Updated: 2022-04-10 / Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.
# | Repository | Description | Stars | Updated |
1 | abhisheknaiidu/awesome-github-profile-readme | 😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile READMEs 📝 | 11794 | 2022-04-03 |
2 | varHarrie/varharrie.github.io | 📘 Personal blog site based on github issues. | 3414 | 2022-04-07 |
3 | lostdesign/webgems | A curated list of resources for devs and designers. Join me on devcord.com if you are up for a chit chat :) | 3346 | 2022-03-26 |
4 | BenRoe/awesome-mechanical-keyboard | ⌨️ A curated list of Open Source Mechanical Keyboard resources. | 1967 | 2022-03-24 |
5 | antonreshetov/massCode | A free and open source code snippets manager for developers. | 1963 | 2022-04-01 |
6 | youzan/vant-demo | Collection of vant demos. | 1525 | 2021-11-30 |
7 | GitHub-Laziji/VBlog | 使用GitHub API 搭建一个可动态发布文章的博客 | 1432 | 2022-01-15 |
8 | microsoft/AzureTipsAndTricks | Learn some of our favorite Azure tips and tricks—some long-standing, and new ones that have recently been added to become more productive with Azure. Star the repo now to shave hours off your coding t ... | 1206 | 2022-04-01 |
9 | sdras/sample-vue-shop | See readme for newer repo details! A sample shop that shows how to manage payments with Vue, Stripe, and Serverless Functions | 1192 | 2022-02-12 |
10 | ClickerMonkey/dayspan-vuetify | A collection of components that visualizes DaySpan Calendars and Schedules using Vuetify | 1062 | 2022-02-10 |
11 | lauthieb/code-notes | A simple code snippet & gist manager for developers built with Electron & Vue.js 🚀 | 1015 | 2022-03-25 |
12 | TIGERB/easy-vue | Learn vueJS Easily 👻 | 903 | 2022-02-26 |
13 | LucasLeandro1204/vue-content-loading | Vue component to easily build (or use presets) SVG loading cards Facebook like. | 756 | 2022-02-26 |
14 | iamshaunjp/vuejs-playlist | Course files for the Vue.js 2 playlist on The Net Ninja YouTube channel | 743 | 2022-03-25 |
15 | nuxt/example-auth0 | A simple example that shows how to use Nuxt.js with Auth0. | 687 | 2022-03-07 |
16 | KlausSchaefers/quant-ux | Quant-UX - Prototype, Test and Learn | 661 | 2022-04-03 |
17 | nguyenvanduocit/vue-loading-spinner | Just another collection of loading spinners with Vue.js, alot of spinners | 616 | 2022-02-26 |
18 | cypress-io/cypress-documentation | Cypress Documentation including Guides, API, Plugins, Examples, & FAQ. | 594 | 2022-04-01 |
19 | nuxt/modules | Discover our list of modules to supercharge your Nuxt project | 415 | 2022-04-01 |
20 | koddr/vue-goodshare | 🍿 Vue.js component for social share. A simple way to share a link on the pages of your website in the most popular (and not so) social networks. Powered by goodshare.js project. | 415 | 2022-03-09 |
21 | WebCrateApp/webcrate | 📦🔗 Organize your Web with WebCrate, a modern and beautiful bookmarking tool | 394 | 2022-01-11 |
22 | checkly/theheadless.dev | 🪖 Learn Puppeteer and Playwright - Tips, tricks and in-depth guides from the trenches. | 382 | 2021-11-02 |
23 | dhruvmisra/Pathfinding-Visualizer-ThreeJS | A visualizer for pathfinding algorithms in 3D with maze generation, first-person view and device camera input. | 298 | 2022-03-27 |
24 | pearmini/colorfu | Make beautiful but also meaningful wallpapers with words, colors, patterns and images. 🌈 | 276 | 2021-12-27 |
25 | 64robots/nova-fields | A collection of customizable Nova Fields. | 267 | 2022-02-26 |
