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The SERIA model

Quick start

We have a short video tutorial here.

SERIA is a formal statistical model of the probability of pro- and antisaccades and the corresponding reaction times (RT). The SEM toolbox includes several methods of fitting SERIA based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. These methods are all implemented in MATLAB.

After installation (see below), from the MATLAB console, you can run an example using:


This will load example data and estimate parameters. The data consist of a list of trials with trial type (pro- or antisaccade), the action performed (pro- or antisaccade) and RT.

The file tapas/sem/examples/tapas_sem_example_estimate_single_subject.m can be used as a template for other analyses.

The model

The SERIA model relies on the race-to-threshold framework to define the probability of an action and its RT. The main assumption of SERIA is that actions and RT are determined by 4 accumulators or units with stochastic hit time. The units are

  • the early prosaccade unit,
  • the inhibitory unit (that can stop early prosaccades),
  • the antisaccade unit,
  • and the late prosaccade unit.

The first unit represents fast, reflexive prosaccades. This type of saccades is triggered at time (t) if the early unit hits threshold at time (t) and all the other units hit threshold at a later point. When the inhibitory unit hits threshold before the early unit, early prosaccades are stopped. In this case, the two late units (that represent voluntary, pro- and antisaccades) can generate reactions depending on their hit times. If the antisaccade unit hits threshold at time (t) before the late prosaccade unit, an antisaccade at time (t) is generated, and similarly so for prosaccades.

This idea is represented in the figure on the right, where the four units and their interactions are displayed.

In addition to the units, we assume that there is an overall delay or non-decision-time that affects all the units. Saccades with a latency below the no-decision-time are still possible but are considered outliers. Finally, the late units are assumed to be delayed with respect to the early and inhibitory units. This delay can be understood as the cost of voluntary saccades.

A more detailed explanation can be found in here.

Parametric distributions

Different parametric distributions can be used to model the hit time of the SERIA units. The distributions used here are defined by two parameters, which correspond (roughly) to the mean hit time of the units and their variance.

Below is the table of all the options implemented in the toolbox, including the name, the distribution of the early and late units, and the name of the function that implements each of the models (i.e., the likelihood function). We recommend the inverse Gamma distribution, or a combination of the Gamma and inverse Gamma functions (mixed Gamma model).

Name Early & inhibitory unit Late units Likelihood function
Gamma Gamma Gamma c_seria_multi_gamma
Inv. Gamma Inv. Gamma Inv. Gamma c_seria_multi_invgamma
Mixed Gamma Inv. Gamma Gamma c_seria_multi_mixedgamma
Log. Normal Log. Normal Log. Normal c_seria_multi_lognorm
Wald Wald Wald c_seria_multi_wald
Later Later Later c_seria_multi_later

The Wald distribution is the hit time distribution of a drift-diffusion process with a single boundary. The Later distribution models the random variable (1/X), where (X) is truncated normal distributed and (X>0).

Parameter coding

The parameters of SERIA are organized as a 11x1 vector. The table below explains the meaning of each parameter.

# Meaning
1 log mean hit time early unit
2 log variance hit time early unit
3 log mean hit time anti. unit
4 log variance hit time anti. unit
5 log mean hit time inhib. unit
6 log variance hit time inhib. unit
7 log mean hit time late pro. unit
8 log variance hit time late pro. unit
9 log no decision time
10 log late units delay
11 logit of 1 minus the probability of an early outlier

All the parameters are in a scale from (-\infty) to (\infty). The appropriate transformations are implemented internally depending on the parametric distribution used for the hit time of the units.

The PROSA model

In PROSA, prosaccades can only be generated by the early unit. Because PROSA lacks late prosaccades, it has 2 parameters less than the SERIA model (parameters 7 and 8). The same set of parametric distributions are implemented for the SERIA and PROSA models according to the table below.

Name Early & inhibitory unit Late units Likelihood function
Gamma Gamma Gamma c_prosa_multi_gamma
Inv. Gamma Inv. Gamma Inv. Gamma c_prosa_multi_invgamma
Mixed Gamma Inv. Gamma Gamma c_prosa_multi_mixedgamma
Log. Normal Log. Normal Log. Normal c_prosa_multi_lognorm
Wald Wald Wald c_prosa_multi_wald
Later Later Later c_prosa_multi_later

Data coding

The data entered into the model is encoded as a structure with fields y and u, in which the number of rows corresponds to the number of subjects.

The field y represents RT (in tenths of a second) and the corresponding action. The contents of each field are represented by vectors of Nx1 trials.

