Thank you for your interest in contributing! We welcome all contributions, from bug reports and feature requests to code changes. Please feel free to put up a PR for any issue or feature request.
Please be respectful to others in all interactions related to this project. We expect contributors to adhere to the code of conduct.
If you find any bugs, have suggestions for improvements, or encounter unexpected behavior, please open an issue. Creating an issue before submitting a PR helps us discuss the problem or feature request in advance.
We are grateful for any pull requests! To ensure a smooth contribution process, please follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Clone your fork
- Create a new branch
- Make your changes: Implement your feature, fix the issue, or improve the code.
- Test your changes: Please make sure your changes are tested locally (for all affected devices).
We highly encourage testing your changes before submitting a pull request.
- Run the Metro server:
yarn start:reset
- Run the app on iOS:
yarn ios
- Run the app on Android:
yarn android
Make sure your code passes the lint and type check processes:
- Lint your code with ESLint:
yarn lint
- Type check your code with TypeScript:
yarn typecheck
Please add tests for any new features or changes. We use Jest for unit testing:
- Run tests:
yarn test
If your changes affect the app's behavior, ensure you include or update tests as appropriate.
We follow the Conventional Commits specification for our commit messages to ensure clarity and consistency. Use one of the following prefixes for your commits:
: New features (e.g.,feat: add new model support functionality
: Bug fixes (e.g.,fix: resolve crash on app startup
: Documentation changes (e.g.,docs: update
: Refactoring, tooling, testing, or configuration changes (e.g.,chore: update CI pipeline
- Commit your changes following the commit message guidelines.
- Push your branch to your fork.
- Open a pull request from your branch in your fork to the
branch of this repository. - Follow the pull request template and fill in all relevant details.
Before opening a pull request, make sure:
- Your changes are focused and kept to a single logical change.
- Your code is linted and passes type checks.
- Tests are added or updated if applicable.