.. http:get:: /cart
.. http:get:: /cart/add/(int:game_id) Adds a single item to the cart.
.. http:post:: /cart/add Adds multiple items to the cart. :reqjson array product_ids: Items to add
.. http:get:: /cart/add/series/(int:series_id) Add a series to the cart.
.. http:get:: /cart/remove/(int:game_id) Removes an item from the cart.
.. http:get:: /checkout Redirects to order page
.. http:get:: /checkout/manual/(int:product_id) TODO
.. http:any:: /checkout/order/(int:order_id)/changeCurrency/(str:currency)
.. http:any:: /checkout/order/(int:order_id)/add/(int:game_id)
.. http:post:: /checkout/order/(int:order_id)/remove/(int:game_id) Empty request content
.. http:any:: /checkout/order/(int:order_id)/enableStoreCredit
.. http:any:: /checkout/order/(int:order_id)/disableStoreCredit
.. http:any:: /checkout/order/(int:order_id)/setAsGift
.. http:any:: /checkout/order/(int:order_id)/setAsNotGift
.. http:any:: /payment/process/(int:order_id)
.. http:any:: /payment/ping/(int:order_id)
.. http:any:: /order/checkStatus/(int:order_id)
.. http:any:: /account/settings/orders/resend
.. http:get:: /account/settings/orders/data
.. http:any:: /account/settings/orders/resend
.. http:any:: /wallet/recommendedProducts
.. http:post:: /wallet/funds Creates an order to add wallet funds. :reqjson int amount: Amount of money to add in cents :reqjson str currency: Currency code **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /wallet/funds HTTP/1.1 Host: { "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "redirectToUrl": "/checkout/35a99729ca0d" }
.. http:get:: /wallet/transactions/(str:currency)/(int:page) Gets the wallet transaction history. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /wallet/transactions/EUR/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "list": [ { "orderId": "2E354EEF0EF2", "date": 1481166490, "name": "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - fair price package", "negative": false, "balanceChange": "0.20", "endBalance": { "user_id": "48628349971017", "currency_code": "EUR", "amount": 20, "absolute_amount": 20, "formattedAbsoluteAmount": "0.20", "formattedAmount": "0.20", "lastRecharge": null, "last_notification_sent": null, "expirationDate": null }, "currency": "EUR" } ], "count": 1, "pageSize": 30 }