Fields of y Meaning Data
t Reaction time Tenths of a second
a Action Pro=0, Anti=1

The field u represents experimental conditions and it has a single subfield tt, which is a vector of Nx1 trials. codes the condition of the corresponding trial. Conditions should be coded by integers starting at 0.

Fields u Meaning Data
tt Trial type
Integer from 0 to M

For example, if in an experiment pro- and antisaccade trials are mixed in a single block, it is possible to code these two types of trials as 0 and 1. A complete set of parameters (11x1 vector) is initialized for each condition. The two sets of parameters are then stacked in a single vector of dimensionality 22x1.

In the example below, there are 4 trials (two pro., two anti.), from two different conditions.

y = struct('t', [], 'a', []);
% Four trials with latencies 200ms, 400ms, 500ms, 300ms
y.t = [0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3]';
% The first two trials are prosaccades, the last two are antisaccades
y.a = [0, 0, 1, 1]';

u = struct('tt', []);
% First two trials are from condition 0 and two last from condition 1. = [0 0 1 1]';

% The input data is composed of fields y and u
data = stuct('y', [], 'u')


It is possible to enforce constraints on the model parameters across conditions using a projection matrix. This matrix, J, should have M times 11 rows and K columns, where M is the number of conditions and K is the number of free parameters.

For example, we want to enforce that the no decision time, the probability of an early outlier and the delay of the late unit are shared across two conditions. These parameters are the 9th to 11th entries on the parameter vector. Because different conditions are stacked into a single vector, we need a matrix that enforces that the entries 9 to 11 are equal to the entries 20 to 22. Note that this implies that the model has effectively 19, and not 22 parameters. This can be accomplished as shown below.

K>>J = [eye(19);
    zeros(3, 8) eye(3) zeros(3, 8)]; 
K>>v = [1:19]';
K>>display((J * v)');
ans =

  Columns 1 through 12

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12

  Columns 13 through 22

    13    14    15    16    17    18    19     9    10    11

When multiplying the vector v and matrix J, we force the last 3 entries to be equal to the 9th to 11th entries. This provides a method to code constraints in the parameter space. Note that the number of conditions encoded in should be the same as the number of conditions (M).

Model fitting

The toolbox includes a variety of methods to fit models to experimental data based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. This is a generic method to sample from a target distribution (usually the distribution of the model parameters conditioned on experimental data). The results are an array of samples from the target distribution, which can be used to compute summary statistics (mean, variance) of parameters estimates.

There are currently four methods to fit models:

Name Multiple/single subject Description Function
Single subject Single subject Fits a single subject. tapas_sem_single_subject_estimate.m
Hier. Multi. subject Uses the population mean as prior of the parameters. tapas_sem_hier_estimate.m
Multiv. Multi. subject Uses a linear model to construct a parametric prior from the population. tapas_sem_multiv_estimate.m
Mixed Multi. subject Uses a mixed effects model to construct a parametric prior from the population. tapas_sem_mixed_estimate.m

These methods are explained in some detail below.

Single subject inference

In the most simple case, the data from a subject is fitted using a standard prior. Several conditions can be coded in and constraints across conditions can be implemented using a projection matrix as explained above.

On the left, the Bayesian network that represents the model is displayed. The responses (y) are fitted using parameters (\theta), whose prior is encoded by (\mu). Note that (u) encodes the subject specific conditions.

An example can be found in tapas/sem/examples/tapas_sem_example_single_subject_estimate.m. Below, we have commented an abbreviated version of the example.


% This function loads the data and prepares it into the right format.
% The data contains two conditions (pro- and antisaccade trials)
[data] = prepare_data();

% Initilize the parameters and prior of the model.
ptheta = tapas_sem_seria_ptheta(); 

% Select the likelihood function
ptheta.llh = @c_seria_multi_mixedgamma;

% Default values for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm 
htheta = tapas_sem_seria_htheta();

% Constraints for the inversion. As in the example above, we enforce the
% constraint that parameters 9 to 11 are equal across the two conditions = [...
    zeros(3, 8) eye(3) zeros(3, 8)];

pars = struct();

% This implements a multi-chain approach. It can be used to compute the
% model evidence and improve the efficiency of the algorithm. If only
% the posterior is desired use pars.T = 1;
nchains = 16;
pars.T = linspace(0.1, 1, nchains).^5;
% Number of burn-in samples
pars.nburnin = 4000;
% Number of kept samples
pars.niter = 4000;
% Number of samples between diagnostics
pars.ndiag = 1000;
% Number of times that a swap between chains is performed
pars.mc3it = 16;
% Verbosity of the diagnostics
pars.verbose = 1;

% Estimate the model.
posterior = tapas_sem_single_subject_estimate(data, ptheta, htheta, pars);

The command tapas_sem_display_posterior plots the histogram of the RT and the fits. Each row represents one of the conditions. The left column represents prosaccades, and the right column antisaccades. In the example, prosaccade trials are coded with 0, and antisaccade trials with 1.