26 | jbrooksuk/artisan.page | A bookmarkable, searchable cheatsheet for all of Laravel's default Artisan commands. | 204 | 2022-04-01 |
27 | ShetlandJ/Vue3Todo | Vue 3 Composition API examples! | 202 | 2022-02-26 |
28 | zircleUI/smarthome-tutorial | 🎓 Tutorial: smart-home dashboard UI concept. | 200 | 2022-02-26 |
29 | MasteringNuxt/NuxtBnB | Repository to the MasteringNuxt.com course where we build NuxtBnB. | 185 | 2022-01-05 |
30 | jmcooper/vuejs-fundamentals | Repo for working with the Pluralsight Vue Fundamentals course | 182 | 2022-01-19 |
31 | SAP/fundamental-vue | Vue.js components implementation of Fundamental Library Styles guidelines. The library is aiming to provide a Vue.js implementation of the components designed in Fundamental Library Styles. | 181 | 2022-04-01 |
32 | freearhey/web-learn | A free service which provides simple access to thousands of video lessons on web developing and programming | 181 | 2021-11-04 |
33 | nuxtlabs/demo-blog-nuxt-content | Demo of how to create a blog with the Nuxt.js content module | 161 | 2022-03-27 |
34 | PacktPublishing/Vue.js-3.0-Cookbook | Vue.js 3 Cookbook, published by Packt | 157 | 2022-03-31 |
35 | watzon/fbmdob | Facebook image Metadata Obfuscation server | 157 | 2022-02-26 |
36 | Starz0r/AreWeAntiCheatYet | A comprehensive and crowd-sourced list of games using anti-cheats and their compatibility with GNU/Linux or Wine. | 156 | 2022-03-31 |
37 | linrock/ssh-tunnels | Visual examples and use cases for SSH tunnels | 155 | 2022-03-31 |
38 | Bambosh/unofficial-homestuck-collection | An offline collection of Homestuck and its related works. | 152 | 2022-03-29 |
39 | sugoidesune/readium | Read premium articles for free with this Bookmarklet | 138 | 2022-02-10 |
40 | supabase-community/database.dev | Curated list of SQL to help you find useful script easily 🚀 | 129 | 2021-12-04 |
41 | kedro-org/kedro-community | Examples of data science projects created with Kedro. | 129 | 2022-03-30 |
42 | bitcoin-only/bitcoin-only | Bitcoin resources (meetups, books, wallets, podcasts, conferences and much more) | 116 | 2022-04-01 |
43 | aporia-ai/mlops.toys | 🎲 A curated list of MLOps projects, tools and resources | 115 | 2022-01-19 |
44 | gywgithub/vue-d3-examples | vue d3 examples | 115 | 2022-01-10 |
45 | jordihales/hypercolor | A curated collection of beautiful premade gradients using default colors from the Tailwind palette as well as a selection of custom color gradients. | 113 | 2022-04-02 |
46 | jadlimcaco/design-systems-repo | A collection of Design System examples, resources, tools, articles and videos. | 112 | 2022-01-05 |
47 | anydown/anydown | Two-way editing Markdown notebook for small project scheduling | 110 | 2022-04-02 |
48 | owlnai/isnuxt3ready | A community-built compatibility guide for Nuxt 3 modules | 107 | 2021-12-13 |
49 | proton-ui/proton | A collection of renderless UI components for Vue.js. | 107 | 2022-02-26 |
50 | Code-Pop/real-world-nuxt | Code Examples for the Scaling Vue with Nuxt Course | 97 | 2022-02-11 |
51 | faraday-academy/curriculum-app | Create, share, and keep track of your learning curricula. https://studytracker.tech | 92 | 2022-02-12 |
52 | drehimself/tailwind-v1-examples | A collection of web pages built in Tailwind CSS v1.x | 91 | 2022-02-11 |
53 | Code-Pop/animating-vue | Repo for Vue Mastery's Animating Vue course | 89 | 2022-02-26 |
54 | ShermanTsang/ShareManBox-Nuxt | ShareMan's personal website of version3. | 88 | 2022-03-31 |
