Video at:
Preprint: Learning-based 3D Occupancy Prediction for Autonomous Navigation in Occluded Environments
c++ realization of the paper: Kinodynamic RRT*: Asymptotically Optimal Motion Planning for Robots with Linear Dynamics
Building: The depth_sensor_simulator package in uav_simulator is alternative to build with GPU or CPU to render the depth sensor measurement. By default, it is set to build with GPU in CMakeLists:
1. ROS (I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic, other versions maybe also usable)
2. CUDA (I am using 10.2)
3. for branch "main" (inference using NVIDIA TensorRT):
* TensorRT 7.0.0+cuda10.2 (with TensorRT ONNX libraries)
If you want to run with only pytorch, please refer to and branch torch
4. for branch "torch" (inference using a Python node with Pytorch ):
* python > 2.7
* numpy, Ipython, tensorboardX
* Pytorch (I am using 1.3.0, later versions are also usable)
set(ENABLE_CUDA true)
Remember to change the 'arch' and 'code' flags according to your graphics card devices. for branch "torch":
- Remember to change the model path in -- init_param function
1. roslaunch state_machine rviz.launch (to open rviz for visualization)
2. roslaunch state_machine bench_with_pred.launch (generate environment, start simulator)
3. roslaunch state_machine bench_with_pred.launch or bench_aggres.launch or bench_safe.launch (test)