In addition, delta plots of all conditions are generated. Delta plots display the difference in mean RT between antisaccades (incongruent trials) and prosaccades (congruent trials) for different quantiles. Conceptually, these plots represent the time course of the antisaccade cost. They are mostly used in the context of the Simon task, which can also be analysed using the SERIA model. Not only the empirical delta plots are displayed, but also the predicted delta plots according to the respective model.


The variable ptheta represents the parameters of the model. It is a structure with several fields explained in the table below.

Field Example value Explanation
mu [11x1 double] Prior mean of the parameters.
pm [11x1 double] Prior precision (inverse variance) of the parameters
p0 [11x1 double] Expansion point (initialisation) of the algorithm
bdist 11 Not used
jm [22x19 double] Constraint matrix.
name 'seria' Name of the model
llh @c_seria_multi_mixedgamma Likelihood function
lpp @tapas_sem_prosa_lpp Prior density function. Shared between the PROSA and SERIA models
prepare @tapas_sem_prepare_gaussian_ptheta Initialisation function of the parameters.
sample_priors @tapas_sem_sample_gaussian_uniform_priors Methods to sample the parameters
ndims 11 Number of parameters (11 for SERIA, 9 for PROSA)

The results from the model are

Field Example value Explanation
pE [22x1 double] Expected value of the parameters
pP [22x1 double] Variance of the parameters
map [22x1 double] Maximum a posteriori from the samples
ps_theta [22x4000 Samples from the posterior distribution
fe -799.6920 Log model evidence estimate
data [1x1 struct] Data input
ptheta [1x1 struct] Input parameters (see above)
htheta [1x1 struct] Input parameters (see above)
pars [1x1 struct] Input parameters (see above)

In addition, tapas_sem_display_posterior generates a table with some summary statistics computed by the model.

The columns of the table are

Column Example value Explanation
Subject 1 Index of the subject in the data struct
Condition 1
late_pro_prob 0.79 Probability of a late prosaccade. This is the probability that the late prosaccade unit hits threshold before the antisaccade unit.
inhib_fail_prob 0.62 Probability of an inhibition failure. This is the probability that the early unit hits threshold before all other units
late_pro_rt 3.67 Mean RT of late prosaccades. The scale is tenths of a second.
anti_rt 3.35 Mean RT of the antisaccade unit.
inhib_fail_rt 1.95 Mean RT of inhibition failures.
predicted_pro_rt 2.49 Predicted prosaccade RT. This should be similar to the empirical value
predicted_pro_prob 0.91 Predicted prosaccade probability.
predicted_anti_rt 3.28 Predicted antisaccade RT.
predicted_anti_prob 3.28 Predicted antisaccade probability.

The predicted values are the expected RT and error rate based on the parameter estimates. Other values are predictions of the model that are not directly observable. These statistics are explained in more details here.

Hierarchical inference

SEM offers the option to use a hierarchical model to pool information across subjects. This method treats the mean of the parameters across subjects as a latent variable, which is also estimated. It offers a form of regularization based on observations from the population.

The graphical representation of this model is displayed on the right. Note that now data from (i=1,...,N) subjects is fitted simultaneously. The population mean is represented by the latent variable (\mu) which is inferred from the parameters (\theta_i). In addition, the variance of the population (\sigma^2) is also estimated.

Data from different subjects should be entered as rows in the data structure array.


This example is adapted from the file tapas/sem/examples/tapas_sem_example_hier_estimate.m

[data] = prepare_data();

ptheta = tapas_sem_seria_ptheta(); 
ptheta.llh = @c_seria_multi_invgamma; = [...
    zeros(3, 8) eye(3) zeros(3, 8)];

pars = struct();

% The temperature array used for multichain should have be NxM where
% N is the number of subjects and M the number of chains. 
pars.T = ones(4, 1) * linspace(0.1, 1, 8).^5;
pars.nburnin = 4000;
pars.niter = 4000;
pars.ndiag = 1000;
pars.mc3it = 16;
pars.verbose = 1;

inference = struct();
posterior = tapas_sem_hier_estimate(data, ptheta, inference, pars);


The example data is a structure array of dimensions 4x1.