55 | chiehmin/leetcode-ranking-search | Leetcode Contest Ranking Searcher | 87 | 2022-04-03 |
56 | joelewis/readmelater | Bookmark with a snooze button. Bookmark, buffer and complete your reading list. | 87 | 2022-03-29 |
57 | vishnuraghavb/EnRecipes | EnRecipes is an open source, privacy-friendly digital cookbook that lets you create, manage and share your recipes. | 85 | 2021-11-26 |
58 | troisjs/troisjs.github.io | 📖 Examples and documentation for TroisJS ✨ | 83 | 2022-01-04 |
59 | vueschool/vuejs-router | 🗺 Source code for the Vue.js Router for Everyone course | 79 | 2022-02-26 |
60 | tldrrun/tools.tldr.run | A curated list of security tools for Hackers & Builders! | 71 | 2022-03-28 |
61 | tvjsx/tvjs-overlays | 💴 Collection of overlays made by the TradingVueJs community | 71 | 2022-03-26 |
62 | monopayments/iban.im | Shorten, create and share memorable links for IBANS | 66 | 2021-11-23 |
63 | lalokalabs/tailwindlayout | Popular layouts and patterns made with Tailwind CSS | 62 | 2022-03-16 |
64 | WFCD/warframe-hub | 📘 Warframe hub strives to be the community center of the Warframe game | 62 | 2022-04-02 |
65 | nyancodeid/quotes | This is the place to try and learn to contribute with a simple, open source quotes website. Part of Hacktoberfest 2021 | 58 | 2022-01-10 |
66 | gtalarico/aec-startups | List of AEC Startups | 58 | 2022-02-26 |
67 | garethredfern/vue-auth-demo | A demo site for a series of articles - Authentication With Vue.js, Firebase & Vuex | 58 | 2022-02-26 |
68 | gballet/whisper-chat-example | This demonstrates how to use the Ethereum Whisper (v5) API | 55 | 2021-10-15 |
69 | janumedia/vue-storybook-example | Storybook for Vue example | 53 | 2022-02-26 |
70 | cathyhax/image-uploader | A companion repository for the image uploader tutorial | 53 | 2022-02-26 |
71 | kihashi/stardew_community_checklist | A checklist for the Community Center Bundles in Stardew Valley | 53 | 2022-02-26 |
72 | mxswat/mx-division-builds | A tool to create and share build easily currently in public beta | 50 | 2022-03-31 |
73 | qownnotes/web-companion | Browser extension to browse bookmarks and create notes in QOwnNotes | 50 | 2022-02-15 |
74 | nwtgck/piping-screen-share-web | 🖥️ Screen Share via Piping Server with End-to-End Encryption | 49 | 2022-03-31 |
75 | MakeContributions/ideahub | A collection of ideas and projects that contain from beginner to advance ![]() |
48 | 2022-03-24 |
76 | jake-101/nuxtguide | A hand-selected collection of modules, plugins, boilerplates, tutorials, inspiration and more for Nuxt.js. | 46 | 2022-02-12 |
77 | VictorioBerra/trianglify-desktop-wallpaper | Generate pleasing triangular wallpapers, and set them to change on a schedule. | 45 | 2021-10-30 |
78 | bbachi/vuejs-nodejs-example | Example Project to demonstrate how to use Vue.js with nodejs backend | 44 | 2022-04-02 |
79 | atymic/laravel-collection-playground | Test, Run & Share Laravel Collection Examples! | 44 | 2022-02-26 |
80 | ttop5/issue-blog | 基于 GitHub API 的博客工具,尽情享受 GitHub Issue 带来的便利吧。 | 42 | 2022-02-26 |
81 | NTMC-Community/MatchZoo-Studio | Facilitate the learning, practicing, and designing of neural text matching models with a user-friendly and interactive interface. | 40 | 2022-02-11 |
82 | planetoftheweb/vue-interface | Repository for the new version of my Building An Interface with Vue.js course. | 40 | 2022-02-26 |
83 | OpenClassrooms-Student-Center/Vue | Student repo for the Vue.js course. | 39 | 2022-03-14 |
