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List of columns - county level

  • Variables in abridged data set (county_data_abridged.csv) are highlighted in bold.
  • Most variables from Area Health Resources Files (AHRF) are not listed below. Only those AHRF variables in the abridged data set are included. Please see the AHRF user documentation for details on the other ~7000 variables (which includes data on county classifications, health professions, health facilities, utilization, expenditures, population, and environment)
  • For full list of features in county_data.csv and their corresponding data set, see list_of_columns.csv

Identifying variables

Data variable Description Source data set
countyFIPS state-county FIPS Code county_fips
STATEFP state FIPS Code county_popcenters
COUNTYFP county FIPS Code county_popcenters
CountyName county name county_fips
StateName state abbreviation county_fips
State state name county_latlong

Data variables

Geographical identifiers

Data variable Description Source data set
lat latitude corresponding to county's geographic center county_latlong
lon longitude corresponding to county's geographic center county_latlong
POP_LATITUDE latitude corresponding to county's population center county_popcenters
POP_LONGITUDE longitude corresponding to county's population center county_popcenters
CensusRegionName name of census region ahrf_health
CensusDivisionName name of census division ahrf_health
Rural-UrbanContinuumCode2013 rural-urban continuum code ahrf_health
HPSAName name of the Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) name hpsa_shortage
HPSAMetroIndicator whether a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) is either Metropolitan, Non-Metropolitan, or Frontier in nature hpsa_shortage
HPSARuralStatus rural, non-rural, or partially rural hpsa_shortage


Data variable Description Source data set
HPSAPercentPoverty percent of the population in the Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) living below the U.S. Federal Poverty Level hpsa_shortage
PopulationEstimate2018 estimated total population of county in 2018 ahrf_health
PopulationEstimate65+2017 estimated population of 65+ age group in county in 2017 ahrf_health
PopTotalMale2017 total population of males in county in 2017 ahrf_health
PopTotalFemale2017 total population of females in county in 2017 ahrf_health
PopulationDensityperSqMile2010 population density per square mile in county in 2010 ahrf_health
CensusPopulation2010 2010 census population of county ahrf_health
MedianAge2010 median age of county in 2010 ahrf_health
MedianAge2010 median age of county in 2010 ahrf_health
MedianAge2010 median age of county in 2010 ahrf_health
#EligibleforMedicare2018 number of people eligible for Medicare in county in 2018 ahrf_health
MedicareEnrollment,AgedTot2017 medicare enrollment (based on age requirement) in the county in 2017 ahrf_health
PopMale<52010 county population of males age < 5 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle<52010 county population of females age < 5 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale5-92010 county population of males age 5-9 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle<5-92010 county population of females age 5-9 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale10-142010 county population of males age 10-14 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle10-142010 county population of females age 10-14 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale15-192010 county population of males age 15-19 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle15-192010 county population of females age 15-19 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale20-242010 county population of males age 20-24 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle20-242010 county population of females age 20-24 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale25-292010 county population of males age 25-29 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle25-292010 county population of females age 25-29 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale30-342010 county population of males age 30-34 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle30-342010 county population of females age 30-34 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale35-442010 county population of males age 35-44 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle35-442010 county population of females age 35-44 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale45-542010 county population of males age 45-54 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle45-542010 county population of females age 45-54 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale55-592010 county population of males age 55-59 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle55-592010 county population of females age 55-59 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale60-642010 county population of males age 60-64 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle60-642010 county population of females age 60-64 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale65-742010 county population of males age 65-74 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle65-742010 county population of females age 65-74 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale75-842010 county population of males age 75-84 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle75-842010 county population of females age 75-84 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopMale>842010 county population of males age > 84 from 2010 census ahrf_health
PopFmle>842010 county population of females age > 84 from 2010 census ahrf_health
% Uninsured percentage of population under age 65 without health insurance (2017) chrr_health
High School Graduation Rate percentage of ninth-grade cohort that graduates in four years (2016-17) chrr_health
% Some College percentage of adults ages 25-44 with some post-secondary education (2014-18) chrr_health
% Unemployed percentage of population ages 16 and older unemployed but seeking work (2018) chrr_health
% Children in Poverty percentage of people under age 18 in poverty (2018) chrr_health
Income Ratio ratio of household income at the 80th percentile to income at the 20th percentile (2014-18) chrr_health
% Single-Parent Households percentage of children that live in a household headed by single parent (2014-18) chrr_health
Social Association Rate number of membership associations per 10,000 population (2017) chrr_health
% Severe Housing Problems percentage of households with at least 1 of 4 housing problems: overcrowding, high housing costs, lack of kitchen facilities, or lack of plumbing facilities (2012-16) chrr_health
Urban Influence Code 2013 urban influence code 2013 usda_poverty
Poverty Num All Ages 2018 estimate of people of all ages in poverty 2018 usda_poverty
Poverty Num Ages 0-17 2018 estimate of people ages 0-17 in poverty 2018 usda_poverty
Poverty Num Ages 5-17 2018 estimate of people ages 5-17 in poverty 2018 usda_poverty
Poverty Pct All Ages 2018 estimate of percent of people of all ages in poverty 2018 usda_poverty
Poverty Pct Ages 0-17 2018 estimate of percent of people ages 0-17 in poverty 2018 usda_poverty
Poverty Pct Ages 5-17 2018 estimate of percent of people ages 5-17 in poverty 2018 usda_poverty
Median Household Income 2018 median household income 2018 usda_poverty

