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"histroy-subject", "description": "This course covers the ancient, medieval, and early modern periods, and looks at the evolution and development of Civilization", "photo": "subject_photos/Screenshot_from_2019-01-30_22-44-58.png", "approved": true, "color": "#007bff", "verified": false}}, {"model": "course.subject", "pk": 2, "fields": {"title": "Photography", "slug": "photography-subject", "description": "An advanced and basic study of digital editing and image correction as it applies to the needs of the graphics or photography student and professional. Students perform contrast and color correction on more difficult scanned images and digital photographs in an effort to gain aesthetic control of the image prior to final output.", "photo": "subject_photos/Screenshot_from_2019-01-31_16-03-02.png", "approved": true, "color": "#007bff", "verified": false}}, {"model": "course.module", "pk": 2, "fields": {"course": 1, "title": "Kingdom", "description": "The city of Rome grew from settlements around a ford on the river Tiber, a crossroads of traffic and trade.[14] According to archaeological evidence, the village of Rome was probably founded some time in the 8th century BC, though it may go back as far as the 10th century BC, by members of the Latin tribe of Italy, on the top of the Palatine Hill.[18][19]", "order": 1, "photo": "modules_photos/Screenshot_from_2019-02-09_00-50-56_vVzranS.png", "approved": true, "verified": false}}, {"model": "course.content", "pk": 1, "fields": {"module": 2, "title": "Etruscans,", "text": "The Etruscan civilization (/\u026a\u02c8tr\u028csk\u0259n/) is the modern name given to a powerful and wealthy civilization of ancient Italy in the area corresponding roughly to Tuscany, south of the Arno river, western Umbria, northern and central Lazio, [1] with offshoots also to the north in the Po Valley, in the current Emilia-Romagna, south-eastern Lombardy and southern Veneto, and to the south, in some areas of Campania. As distinguished by its unique language, this civilization endured from before the time of the earliest Etruscan inscriptions (c. 700 BC)[2] until its assimilation into the Roman Republic, beginning in the late 4th century BC with the Roman\u2013Etruscan Wars.[2]\r\n\r\nCulture that is identifiably Etruscan developed in Italy after about 900 BC, approximately with the Iron Age Villanovan culture, regarded as the oldest phase of Etruscan civilization.[3][4][5][6][7]\r\n\r\nThe latter gave way in the 7th century BC to a culture that was influenced by Ancient Greek culture, during the Archaic (Orientalizing period) and the Hellenistic period. At its maximum extent, during the foundational period of Rome and the Roman Kingdom, Etruscan civilization flourished in three confederacies of cities: of Etruria (Tuscany, Latium and Umbria), of the Po Valley with the eastern Alps, and of Campania.[8][9] The league in northern Italy is mentioned in Livy.[10][11][12] The decline was gradual, but by 500 BC the political destiny of Italy had passed out of Etruscan hands.[13] The last Etruscan cities were formally absorbed by Rome around 100 BC.\r\n\r\nAlthough the Etruscans developed a system of writing, the Etruscan language remains only partly understood, and only a handful of texts of any length survive, making modern understanding of their society and culture heavily dependent on much later and generally disapproving Roman and Greek sources. Politics was based on the small city and probably the family unit. In their heyday, the Etruscan elite grew very rich through trade with the Celtic world to the north and the Greeks to the south and filled their large family tombs with imported luxuries. Archaic Greece had a huge influence on their art and architecture, and Greek mythology was evidently very familiar to them.", "video": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/46ZXl-V4qwY", "file": "", "image": "content/image/Screenshot_from_2019-01-31_16-03-02_cilPeIh.png", "order": 1, "approved": true, "verified": false}}, {"model": "course.takencourse", "pk": 5, "fields": {"student": 1, "course": 2, "date": "2019-02-19T22:21:12.459Z"}}, {"model": "course.takencourse", "pk": 6, "fields": {"student": 1, "course": 1, "date": "2019-02-19T22:21:16.066Z"}}, {"model": "course.takenmodule", "pk": 2, "fields": {"student": 1, "module": 2, "date": "2019-02-19T22:21:17.570Z"}}, {"model": "course.takencontent", "pk": 2, "fields": {"student": 1, "content": 1, "date": "2019-02-19T22:21:18.972Z"}}, {"model": "auth.permission", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Can add log entry", "content_type": 1, "codename": "add_logentry"}}, {"model": "auth.permission", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "Can change log entry", 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First half: Kingship to Republican form; the conquest of Italy; Roman expansion: Pyrrhus, Punic Wars and provinces; classes, courts, and the Roman revolution; Augustus and the formation of empire. Second half: Virgil to the Vandals; major social, economic, political and religious trends at Rome and in the provinces. Emphasis on use of primary sources in translation.", "created": "2019-02-15T10:39:24.464Z", "photo": "courses_photos/Screenshot_from_2019-01-31_16-35-59.png", "approved": true, "verified": false, "students": []}}, {"model": "course.course", "pk": 2, "fields": {"owner": 1, "subject": 1, "title": "algerian history", "slug": "algerian-history", "overview": "Much of the history of Algeria has taken place on the fertile coastal plain of North Africa, which is often called the Maghreb (or Maghrib). North Africa served as a transit region for people moving towards Europe or the Middle East, thus, the region's inhabitants have been influenced by populations from other areas, including the Carthaginians, Romans, and Vandals. The region was conquered by the Muslims in the early 8th century AD, but broke off from the Umayyad Caliphate after the Berber Revolt of 740. Later, various Berbers, Arabs, Persian Muslim states, Sunni, Shia or Ibadi communities were established that ruled parts of modern-day of Algeria: including the Rustamids, Ifranids, Fatimids, Maghrawas, Zirids, Hammadids, Almoravid, Almohads, Hafsids, and Ziyyanids. During the Ottoman period, Algiers was the center of the Barbary slave trade which led to many naval conflicts. The last significant events in the country's recent history have been the Algerian War and Algerian Civil War.", "created": "2019-02-15T10:22:22.237Z", "photo": "courses_photos/Screenshot_from_2019-02-05_15-58-32.png", "approved": true, "verified": false, "students": []}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 9, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "i learned alot from this course"}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 10, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "i learn alot from this course"}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 11, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "i learn alot from this course"}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 12, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "i learn alot from this course"}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 13, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "i learn alot from this course"}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 14, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "i learn alot from this course"}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 16, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "kcnioqafhioahfoa"}}, {"model": "course.contentnote", "pk": 17, "fields": {"user": 1, "module": 2, "content": 1, "note": "lklkmlk\u00f9mpk"}}]