84 | vueschool/nuxt-fundamentals | Source code for the Nuxt.js Fundamentals course | 39 | 2022-02-12 |
85 | shuosc/shu-scheduling-helper | A web-based timetabler helping SHUers filter and preselect courses easily. SHU排课助手. 上海大学排课助手. | 38 | 2022-03-27 |
86 | apache/echarts-handbook | Apache ECharts Handbook | 38 | 2022-04-02 |
87 | Code-Pop/Vuex_Fundamentals | The repo for Vue Mastery's Intro to State Management course | 36 | 2022-03-16 |
88 | Benbinbin/TagDown | A bookmarks manager Chrome extension. | 36 | 2021-10-24 |
89 | z3by/vuepress-tools | A curated collection of Awesome vuepress themes and plugins | 36 | 2022-04-03 |
90 | duola8789/vue-cli-learning | vue-cli-learning | 36 | 2022-02-26 |
91 | IlIllII/collecobrary | Making online learning fun and easy. | 35 | 2022-03-21 |
92 | lmiller1990/complete-vuejs | A complete course on Vue.js 3. Options/Composition API, Vuex + Vue Router. | 35 | 2021-10-15 |
93 | msjaber/marked.cc | 📝 Create and share beautiful images of your notes and prose. | 35 | 2022-02-26 |
94 | Idered/iridium | 💎 Growing collection of VS Code extensions with a fancy name | 34 | 2022-01-25 |
95 | Code-Pop/Vue-2-to-Vue-3 | Code for the Vue 2 to Vue 3 course: | 34 | 2022-03-26 |
96 | overscore-media/nuxt-toolkit | A bunch of useful example code snippets for use with Nuxt.js | 34 | 2022-03-26 |
97 | sustained/sforzando | A tool to experiment with music harmony, learn music theory and compose music. | 34 | 2022-02-26 |
98 | mikatalk/responsive-dashboard | Tutorial: building a responsive dashboard with vuejs & SVG | 33 | 2022-02-10 |
99 | dollars0427/vue-booklet | Vue compoment for create a e-book | 33 | 2022-02-14 |
100 | jscharting/jscharting-vue | Official JSCharting Vue.js Plugin & Examples | 32 | 2022-03-29 |
101 | MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-web | Sample ratings web code for the AKS workshop on Microsoft Learn | 32 | 2022-02-26 |
102 | LoveMeWithoutAll/vue-blog | Book blog | 32 | 2022-03-10 |
103 | adrianmanchev/trading-charts | Example Vue.js website demonstrating how to listen to the Binance Websocket server and trade charts using d3.js. | 31 | 2022-03-09 |
104 | cornflourblue/vue-pagination-example | Vue.js Pagination Tutorial & Example | 31 | 2022-02-26 |
105 | storyblok/storyblok-docs | A Nuxt.js setup to generate an intuitive, readable and collaborative API documentation with copy and paste able examples | 31 | 2022-03-09 |
106 | ety001/bookmark-extension | A bookmark manager for Chrome | 31 | 2022-02-12 |
107 | quacs/quacs | Questionably Accurate Course Scheduler for RPI | 30 | 2022-04-01 |
108 | bencodezen/production-grade-vue | Resources for Frontend Masters Workshop: Production-Grade Vue | 29 | 2022-03-05 |
109 | Kazetsukai/onetech | Automated Crafting Guide for One Hour One Life | 29 | 2022-02-10 |
110 | meteor-vue/guide | Guide to integrate Meteor and Vue. | 29 | 2022-01-14 |
111 | DrakeAxelrod/webdevelopment-project | Web development course school project | 28 | 2021-12-14 |
112 | jagr-co/amplify-nuxt | Video series code for how to setup AWS Amplify with a Nuxt project | 28 | 2022-02-12 |
113 | lifenautjoe/stop-using-facebook | A curated list of reasons why you should stop using Facebook and how to do it. | 28 | 2022-02-26 |
114 | yuxiaoy1/awesome-newsletters | 🎉A curated list of awesome newsletters for indiehackers or people interested in side projects, product, design and growth marketing. | 27 | 2021-12-19 |