Health Resource Availability

Data variable Description Source data set
#Hospitals number of hospitals in the Hospital Compare general information file, for each county khn_icu
#ICU_beds number of ICU beds reported in the most recent cost report for each hospital, including the categories "intensive care unit," "coronary care unit," "burn intensive care unit" and "surgical intensive care unit," aggregated by county khn_icu
60plusPerICUBed the population 60 and older divided by the total number of ICU_beds; NA if ICU_beds = 0 khn_icu
#FTEHospitalTotal2017 number of full-time employees at hospitals in 2017 ahrf_health
TotalM.D.'s,TotNon-FedandFed2017 number of MDs in each county in 2017 ahrf_health
#HospParticipatinginNetwork2017 number of hospitals participating in network in 2017 ahrf_health
SVIPercentile the county's overall percentile ranking indicating the CDC's Social Vulnerability Index (SVI); higher ranking indicates greater social vulnerability cdc_svi
SVIPercentileSEtheme the county's percentile ranking from the SVI socioeconomic theme, which accounts for poverty level, unemployment, income, high school diploma; higher ranking indicates greater social vulnerability cdc_svi
SVIPercentileHDtheme the county's percentile ranking from the SVI housing composition and disability theme, which accounts for composition of those $\geq$ 65, $\leq$ 17, >5 with a disability, and single-parent households; higher ranking indicates greater social vulnerability cdc_svi
SVIPercentileMLtheme the county's percentile ranking from the SVI minority status and language theme, which accounts for minority status and if one speaks English "less than well"; higher ranking indicates greater social vulnerability cdc_svi
SVIPercentileHTtheme the county's percentile ranking from the SVI housing and transportation theme, which accounts for multi-unit structures, mobile homes, crowding, no vehicles, and group quarters; higher ranking indicates greater social vulnerability cdc_svi
HPSAScore the Health Professional Shortage Area Score developed by the NHSC in determining priorities for assignment of clinicians; ranges from 0 to 26 where the higher the score, the greater the priority hpsa_shortage
HPSAServedPop estimated total population served by the full-time equivalent (FTE) Health care practitioners within a (HPSA) hpsa_shortage
HPSAUnderservedPop estimated underserved population served by the full-time equivalent (FTE) health care practitioners within a HPSA hpsa_shortage
HPSAShortage the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) practitioners needed in the Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) so that it will achieve the population to practitioner target ratio; target ratio is determined by the type (discipline) of the HPSA hpsa_shortage
Primary Care Physicians Ratio ratio of population to primary care physicians (2017) chrr_health
Dentist Ratio ratio of population to dentists (2018) chrr_health
Mental Health Provider Ratio ratio of population to mental health providers (2019) chrr_health

