Anaconda is a free and open source distribution of the Python programming language. Make sure you select python3.
conda create -n bsoid_env
conda activate bsoid_env
You should now see (bsoid_env) $yourusername@yourmachine ~ %
conda install ipython
pip install pandas tqdm matplotlib opencv-python seaborn scikit-learn umap-learn hdbscan
Step 4: Clone B-SOID and change your current directory to B-SOID/bsoid_py/config to edit your configuration path
git clone
cd B-SOID/bsoid_umap/config/
Use the vim commands as follows:
- vim commands are:
- "i" for going into edit mode, user keyboards to navigate.
- "esc" for escaping editor mode.
- ":w" write changes.
- ":wq" for writing your changes and quit vim.
- ":q!" disregarding any changes and quit.
If you are a windows user and does not have vim installed, it is recommended to install python text editors to edit the
ATOM text editor:
BASE_PATH = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets'
- Change this to your directory to the project folder that all experimental folders nests within.
TRAIN_FOLDERS = ['/Train1', '/Train2']
- Within BASE_PATH, you now list the immediate parent folder that houses .csv files.
PREDICT_FOLDERS = ['/041919', '/042219']
- Folder paths containing new dataset (.csv files) to predict using built classifier.
FPS = 60
- Change this to your camera frame-rate.
- Determine that by getting info from your videos.
- Be as precise as possible.
OUTPUT_PATH = '/Users/ahsu/Desktop/'
- Change to desired output path that the program will be saving results to.
MODEL_NAME = 'c57bl6_n2_120min'
- Name the machine learning model.
PLOT = True
- Change to False if you don't want plots. It'll still save the output .csvs.
VID = True
- Change to False if you don't want video outputs during the prediction process.
- Generally, I would only keep this True to validate the model as video takes time to process.
- If True, make sure direct to the video below AND that you created the two specified folders!
FRAME_DIR = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets/041919/0_30min_10fpsPNGs'
- Where would you want the extracted frames to be stored?
- Make sure you've created this folder and it exists!
SHORTVID_DIR = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets/041919/examples'
- Where would these short example videos be saved to?
- Make sure you've created this folder and it exists!
VID_NAME = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets/041919/2019-04-19_09-34-36cut0_30min.mp4'
- If you want to visualize the output to understand what each group means, pick a video.
ID = 0
- Which csv ID number would this video be corresponding to?
- For example, if this is the first video in the first PREDICT_FOLDERS list: /041919, it will be 0. (0 index; 1-1)
- If there are only 2 videos per folder, and it's the second video in the second PREDICT_FOLDERS list: /042219, it will be 3 (0 index; 4-1)
- Which csv ID number would this video be corresponding to?
Go back to main B-SOID folder, if you're in bsoid_py, cd ..
First, call iPython
Then import configuration files, and the main function
from bsoid_umap.config import *
import bsoid_umap.main
Build your behaviaoral model using your training csv files within your train folders (
f_10fps, f_10fps_sc, umap_embeddings, hdb_assignments, soft_assignments, soft_clusters, nn_classifier, scores, nn_assignments =
Note that this process takes some time depending on how big your dataset is. Generally, I would consider training with at least 3 animals, with sufficient behavioral data.
Still inside iPython, see above.
data_new, fs_labels =
The output results will be stored automatically in the OUTPUT_PATH ( Video results will be stored as well (