- Source code: github.com/venyao/SoybeanGDB
- Online use: venyao.xyz/SoybeanGDB/
- Contact: [email protected]
- BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
- Tabix: Generic indexer for TAB-delimited genome position files
- Primer3: A widely used program for designing PCR primers
- CNCB-NGDC: China National Genomics Data Center
- SoyBase: The USDA-ARS soybean genetics and genomics database
- RepeatMasker: A program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences
- OrthoFinder: A program for phylogenetic orthology inference
- JBrowse2: A pluggable open-source platform for visualizing and integrating biological data
- Wildsoydb: Genetic resources for legumes
- ECOGEMS: Efficient compression and retrieve of SNP data of 2058 rice accessions with integer sparse matrices
- MaizeSNPDB: A comprehensive database for efficient retrieve and analysis of SNPs among 1210 maize lines
- Pan-Genome of Wild and Cultivated Soybeans
- A new decade and new data at SoyBase, the USDA-ARS soybean genetics and genomics database
- A reference-grade wild soybean genome
- The genome portal of the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute: 2014 updates
- NCBI BLAST: a better web interface
- Primer3—new capabilities and interfaces
- JBrowse: a dynamic web platform for genome visualization and analysis
- clusterProfiler: an R Package for Comparing Biological Themes Among Gene Clusters
- eggNOG 5.0: a hierarchical, functionally and phylogenetically annotated orthology resource based on 5090 organisms and 2502 viruses
- Tabix: fast retrieval of sequence features from generic TAB-delimited files
- SyRI: finding genomic rearrangements and local sequence differences from whole-genome assemblies
- Soybean DICER-LIKE2 Regulates Seed Coat Color via Production of Primary 22-Nucleotide Small Interfering RNAs from Long Inverted Repeats
- Phylogenomics of the genus Glycine sheds light on polyploid evolution and life-strategy transition
- Genome assembly of the popular Korean soybean cultivar Hwangkeum
- Genetic variation among 481 diverse soybean accessions, inferred from genomic re-sequencing
- RNA-Seq Atlas of Glycine max: A guide to the soybean transcriptome