- Changed the Default Path for the Application from "%Systemdrive%\System" to "%Appdata%"
- Changed the version control of the FnC by Date. e.g: 20211022 - This string is combination of Date as YYYYMMDD
- Added Support for Top 8 Popular LICENSES - Now user can delete the Not NEEDED License.
- FnC now generates the complete project structure, instead of just a file.
- Added support for dynamically generating AuthorName, as one of the parameters.
- Improved the Help menu syntax with single line of code.
- Changed the Default path from APPDATA to LocalAppData
- Made it easier to Add support for new languages for the developer (Currently - only Bat is supported)
- The user can easily handle the template of the files to generate/Folder Structure.
- Added support for choosing AuthorName while generating Template.
- Added support for choosing the project location