K>> display(data)

data =

  4x1 struct array with fields:


The output of tapas_sem_hier_estimate has the fields:

Field Example value Explanation
data [4x1 struct] Input data
model [1x1 struct] Input model
inference [1x1 struct] Input inference
samples_theta {4000x1 cell} Samples of the parameters.
fe -770.9473 log model evidence
llh {2x1 cell} samples of the log likelihood
T [4x8 double] Temperature array used

Parametric hierarchical inference

While the previous method pools information across subjects, it cannot model the effect of any experimental manipulation. With parametric hierarchical inference, a linear model defines the prior distribution of each subject.

The graphical model on the right extends the previous model by defining a parametric empirical prior for each subject, based on independent variables (x_i).

Developing the example above, we can assume that subjects 1 and 2 received treatment A, and subjects 3 and 4 received treatment B. This design can be entered using 'effects' coding:

X =

     1     1
     1     1
     1    -1
     1    -1

Note that the first column of X represents the population mean or intercept, and the second column represent the contrast of treatment A and B.


This example is adapted from tapas/sem/examples/tapas_sem_example_multiv_estimate.m.

[data] = prepare_data();

ptheta = tapas_sem_seria_ptheta(); = [...
    zeros(3, 8) eye(3) zeros(3, 8)];

% In addition to the constraint matrix, the design matrix is entered as
% a field of the model especified in ptheta
ptheta.x = [1 1; 1 1; 1 -1; 1 -1];

pars = struct();
pars.T = ones(4, 1) * linspace(0.1, 1, 8).^5;
pars.nburnin = 4000;
pars.niter = 4000;
pars.ndiag = 1000;
pars.mc3it = 16;
pars.verbose = 1;

inference = struct();
posterior = tapas_sem_multiv_estimate(data, ptheta, inference, pars);


tapas_sem_multiv_estimate returns a similar structure as tapas_sem_hier_estimate.

Parametric mixed effects

The parametric prior above can be extended into a mixed effects model. This type of models contains some coefficients (B_R) whose prior mean (B_{0,R}) is treated as a latent variable. In other words, the mean of the coefficients (B_R) is itself a parameter that is estimated from the model. On the right, the graphical representation of the mixed effects model is displayed.

As an example application, assume that 3 subjects participated in an experiment with 2 conditions (A and B). Condition A was measured in the first two sessions. Condition B was measured in the last two sessions (3 and 4). To account for the fact that several observations originate from the same subject, it is possible to define a subject specific regressor. In the example below, these regressors are specified in the columns 2 to 4. The first column models conditions A and B.

X =

     1     1     0     0 % Condition A
     1     1     0     0 % Condition A
    -1     1     0     0 % Condition B
    -1     1     0     0 % Condition B
     1     0     1     0
     1     0     1     0
    -1     0     1     0
    -1     0     1     0
     1     0     0     1
     1     0     0     1
    -1     0     0     1
    -1     0     0     1

Note that no population mean (or overall intercept) is included. In this case, the population mean is the mean of the subject specific intercept. To do this, we group regressors 2 to 4 in the variable ptheta.mixed

ptheta.mixed = [0 1 1 1];

These groups regressors 2 to 4 and generates the random effect population mean (B0,R). Currently, it is only possible to model only one random effect.


This example is adapted from tapas/sem/examples/tapas_sem_example_mixed_estimate.m and is almost identical to the examples from the sections above. In the example data, there are 4 observations from 4 subjects. We use a single regressor for each subject in the line ptheta.x = eye(4), and group the four regressors with ptheta.mixed = [1 1 1 1];.

[data] = prepare_data();

ptheta = tapas_sem_seria_ptheta(); 
ptheta.llh = @c_seria_multi_invgamma; = [...
    zeros(3, 8) eye(3) zeros(3, 8)];

ptheta.x = eye(4);
ptheta.mixed = [1 1 1 1];
pars = struct();

pars.T = ones(4, 1) * linspace(0.1, 1, 8).^5;
pars.nburnin = 4000;
pars.niter = 4000;
pars.ndiag = 1000;
pars.mc3it = 16;
pars.verbose = 1;

inference = struct();
posterior = tapas_sem_mixed_estimate(data, ptheta, inference, pars);


The output structure has the same fields as 'tapas_sem_hier_estimate'.

Parameter interpretation

The parameters returned by the model are mostly in log scale and represent the mean and variance of the hit time of the units. However, several points are noteworthy.

