Viiteaineistomuunnin is a Flask-powered web service to convert payment events from various sources to a KTL (konekielinen tapahtumaluettelo) compatible reference payment file for use with Kilta / Kuksa and other data consumers.
- Osuuspankki event CSV file
- Nordea event listing CSV file (old Web banking service)
- Nordea CSV export file (new Web banking service)
- Säästöpankki event listing CSV file
- TITO file (for example Nordea company banking)
- Kilta / Kuksa invoice Excel export converted to CSV
- Create a virtual env using Python 3
virtualenv -p python3[.X] env/
- Jump into the virtual env
source env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the dev server: