- obs-studio-node-example, a minimalistic screen and webcam recording example. This documentation is heavily based on their work.
- AGView, a slide-based presenting software. It's a little more complex than obs-studio-node-example becuase it uses TypeScript and Angular, but all the
code lives in this file.
- Initialization and Shutdown (you are here, see below)
- Configuration
- Scenes and Sources
- Transitions
- Recording
- Displays
Important: If used with Electron, everything shown here has to be done in the main process, not in the renderer process. If you get
Uncaught Error: Failed to host and connect
, this could be the problem.
import * as osn from "obs-studio-node";
const osn = require("obs-studio-node");
const { Subject } = require("rxjs");
// Usually some UUIDs go there
// set the working dir
// when packaged, the osn folder is unpacked from electron's asar file
// so we have to fix the path by replacing `app.asar` with `app.asar.unpacked`
osn.NodeObs.SetWorkingDirectory(path.join(__dirname, "../../node_modules/obs-studio-node").replace("app.asar", "app.asar.unpacked"));
// OBS Studio configs and logs
const obsDataPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../osn-data").replace("app.asar", "app.asar.unpacked");
// init api with locale, data path and version
const initResult = osn.NodeObs.OBS_API_initAPI("en-US", obsDataPath, "1.0.0");
if (initResult !== 0) {
const errorReasons = {
"-2": "DirectX could not be found on your system. Please install the latest version of DirectX for your machine here <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35?> and try again.",
"-5": "Failed to initialize OBS. Your video drivers may be out of date, or Streamlabs OBS may not be supported on your system.",
const errorMessage = errorReasons[initResult.toString()] || `An unknown error #${initResult} was encountered while initializing OBS.`;
console.error("OBS init failure", errorMessage);
// see below for this function
throw Error(errorMessage);
// obs-studio-node sends output signals
// Using them, we can determine, if a function was
// executed correctly. For example, when we tell
// osn to stop recording, we don't know if that was
// successfull until we receive a recording stopped
// singal. The function below makes those signals
// easier to use.
const signals = new Subject()
osn.NodeObs.OBS_service_connectOutputSignals((signalInfo) => {
function getNextSignalInfo() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
signals.pipe(first()).subscribe(signalInfo => resolve(signalInfo));
setTimeout(() => reject('Output signal timeout'), 30000);
function shutdown() {
try {
} catch (e) {
throw Error(`Exception when shutting down OBS process${e}`);