The hit time of the early and inhibitory unit is shifted by the overall delay of all units (parameter 9). The hit time of the late units is shifted by the overall delay and the delay of the late units (parameter 9 and 10).

It is possible to transform the unit parameters to more standard parametrizations. For example, the Gamma distribution is usually represented by a shape and a scale parameter. To transform posterior samples to these parametrizations use the functions in the table below. Note that the input should be a cell array of vectors of 11xM rows and 1 column (SERIA), or 9xM rows and 1 column (PROSA).

Parametric SERIA PROSA
Gamma c_seria_reparametrize_gamma c_prosa_reparametrize_gamma
Inv. Gamma c_seria_reparametrize_invgamma c_prosa_reparametrize_invgamma
Mixed Gamma c_seria_reparametrize_mixedgamma c_prosa_reparametrize_mixedgamma
Log Norm. c_seria_reparametrize_lognorm c_prosa_reparametrize_lognorm
Later c_seria_reparametrize_later c_prosa_reparametrize_later
Wald c_seria_reparametrize_wald c_prosa_reparametrize_wald

The parametrizations of the distributions are given in the following equations.

Gamma distribution

Shape-scale parametrization: (p(t|a, b) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(a) b^a} t^{a-1} \exp (-t/b). )

Inverse Gamma

Shape-scale parametrization: (p(t| a, b) = \frac{b^a}{\Gamma(a) t^{-a - 1}} \exp \left( -\frac{b}{t}\right). )


The parametrization is the (\mu,\sigma^2): (p(t|\mu,\sigma^2) = \frac{1}{t\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp \left(- (\ln t - \mu)^2 / 2\sigma^2 \right). )


In the later model, the representation used by SERIA is not the mean and variance, but the (\mu) and (\sigma^2) parameterization: (p(t| \mu, \sigma^2) = \frac{1}{\phi(t/\sigma)} \exp \left(- \frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right), ) ( \phi(x) = \int_0^x \exp(- \tau^2/2 ) d\tau. )


The parametrization is the (\lambda,\mu) representation: (p(t|\mu,\lambda) = \sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{2\pi t^3}} \exp \left( \lambda (t - \mu)^3/(2t\mu^2) \right). )


SEM contains matlab, python, and c code. The c code uses efficient numerical techniques to accelerate the inversion of the model. It requires the installation of the numerical library gsl in the version 1.16 or above.

The main part of the package is implemented in matlab. We have tested the compilation in different flavors of ubuntu, centOS and MacOS using autotools (see below).

Supported platforms

Mac OSX and linux are supported. We have tested in a variety of setups and it has worked so far. If you have any issue please contact us.

We do not support Windows but most likely it can be installed as a python package.


  • gsl/1.16>

In Ubuntu, it can be install as

sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev

To install in Mac

brew install gsl
brew install clang-omp 

Or alternatively using mac ports.

sudo port install gsl

Matlab package

You will need a running matlab installation. In particular, the command line command matlab should be able to trigger matlab. The reason is that matlab is used to find out the matlabroot directory during the configuration. Make sure that matlab can be triggered from the command line AND that it is not an alias.


To install the package it should be enough to go to

cd tapas/sem/src/

and type

./configure && make

The most likely problems you could face are the following:

Something with automake or aclocal.

In that case please install automake,f.e.,

sudo apt-get install automake

Then type

autoreconf -ifv

Then try again

./configure && make


This follows the same process than linux.

Most likely config will fail for one of the following reasons.

Has config found gsl's header?

Often after installation, the compiler fails to find gsl's headers.

export C_INCLUDE_PATH="$C_INCLUDE_PATH:/opt/local/include"
export CFLAGS="-I:/opt/local/include $CFLAGS"
./configure && make

Has config found gsl's libraries?

If not type

export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/opt/local/lib/ -L/usr/local/lib"
configure && make

Has config found matlab?

If not, find the path of matlab and type

export PATH=$PATH:your-matlab-path
./configure && make

To find the matlabroot directory, in the matlab console type


Python package

This toolbox can be installed as a python package. Although no inference algorithm is currently implemented, it can be used in combination with packages implementing maximum likelihood estimation or the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm. After installation, it can be imported as

from tapas.sem.antisaccades import likelihoods as seria

This contains all the models described in the original SERIA paper.

Python installation

This toolbox can be install as a python package using

sudo python install 

If you lack sudo rights or prefer not install it this way use

python install --user

Requirements can be installed using

pip install -r requirements.txt

[email protected] copyright (C) 2015-2019