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fix(notify): stopped notifying about hovers
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Will Ehrendreich authored and Will Ehrendreich committed Nov 7, 2023
1 parent 0d1d0a2 commit 8571f00
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Showing 2 changed files with 220 additions and 83 deletions.
276 changes: 206 additions & 70 deletions README.mkd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -363,77 +363,213 @@ ionide ={
--- you're going to have to call the IonideUpdateServerConfiguration user command to to do that.
--- in all likelihood, it's going to be easier to just make the setting change in your setup to ionide, and reload Neovim.
settings = {
FSharp = {
abstractClassStubGeneration = true,
abstractClassStubGenerationMethodBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',
abstractClassStubGenerationObjectIdentifier = "this",
analyzersPath = { "packages/Analyzers", "analyzers" },
codeLenses = {
references = {
enabled = true
signature = {
enabled = true
debug = {
checkFileDebouncerTimeout = 250,
dontCheckRelatedFiles = false,
logCheckFileDuration = false,
logDurationBetweenCheckFiles = false
dotnetRoot = "",
enableAdaptiveLspServer = true,
enableAnalyzers = true,
enableMSBuildProjectGraph = true,
excludeProjectDirectories = { "paket-files", ".fable", "packages", "node_modules" },
--Includes external (from unopened modules and namespaces) symbols in autocomplete
externalAutocomplete = false,

fsac = {
attachDebugger = false,
conserveMemory = true,
dotnetArgs = {},
parallelReferenceResolution = true,
silencedLogs = {},
---"EXPERIMENTAL. Enables the use of a new source text implementation. This may have better memory characteristics. Requires restart."
sourceTextImplementation = "RoslynSourceText"
fsiCompilerToolLocations = {},
fsiExtraParameters = { "" },
generateBinlog = false,
indentationSize = 2,
inlayHints = {
disableLongTooltip = false,
enabled = true,
parameterNames = true,
typeAnnotations = true
interfaceStubGeneration = true,
interfaceStubGenerationMethodBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',
interfaceStubGenerationObjectIdentifier = "this",
keywordsAutocomplete = true,
-- this seems to do nothing..
lineLens = {
enabled = "always",
prefix = "//"
FSharp =

linter = true,
recordStubGeneration = true,
recordStubGenerationBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',
resolveNamespaces = true,
simplifyNameAnalyzer = true,
suggestSdkScripts = true,
tooltipMode = "full",
unionCaseStubGeneration = true,
unionCaseStubGenerationBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',
unusedDeclarationsAnalyzer = true,
unusedOpensAnalyzer = true,
useSdkScripts = true,
workspaceModePeekDeepLevel = 4
-- `addFsiWatcher`,
addFsiWatcher = false,
-- `addPrivateAccessModifier`,
addPrivateAccessModifier = false,
-- `autoRevealInExplorer`,
autoRevealInExplorer = "sameAsFileExplorer",
-- `disableFailedProjectNotifications`,
disableFailedProjectNotifications = false,
-- `enableMSBuildProjectGraph`,
enableMSBuildProjectGraph = true,
-- `enableReferenceCodeLens`,
enableReferenceCodeLens = true,
-- `enableTouchBar`,
enableTouchBar = true,
-- `enableTreeView`,
enableTreeView = true,
-- `fsiSdkFilePath`,
fsiSdkFilePath = "",
-- `infoPanelReplaceHover`,
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
-- if there's a big demand I'll consider making one.
infoPanelReplaceHover = false,
-- `infoPanelShowOnStartup`,
infoPanelShowOnStartup = false,
-- `infoPanelStartLocked`,
infoPanelStartLocked = false,
-- `infoPanelUpdate`,
infoPanelUpdate = "onCursorMove",
-- `inlineValues`,
inlineValues = { enabled = true, prefix = " // " },
-- `msbuildAutoshow`,
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
msbuildAutoshow = false,
-- `notifications`,
notifications = { trace = true, traceNamespaces = { "BoundModel.TypeCheck", "BackgroundCompiler." } },
-- `openTelemetry`,
openTelemetry = { enabled = false },
-- `pipelineHints`,
pipelineHints = { enabled = true, prefix = " // " },
-- `saveOnSendLastSelection`,
saveOnSendLastSelection = false,
-- `showExplorerOnStartup`,
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
showExplorerOnStartup = false,
-- `showProjectExplorerIn`,
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
showProjectExplorerIn = "fsharp",
-- `simplifyNameAnalyzerExclusions`,
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
simplifyNameAnalyzerExclusions = { ".*\\.g\\.fs", ".*\\.cg\\.fs" },
-- `smartIndent`,
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
smartIndent = true,
-- `suggestGitignore`,
suggestGitignore = true,
-- `trace`,
trace = { server = "off" },
-- `unusedDeclarationsAnalyzerExclusions`,
unusedDeclarationsAnalyzerExclusions = { ".*\\.g\\.fs", ".*\\.cg\\.fs" },
-- `unusedOpensAnalyzerExclusions`,
unusedOpensAnalyzerExclusions = { ".*\\.g\\.fs", ".*\\.cg\\.fs" },
-- `verboseLogging`,
verboseLogging = false,
-- `workspacePath`
workspacePath = "",
-- `TestExplorer` = "",
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
TestExplorer = { AutoDiscoverTestsOnLoad = true },