Health Outcomes and Risk Factors

Data variable Description Source data set
HeartDiseaseMortality estimated mortality rate per 100,000 (all ages, all races/ethnicities, both genders, 2014-2016) from all heart diseases dhdsp_heart
StrokeMortality estimated mortality rate per 100,000 (all ages, all races/ethnicities, both genders, 2014-2016) from all strokes dhdsp_stroke
RespMortalityRate1980 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 1980 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1980LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1980 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1980HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1980 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1985 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 1985 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1985LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1985 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1985HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1985 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1990 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 1990 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1990LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1990 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1990HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1990 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1995 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 1995 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1995LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1995 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate1995HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 1995 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2000 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 2000 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2000LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2000 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2000HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2000 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2005 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 2005 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2005LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2005 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2005HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2005 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2010 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 2010 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2010LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2010 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2010HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2010 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2014 estimated age-standardized mortality rates (deaths per 100,000) for both sexes combined for year 2014 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2014LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2014 ihme_respiratory
RespMortalityRate2014HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for mortality rate estimate for year 2014 ihme_respiratory
RespChangeInMortality1980-2014 estimated percent change in mortality rate between 1980 and 2014 ihme_respiratory
RespChangeInMortality1980-2014LowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for percent change in mortality rate between 1980 and 2014 ihme_respiratory
RespChangeInMortality1980-2014HighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for percent change in mortality rate between 1980 and 2014 ihme_respiratory
MedicareAlcoholAbuse prevalence of alcohol abuse, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareAlzheimers prevalence of Alzheimers, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareArthritis prevalence of Arthritis, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareAsthma prevalence of Asthma, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareAtrialFibrillation prevalence of atrial fibrillation, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareAutism prevalence of Autism, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareCancer prevalence of cancer, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareKidneyDisease prevalence of kidney disease, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareCOPD prevalence of COPD, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareDepression prevalence of depression, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareDiabetes prevalence of diabetes, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareDrugAbuse prevalence of drug abuse, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareHIVAIDS prevalence of HIV/AIDS, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareHertFailure prevalence of heart failure, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareHepatitis prevalence of hepatitis, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareHyperlipidemia prevalence of Hyperlipidemia, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareHypertension prevalence of hypertension, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareIschemic Heart Disease prevalence of Ischemic Heart Disease, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareOsteoporosis prevalence of Osteoporosis, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicarePsychotic Disorders prevalence of psychotic disorders, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
MedicareStroke prevalence of stroke, calculated by taking the beneficiaries with the given condition divided by the total number of beneficiaries in Medicare fee-for-service population (expressed as a percentage) medicare_chronic
DiabetesPercentage estimated age-adjusted percentage of diagnosed diabetes in 2016 among adults age 20 and over usdss_diabetes
DiabetesLowCI95 lower limit of 95% confidence interval for diagnosed diabetes percentage usdss_diabetes
DiabetesHighCI95 upper limit of 95% confidence interval for diagnosed diabetes percentage usdss_diabetes
3-YrDiabetes2015-17 estimated percentage of diabetes ahrf_health
CrudeMortalityRate2012-2016 the number of deaths reported each calendar year per 100,000, reporting the death rate per 100,000 persons nchs_mortality
3-YrMortalityAge<1Year2015-17 mortality rate for population age < 1, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge1-4Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 1-4, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge5-14Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 5-14, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge15-25Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 15-25, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge25-34Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 25-34, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge35-44Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 35-44, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge45-54Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 45-54, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge55-64Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 55-64, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge65-74Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 65-74, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge75-84Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 75-84, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
3-YrMortalityAge85+Years2015-17 mortality rate for population age 85+, averaged over 2015-17 ahrf_health
Years of Potential Life Lost Rate years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 population (age-adjusted) (2016-2018) chrr_health
% Fair or Poor Health percentage of adults reporting fair or poor health (age-adjusted) (2017) chrr_health
Average Number of Physically Unhealthy Days average number of physically unhealthy days reported in past 30 days (age-adjusted) (2017) chrr_health
Average Number of Mentally Unhealthy Days average number of mentally unhealthy days reported in past 30 days (age-adjusted) (2017) chrr_health
% Low Birthweight percentage of live births with low birthweight (< 2,500 grams) (2012-18) chrr_health
Smokers_Percentage estimated percentage of adult smokers in county (2017) chrr_smoking
% Adults with Obesity percentage of the adult population (age 20 and older) that reports a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 (2016) chrr_health
Food Environment Index index of factors that contribute to a healthy food environment, from 0 (worst) to 10 (best) (2015, 2017) chrr_health
% Physically Inactive percentage of adults age 20 and over reporting no leisure-time physical activity (2016) chrr_health
% With Access to Exercise Opportunities percentage of population with adequate access to locations for physical activity (2010, 2019) chrr_health
% Excessive Drinking**: percentage of adults reporting binge or heavy drinking (2017) chrr_health
% Driving Deaths with Alcohol Involvement percentage of driving deaths with alcohol involvement (2014-18) chrr_health
Chlamydia Rate number of newly diagnosed chlamydia cases per 100,000 population (2017) chrr_health
Teen Birth Rate number of births per 1,000 female population ages 15-19 (2012-18) chrr_health
Preventable Hospitalization Rate rate of hospital stays for ambulatory-care sensitive conditions per 100,000 Medicare enrollees (2017) chrr_health
% With Annual Mammogram percentage of female Medicare enrollees ages 65-74 that received an annual mammography screening (2017) chrr_health
% Vaccinated percentage of fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare enrollees that had an annual flu vaccination (2017) chrr_health
Violent Crime Rate number of reported violent crime offenses per 100,000 population (2014, 2016) chrr_health
Injury Death Rate number of deaths due to injury per 100,000 population (2014-18) chrr_health
Average Daily PM2.5 average daily density of fine particulate matter in micrograms per cubic meter (PM2.5) (2014) chrr_health
Presence of Water Violation indicator of the presence of health-related drinking water violations. 'Yes' indicates the presence of a violation, 'No' indicates no violation (2018) chrr_health
observed_ili%Y-%m-%d daily ILI incidence in the specified region on the specified date; from Kinsa thermometers kinsa_ili
atypical_ili%Y-%m-%d will contain the observed ILI from Kinsa if it is atypical; otherwise is null kinsa_ili
anomaly_diff%Y-%m-%d measure of how much atypical illness is present from Kinsa kinsa_ili
forecast_expected%Y-%m-%d where illness is expected to be based on time of year in given county from Kinsa kinsa_ili
forecast_lower%Y-%m-%d lower bound for expected forecast from Kinsa kinsa_ili
forecast_upper%Y-%m-%d upper bound for expected forecast kinsa_ili