115 | yasminzy/website | A VuePress blog containing tutorials related to Vue.js and Nuxt.js. | 27 | 2022-02-26 |
116 | codysherman/2nfm | Share your screen and computer's audio via WebRTC! | 27 | 2022-03-26 |
117 | chengpeiquan/chengpeiquan.com | My personal website. Base on Vite 2.0 and Vue 3.0. If you want to know how to use Vite to develop a project, you can refer to this repository. | 26 | 2022-01-19 |
118 | zce/vuejs-3-examples | Some examples of Vue.js 3.0. | 26 | 2022-03-26 |
119 | ioslh/undo-redo | Demo show how to implement undo/redo pattern | 26 | 2022-02-10 |
120 | MaxRobinsonTheGreat/NeuralPatterns | Source code for Neural Patterns | 25 | 2021-12-12 |
121 | Vishwas1/crypto | A simple tool to learn basic concepts of cryptography! | 25 | 2022-02-27 |
122 | thothsun/federated-learning-blockchain-web | Federated Learning Blockchain Web Demo | 25 | 2022-02-13 |
123 | gautemo/Vue-guard-routes-with-Firebase-Authentication | Demonstration on how to guard paths in a Vue project with Vue Router and Firebase Authentication | 25 | 2022-03-25 |
124 | uzirthapa/facebook-ui | Facebook Clone (Updated Design) | 25 | 2022-02-26 |
125 | LiHongyao/Vue | start vue study~ | 25 | 2022-04-02 |
126 | Programming-Addicts/BookSplore | A place for you to explore books with your friends! | 24 | 2021-10-23 |
127 | cihat/dictionary | Project that tries to help you learn English.📕 | 23 | 2022-03-30 |
128 | imlinhanchao/code-snippet | Code Snippet Share Web Site | 23 | 2022-01-06 |
129 | malayhm/zeppelin-studio | Zeppelin Studio - Zeppelin Notebooks IDE using Vue.js | 23 | 2022-01-15 |
130 | uPortal-Project/uPortal-web-components | A collection of uPortal Web Components and JavaScript utilities | 23 | 2022-03-26 |
131 | okwme/doneth | Doneth.org - Simple Shared Accounting using Ethereum — Grand prize winner of Consensys Ethereal SF Hackathon, San Francisco 2017 | 23 | 2022-03-29 |
132 | frikinside/vue3-simple-typeahead | A simple and lightweight Vue3 typeahead component that show a suggested list of elements while the user types in. | 22 | 2021-12-21 |
133 | JoseTomasTocino/QuickBookmarkToFolder | Google Chrome extension to easily find folders for your bookmarks | 22 | 2022-03-28 |
134 | Inchill/secondhand-deal | A campus secondhand trading system based on the vue.js + stylus + koa2 + sequelize ORM + mysql, and typescript is still learning to migrate.🍌 | 21 | 2021-11-24 |
135 | zhangliqiang34/vueStudy | vue study | 21 | 2022-02-26 |
136 | ratracegrad/vue-pinterest | Code from medium article showing how to create a Pinterest style grid in Vue.js | 21 | 2022-02-26 |
137 | gooff327/PicShare-Vue-Flask | picshare | 20 | 2022-01-15 |
138 | ahmed-musallam/chrome-bookmarklet-manager | A chrome extension to manage bookmarklets! | 20 | 2022-02-26 |
139 | muhibbudins/nuxt-project | Example Nuxt.JS project from my tutorial series on medium [Indonesian language 🇮🇩] | 20 | 2022-02-12 |
140 | Stun3R/isstrapiready | 🚀 Discover the advancement of Strapi for the latest Strapi version and the list of compatible plugins. (Current: v4) | 19 | 2022-01-05 |
141 | Code-Pop/validating-vue3-forms | Repo for VueMastery.com's Validating Vue 3 Forms course. | 19 | 2021-11-02 |
142 | moduslabs/vue3-global-hooks-example | Vue 3 Global Hooks example - how to use composables instead of Vuex | 19 | 2022-03-27 |
143 | kaiostech/sample-vue | Simple example of a to-do list for KaiOS devices | 19 | 2022-02-26 |
