This is a 2D simulator for RoboMaster AI Challenge, the environment for the training of reinforcement learning. The simulation is able to achieve efficient collision detection and significantly accelerated reinforcement learning.
Called orders
in kernel.
self.action_space = spaces.Box(high = 1, low = -1, shape = (8,),dtype = int)
In function orders_to_acts
, np.clip
is used.
for i in range(4):
self.orders[i] = np.clip(self.orders[i], 0, 1)
名称 | 范围 | 解释 | 手控按键 | |
0 | x | -1~1 | -1:后退,0:不动,1:前进[3] | s/w |
1 | y | -1~1 | -1:左移,0:不动,1:右移 | q/e |
2 | rotate | -1~1 | 底盘,-1:左转,0:不动,1:右转 | a/d |
3 | yaw | -1~1 | 云台,-1:左转,0:不动,1:右转 | b/m |
4 | shoot | 0~1 | 是否射击,0:否,1:是 | space |
5 | supply | 0~1 | 时候触发补给,0:否,1:是 | f |
6 | shoot_mode | 0~1 | 射击模式,0:单发,1:连发 | r |
7 | auto_aim | 0~1 | 是否启用自瞄,0:否,1:是 | n |
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low = -180.0, high = 2000.0, shape = (17, ), dtype = np.float32)
num | name | min | max |
[0, 14] | car_info | -180.0 | 800.0 |
15 | time | 0.0 | 180.0 |
[16, 19] | observ | 0.0 | 1.0 |
引索 | 名称 | 类型 | 范围 | 解释 |
0 | owner | int | 0~1 | 队伍,0:红方,1:蓝方 |
1 | x | float | 0~800 | x坐标[0] |
2 | y | float | 0~500 | y坐标 |
3 | angle | float | -180~180 | 底盘绝对角度[1] |
4 | yaw | float | -90~90 | 云台相对底盘角度 |
5 | heat | int | 0~ | 枪口热度 |
6 | hp | int | 0~2000 | 血量 |
7 | freeze_time | int | 【已删除】 | |
8 | is_supply | bool | 【已删除】 | |
9 | can_shoot | bool | 0~1 | 决策频率高于出弹最高频率(10Hz) |
10 | bullet | int | 0~ | 剩余子弹量 |
11 | stay_time | int | 【已删除】 | |
12 | wheel_hit | int | 0~ | 轮子撞墙的次数 |
13 | armor_hit | int | 0~ | 装甲板撞墙的次数 |
14 | car_hit | int | 0~ | 轮子或装甲板撞车的次数 |
shape: (car_num, car_num)
: detect || vision
# 0 1 2 3
detect = [[0, 1, 0, 0], # 0
[0, 0, 1, 1], # 1
[0, 0, 0, 0], # 2
[1, 0, 0, 0]] # 3
引索1 | 名称 | 解释 |
0 | rotate_speed | 底盘旋转速度 |
1 | yaw_speed | 云台旋转速度 |
2 | x_speed | 前进后退速度 |
3 | y_speed | 左右平移速度 |
4 | shoot | 是否发射 |
5 | shoot_mutiple | 是否连发 |
6 | supply | 是否触发补给 |
7 | auto_aim | 是否自动瞄准 |
class Move_Shoot:
def __init__(self, area, time, activation):
self.area = area
self.time = time
self.activation = activation
class RefereeSystem:
move = Move_Shoot(np.zeros(4, dtype='float32'), 0, None)
shoot = Move_Shoot(np.zeros(4, dtype='float32'), 0, None)
red_hp = Move_Shoot(np.zeros(4, dtype='float32'), 0, None)
blue_hp = Move_Shoot(np.zeros(4, dtype='float32'), 0, None)
red_bullet = Move_Shoot(np.zeros(4, dtype='float32'), 0, None)
blue_bullet = Move_Shoot(np.zeros(4, dtype='float32'), 0, None)
def __init__(self, special_area, time, cars):
def checkZone(self, car, bouns):
def getMobility(self,car):
def getShootabiliy(self, car):
def _reset_bufzone(self):
def update(self):
name | 解释 | ||
length | int | 808 | 地图长度 |
width | int | 448 | 地图宽度 |
special_area | float | (8, 4) | supply & punish area |
areas | float | (4, 4) | start areas |
barriers | float | (9, 4) | 障碍物的位置信息 |
名称 | 范围 | 解释 | |
0 | border_x0 | 0~808 | 左边界 |
1 | border_x1 | 0~808 | 右边界 |
2 | border_y0 | 0~448 | 上边界 |
3 | border_y1 | 0~448 | 下边界 |
(6, 4)
area1 | area2 |
red_hp | blue_hp |
red_bullet | blue_bullet |
move | shoot |
, shape
(4, 4)
num | team |
0, 1 | red |
2, 3 | blue |
name | |
0 | barrier_horizontal_short |
1 | barrier_horizontal_short |
2 | barrier_horizontal_tall |
3 | barrier_horizontal_tall |
4 | barrier_horizontal_tall |
5 | barrier_horizontal_tall |
6 | barrier_vertical |
7 | barrier_vertical |
8 | barrier_small |