Social Distancing and Mobility (some are private data)

Data variable Description Source data set
Mask Never the estimated share of people in this county who would say never in response to the question “How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person?” nytimes_masks
Mask Rarely the estimated share of people in this county who would say rarely in response to the question “How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person?” nytimes_masks
Mask Sometimes the estimated share of people in this county who would say sometimes in response to the question “How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person?” nytimes_masks
Mask Frequently the estimated share of people in this county who would say frequently in response to the question “How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person?” nytimes_masks
Mask Always the estimated share of people in this county who would say always in response to the question “How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person?” nytimes_masks
daily_distance_diff%Y-%m-%d change of average distance traveled on %Y-%m-%d from baseline (avg. distance traveled for same day of week during pre-COVID-19 time period for a specific county); dating from 2/24/20 to present-day (minus few days lag) unacast_mobility
daily_visitation_diff%Y-%m-%d change of visits to non-essential retail and services on %Y-%m-%d from baseline (avg. visits for same day of week during pre-COVID-19 time period for a specific county); dating from 2/24/20 to present-day (minus few days lag) unacast_mobility
encounter_rate%Y-%m-%d rate of unique human encounters per km^2 on %Y-%m-%d relative to national pre-COVID-19 baseline unacast_mobility
VMT_per_capita%Y-%m-%d total vehicle miles travelled by residents of county per capita on given date from Streetlight streetlight_vmt
VMT_percent_change%Y-%m-%d percent change in VMT on given date compared to VMT baseline from Streetlight streetlight_vmt
device_count_{DATE} number of devices seen in SafeGraph panel data on {DATE} whose home is in this countyFIPS safegraph_socialdistancing
completely_home_device_county_{DATE} out of the device_count, the number of devices which did not leave the geohash-7 in which their home is located on {DATE} safegraph_socialdistancing
part_time_work_behavior_devices_{DATE} out of the device_count, the number of devices that spent one period of between 3 and 6 hours at one location other than their geohash-7 home during the period of 8 am - 6 pm in local time safegraph_socialdistancing
full_time_work_behavior_devices_{DATE} out of the device_count, the number of devices that spent greater than 6 hours at a location other than their home geohash-7 during the period of 8 am - 6 pm in local time safegraph_socialdistancing
delivery_behavior_devices_{DATE} out of the device_count, the number of devices that stopped for < 20 minutes at > 3 locations outside of their geohash-7 home safegraph_socialdistancing
bucketed_distance_traveled_{BUCKET}_{DATE} {BUCKET} is range of meters (from geohash-7 of home) and value is the number of devices that fall into the given distance traveled bucket safegraph_socialdistancing
bucketed_home_dwell_time_{BUCKET}_{DATE} {BUCKET} is range of minutes and value is the number of devices that dwelled at geohash-7 of home for some time within the given {BUCKET} safegraph_socialdistancing
bucketed_away_from_home_time_{BUCKET}_{DATE} {BUCKET} is range of minutes and value is device count of devices that dwelled outside of geohash-7 of home for some time within the given {BUCKET} safegraph_socialdistancing
bucketed_percentage_time_home_{BUCKET}_{DATE} {BUCKET} is a range of percentage of time a device was observed at home (numerator) out of total hours observed that day at any location (denominator). Value is the number of devices observed in this {BUCKET} range. safegraph_socialdistancing
at_home_by_each_hour_{#}_{DATE} {#} is an hour of the day (e.g., 0 = midnight to 1am, 1 = 1am to 2am) and value is the number of devices at geohash-7 home in the given hour (in local time) safegraph_socialdistancing
destination_cbgs_{DATE} dictionary; key is a destination countyFIPS and value is the number of devices with a home in the current (origin) countyFIPS that stopped in the given destination countyFIPS for >1 minute during the time period safegraph_socialdistancing
n_places_{CATEGORY} number of places (POIs) in countyFIPS for given industry category in SafeGraph panel data safegraph_weeklypatterns