144 | Cytoid/cytoid.io | Cytoid is a music game where you can create, share and play your own levels! Powered by community, with many dedicated creators, Cytoid provides a huge variety of musical genres to enjoy and a diverse ... | 18 | 2022-03-07 |
145 | AISpace2/AISpace2 | Notebooks for learning AI. | 18 | 2022-03-01 |
146 | Miguel-Bento-Github/vite-vue-ts-storybook | Template project - Vite, Vue 3, VueI18n, Storybook, TS, ESLint and Prettier | 17 | 2022-02-23 |
147 | Hunlongyu/bookmarks-manager | edit bookmarks, check url. | 17 | 2022-03-30 |
148 | subicura/k8s | A Beginner's Guide to Kubernetes | 17 | 2022-04-03 |
149 | evansalter/gata | Bookmarks made better | 17 | 2022-02-13 |
150 | Twoheads-Digital/preview-box | Code snippet and preview box inspired by Tailwind UI creators | 17 | 2022-02-26 |
151 | Damian89/CommandGenInterface | Simple vueJS based command generator which I developed in order to learn vueJS a little bit more. | 17 | 2022-02-26 |
152 | keitetran/BroadlinkIRTools | Broadlink learn command helper. | 17 | 2022-02-26 |
153 | Sysvale/cuida | A design system built by Sysvale, using storybook and Vue components | 16 | 2022-03-10 |
154 | ActivePeter/MarkdownEverywhere | A web project to auto sync notes in git repositories, then present them by vue. 一个自动同步git仓库笔记并且通过vue呈现出来的web项目(作为我的博客 | 16 | 2022-03-30 |
155 | Renovamen/what-if | My messy notebook, built with VuePress. | 16 | 2022-03-05 |
156 | politico/zeplin-cli-connect-plugin-vue | Zeplin CLI plugin, to send Vue component snippets to Zeplin | 16 | 2022-02-12 |
157 | booldook/2019-sc-web-vue-study | 2019-sc-web-vue-study | 16 | 2022-02-26 |
158 | sebastian-raubach/frickl-web | Frickl is a self-hosted image library. Take ownership of all your photos taken over many years and display them proudly through a sleek web interface. Share them with friends and family. | 16 | 2022-04-02 |
159 | shrumit/Western-Timetable-Maker | Automatic conflict-free course timetabling software for UWO. | 16 | 2022-02-11 |
160 | andynoir/vuetify-table-drag | An example of how to implement row drag in vuetify table, live preview - https://andynoir.github.io/vuetify-table-drag/#/ | 15 | 2022-03-26 |
161 | fancy-flashcard/ffc | Fancy Flashcard - Lightweight free/libre and open-source PWA to help you learning on all your devices | 15 | 2022-03-29 |
162 | rossprogram/circle-z | An IRC client for online math courses, with video conferencing and a collaborative TeX editor | 15 | 2022-03-25 |
163 | iosamuel/vue3-samples | Examples for Vue 3 | 15 | 2022-03-26 |
164 | BerniWittmann/pick-a-book | Pick your next book from your Goodreads reading list | 15 | 2022-02-26 |
165 | AnandChowdhary/sharer.link | 🔗 Share links for songs, places, podcasts, and more | 15 | 2022-02-26 |
166 | dongido001/pusher-chat-sentiment-analysis | A tutorial series demonstrating how to get a sentiment analysis on chat messages | 15 | 2022-02-26 |
167 | bitshares/bitshares-community-ui | [Worker Proposal] Light and 100% Responsive, BitShares Community DEX/UI - based on Vue.js Framework | 15 | 2022-02-10 |
168 | Zulko/gix | Create, share and remix GIFs online | 15 | 2022-03-25 |
169 | sne11ius/egghead.space | egghead.space is a place to share ideas for side projects | 15 | 2022-03-08 |
170 | megos/webrtc | A video chat and screen share built with Vue.js and SkyWay (WebRTC platform) | 15 | 2022-03-31 |
171 | vitogit/vue-chessboard-examples | Examples for the vue-chessboard component for Vue.js | 15 | 2022-03-26 |
172 | rossma/storytellers | Stories created in collaboration and shared | 15 | 2022-02-11 |
