessions Polling - /auth/sessions

You will poll against this endpoint with the hash for the Auth Code created above, and eventually will receive a response with 3 possible status codes:

Status Description
202 The Auth Code is pending approval, keep polling
201 The Auth Code has been approved by the user, the sessionID is in the response body
401 The Auth Code is invalid or has been denied by the user
  • Request

      Content-Type: application/json
        "grant_type": "auth_code",
        "auth_code_hash": {hash from above)
  • Response

      "data": {
        "id": "a30436aa3d110ffffaf6e84c3037dc4635a18135ca92eea49e4ca7388e158aaa", // the `sessionID`
        "user_id": 1525260,
        "roles": [ "host" ],
        "host_peer_id": "1QA0qE1h0ABW7GKRTXCU0ZInLVz",
        "expires_at": 1569790281
  • cURL Example

    curl -X "POST" "" \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d $'{ "grant_type": "auth_code", "auth_code_hash": "YOUR_AUTH_CODE_HASH" }'

You can now pass this sessionID to the Parsec SDK to make connections or begin hosting.

Fetching Available Hosts

See /api/personal for documentation of the /v2/hosts API endpoint. /v2/hosts is the only way to retrieve available hosts.