location_names_{CATEGORY} list of locations in countyFIPS for given industry category in SafeGraph panel data safegraph_weeklypatterns
naics_codes_{CATEGORY} list of NAICS codes (i.e., industry categories) for each location in location_names_{CATEGORY} safegraph_weeklypatterns
raw_visitor_counts_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} list where the ith component corresponds to the number of unique visitors from panel to location i during the week starting on given {DATE} safegraph_weeklypatterns
raw_visit_counts_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} list where the ith component corresponds to the number of visits in panel to location i during the week starting on given {DATE} safegraph_weeklypatterns
visits_by_day_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} list where the ith component corresponds to the number of unique visitors from panel to location i on given date safegraph_weeklypatterns
max_visits_in_hour_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} list where the ith component corresponds to the max number of visits to location i over the span of an hour on given date safegraph_weeklypatterns
bucketed_dwell_times_{BUCKET}_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} list where the ith component corresponds to the number of visits to location i that were within the given time {BUCKET} duration over the span of the week starting on {DATE}; {BUCKET} is a range of minutes safegraph_weeklypatterns
median_raw_visitor_counts_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} median of raw_visitor_counts_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} safegraph_weeklypatterns
median_raw_visit_counts_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} median of raw_visit_counts_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} safegraph_weeklypatterns
sum_visits_by_day_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} sum of visits_by_day_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} safegraph_weeklypatterns
max_max_visits_in_hour_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} max of max_visits_in_hour_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} safegraph_weeklypatterns
sum_bucketed_dwell_times_{BUCKET}_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} sum of bucketed_dwell_times_{BUCKET}_week_{DATE}_{CATEGORY} safegraph_weeklypatterns
stay at home contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
>50 gatherings contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
>500 gatherings contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
public schools contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
restaurant dine-in contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
entertainment/gym contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
federal guidelines contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
foreign travel ban contains the date that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, given as the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date, where January 1 of year 1 has t = 1 jhu_interventions
% Drive Alone to Work percentage of the workforce that drives alone to work (2014-18) chrr_health
% Long Commute - Drives Alone among workers who commute in their car alone, the percentage that commute more than 30 minutes (2014-18) chrr_health
%Y-%m-%d_Parks percent change in mobility at parks relative to baseline value for that day of the week google_mobility
%Y-%m-%d_Residential percent change in mobility at residential areas relative to baseline value for that day of the week google_mobility
%Y-%m-%d_Retail-Recreation percent change in mobility at retail and recreational areas relative to baseline value for that day of the week google_mobility
%Y-%m-%d_Transit percent change in mobility at transit areas relative to baseline value for that day of the week google_mobility
%Y-%m-%d_Workplace percent change in mobility at workplaces relative to baseline value for that day of the week google_mobility
%Y-%m-%d_Grocery-Pharmacy percent change in mobility at groceries and pharmacies relative to baseline value for that day of the week google_mobility


Data variable Description Source data set
dem_to_rep_ratio ratio of the number of votes received by the Democratic candidate over that received by the Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential election mit_voting