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Yoast components

React components for use within different Yoast React projects.


You can install yoast-components using npm:

npm install yoast-components


import Input from 'yoast-components/forms/Input'

// Then you can use the Input component within your React components



If you use yoast-components within your own project we recommend using webpack with the following loaders and configuration:

  • Babel-loader
    • Presets: es2015 and react


Webpack 2+ configuration:

module.exports = {
    // ...
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.jsx?$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                use: [ {
                    loader: "babel-loader",
                } ],
            // ...
    // ...


  "presets": ["es2015", "react"]

Additional configuration

In the entry of your webpack you should include babel-polyfill as the very first element:

module.exports = {
    // ...
    entry: [
        // ...
    // ...

Reducers and Middleware

Some components require implementing a reducer. See which components need what reducers below:

Content analysis

If you wish to use the content analysis component you should implement the contentAnalysisReducer, located in yoast-components/composites/Plugin/ContentAnalysis/reducers/contentAnalysisReducer.js. In your root reducer this reducer should have the name contentAnalysis.

import contentAnalysis from "yoast-components/composites/Plugin/ContentAnalysis/reducers/contentAnalysisReducer.js";
// Your root reducer
combineReducers( {
    // ...
    contentAnalysis: contentAnalysis,
    // ...
} );


  • Run a yarn install in the root folder.
  • Run yarn start in the root folder.
  • Go to http://localhost:3333


yarn test

Code style

To test the code style:

grunt check


Folder structure

Every component should have its own folder named lowercase with the relevant files inside of it. Every component must contain a JavaScript with the component definition in it and exported using export default [Component]. Any component can contain a SCSS file for relevant CSS and a explaining how the component works.


We use i18n-calypso to localize all components. Refer to their documentation about how to use translate, moment and numberFormat. We don't use the mixin provided. Only use the higher order component to wrap components when they are exported, like so:

import { localize } from 'i18n-calypso'

export default localize( Component );


If you discover any security related issues, please email security [at] instead of using the issue tracker.



We follow the GPL. Please see License file for more information.

Developing within wordpress-seo1

1. With some minor tweaks this can also be used to develop yoast-components within other projects

If you would like to develop yoast-components within the wordpress-seo plugin, you can do this quite easily using yarn.

  1. Link your yoast-components project to wordpress-seo using the command line:
    1. In your yoast-components project run yarn link.
    2. In your wordpress-seo project run yarn link "yoast-components".

Now you can make development easier by having grunt watch your files:

  1. In wordpress-seo open Gruntfile.js.
  2. Within the configuration object project, add the following line to paths>files>js[]: node_modules/yoast-components/**/*.js
  3. Run grunt watch