173 | BosNaufal/css-itu-mudah | Mini ebook untuk belajar CSS mulai dari dasar | 14 | 2022-02-27 |
174 | misterfresh/vue-date-tools | A lightweight collection of Vue components (including molecules and organisms) to manage dates easily | 14 | 2022-02-27 |
175 | T0shik/raw-coding-vue-guide | Vue 2.* guide by Raw Coding | 14 | 2022-03-26 |
176 | octo-woapi/cookbook | List of API good practices | 14 | 2022-04-01 |
177 | riotkit-org/backup-repository | Backup Repository - shared backup storage on-premise or on cloud. Implements strict permissions. Very low resources requirements - lightweight. | 14 | 2022-02-27 |
178 | nuxtlabs/examples | Examples book for Nuxtjs | 13 | 2021-12-21 |
179 | genie-youn/TIL | Genie's Today I Learned | 13 | 2022-03-28 |
180 | nficano/nickficano.com | My Flask Nuxt.js website - including Ansible playbooks and auto-renewing Let's Encrypt SSL certificates | 13 | 2022-02-26 |
181 | vueschool/vue-router-4-course | 🗂 Source code for Vue Router 4 for Everyone course | 12 | 2022-02-22 |
182 | ma-chengyuan/page-dewarp-web | A hobby project that dewarps book pages in images | 12 | 2022-02-26 |
183 | saiat3/vue-sorting-visualizer | Sorting visualizer for different sorting algorithms written in Vue.js | 12 | 2022-02-26 |
184 | Lloople/vue-snake | 🐍 The classic Snake game built with Vue. Just for learning purposes. | 12 | 2022-02-26 |
185 | syntacticsolutions/Vue-Cli-Bootstrap-Starter | Tutorial Source Code for Vue-Cli with Agency-Boostrap-Theme | 12 | 2022-02-26 |
186 | Jinjiang/vue-a11y-examples | Examples for vue-a11y-utils | 12 | 2022-03-08 |
187 | italia/come-partecipo.italia.it | Guided wizard to direct contributors to Developers and Designers Italia | 11 | 2022-03-29 |
188 | sumitkolhe/design-resources | 🔥 A curated list of awesome design resources for web developers | 11 | 2022-03-27 |
189 | vueschool/reusable-vuejs-components-with-slots | Source code for Reusable Vue.js Components with Slots course | 11 | 2022-03-28 |
190 | JosephusPaye/cadence | 🥁 Create and share drum patterns and sequences in the browser! | 11 | 2022-02-26 |
191 | konshensx16/vue-fullcalendar | How to Install and use Fullcalendar with Vue. (Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-ESlbM-XzE) | 11 | 2022-02-26 |
192 | pavloskii/SEDC-2019-VUEJS | All the code from the lectures for the Vuejs Course on SEDC will be found here. | 11 | 2022-02-26 |
193 | minhlucvan/flash-vocab | vue - firebase flash card for learning vocabulary | 11 | 2022-02-26 |
194 | cvetkovskin/gridsome-book-showcase | A simple book showcase made with Gridsome | 11 | 2022-02-26 |
195 | chetbox/place | A simple clone of r/place - A shared pixel art canvas | 11 | 2022-03-24 |
196 | mikaeljorhult/segel | Vue component for creating Gantt-like timeline charts for bookings. | 11 | 2022-03-23 |
197 | IsraelDCastro/share-button-links | Share buttons links for websites, blogs and more. | 10 | 2022-03-11 |
198 | Xwudao/tutorial-vue3-starter | tutorial-vue3-starter | 10 | 2022-02-09 |
199 | ashwinkshenoy/vue-simple | 🌈 A Simple collection of tiny vue packages. Perfect for all your daily coding scenarios. | 10 | 2022-03-23 |
200 | PacktPublishing/Vue---The-Complete-Guide-incl.-Vue-Router-Vuex-and-Composition-API- | Vue - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router, Vuex, and Composition API), published by Packt | 10 | 2022-03-15 |
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