-- { AutomaticWorkspaceInit: bool option AutomaticWorkspaceInit = false
-- WorkspaceModePeekDeepLevel: int option WorkspaceModePeekDeepLevel = 2
workspaceModePeekDeepLevel = 4,

fsac = {
attachDebugger = false,
cachedTypeCheckCount = 200,
conserveMemory = true,
silencedLogs = {},
parallelReferenceResolution = true,
-- "FSharp.fsac.sourceTextImplementation": {
-- "default": "NamedText",
-- "description": "EXPERIMENTAL. Enables the use of a new source text implementation. This may have better memory characteristics. Requires restart.",
-- "enum": [
-- "NamedText",
-- "RoslynSourceText"
-- ]
-- },
sourceTextImplementation = "RoslynSourceText",
dotnetArgs = {},
netCoreDllPath = "",
gc = {
conserveMemory = 0,
heapCount = 2,
noAffinitize = true,
server = true,

enableAdaptiveLspServer = true,
-- ExcludeProjectDirectories: string[] option = [||]
excludeProjectDirectories = { "paket-files", ".fable", "packages", "node_modules" },
-- KeywordsAutocomplete: bool option false
keywordsAutocomplete = true,
-- ExternalAutocomplete: bool option false
externalAutocomplete = false,
-- Linter: bool option false
linter = true,
-- IndentationSize: int option 4
indentationSize = 2,
-- UnionCaseStubGeneration: bool option false
unionCaseStubGeneration = true,
-- UnionCaseStubGenerationBody: string option """failwith "Not Implemented" """
unionCaseStubGenerationBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',
-- RecordStubGeneration: bool option false
recordStubGeneration = true,
-- RecordStubGenerationBody: string option "failwith \"Not Implemented\""
recordStubGenerationBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',
-- InterfaceStubGeneration: bool option false
interfaceStubGeneration = true,
-- InterfaceStubGenerationObjectIdentifier: string option "this"
interfaceStubGenerationObjectIdentifier = "this",
-- InterfaceStubGenerationMethodBody: string option "failwith \"Not Implemented\""
interfaceStubGenerationMethodBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',
-- UnusedOpensAnalyzer: bool option false
unusedOpensAnalyzer = true,
-- UnusedDeclarationsAnalyzer: bool option false
unusedDeclarationsAnalyzer = true,
-- SimplifyNameAnalyzer: bool option false
simplifyNameAnalyzer = true,
-- ResolveNamespaces: bool option false
resolveNamespaces = true,
-- EnableAnalyzers: bool option false
enableAnalyzers = true,
-- AnalyzersPath: string[] option
analyzersPath = { "packages/Analyzers", "analyzers" },
-- DisableInMemoryProjectReferences: bool option false|
-- disableInMemoryProjectReferences = false,

-- LineLens: LineLensConfig option
lineLens = { enabled = "always", prefix = "ll//" },

-- enables the use of .Net Core SDKs for script file type-checking and evaluation,
-- otherwise the .Net Framework reference lists will be used.
-- Recommended default value: `true`.
useSdkScripts = true,

suggestSdkScripts = true,
-- DotNetRoot - the path to the dotnet sdk. usually best left alone, the compiler searches for this on it's own,
dotnetRoot = "",

-- FSIExtraParameters: string[]
-- an array of additional runtime arguments that are passed to FSI.
-- These are used when typechecking scripts to ensure that typechecking has the same context as your FSI instances.
-- An example would be to set the following parameters to enable Preview features (like opening static classes) for typechecking.
-- defaults to {}
fsiExtraParameters = {},

-- FSICompilerToolLocations: string[]|nil
-- passes along this list of locations to compiler tools for FSI to the FSharpCompilerServiceChecker
-- to this function in fsautocomplete
-- which effectively just prepends "--compilertool:" to each entry and tells the FSharpCompilerServiceChecker about it and the fsiExtraParameters
fsiCompilerToolLocations = {},

-- TooltipMode: string option
-- TooltipMode can be one of the following:
-- "full" -> this provides the most verbose output
-- "summary" -> this is a slimmed down version of the tooltip
-- "" or nil -> this is the old or default way, and calls TipFormatter.FormatCommentStyle.Legacy on the lsp server... *shrug*
tooltipMode = "full",

-- GenerateBinlog
-- if true, binary logs will be generated and placed in the directory specified. They will have names of the form `{directory}/{project_name}.binlog`
-- defaults to false
generateBinlog = false,
abstractClassStubGeneration = true,
abstractClassStubGenerationObjectIdentifier = "this",
abstractClassStubGenerationMethodBody = 'failwith "Not Implemented"',

-- configures which parts of the CodeLens are enabled, if any
-- defaults to both signature and references being true
codeLenses = {
signature = { enabled = true },
references = { enabled = true },

inlayHints = {
--do these really annoy anyone? why not have em on?
enabled = true,
typeAnnotations = true,
-- Defaults to false, the more info the better, right?
disableLongTooltip = false,
parameterNames = true,

debug = {
dontCheckRelatedFiles = false,
checkFileDebouncerTimeout = 250,
logDurationBetweenCheckFiles = false,
logCheckFileDuration = false,

Expand Down
27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions lua/ionide/init.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@

local validate = vim.validate
local api = vim.api
local uc = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ M.DefaultServerSettings = {
-- Not relevant to Neovim, currently
msbuildAutoshow = false,
-- `notifications`,
notifications = { trace = true, traceNamespaces = { "BoundModel.TypeCheck", "BackgroundCompiler." } },
notifications = { trace = false, traceNamespaces = { "BoundModel.TypeCheck", "BackgroundCompiler." } },
-- `openTelemetry`,
openTelemetry = { enabled = false },
-- `pipelineHints`,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -579,7 +578,7 @@ end
---Resets the project folders and Projects tables to empty
function M.ClearLocalIonideProjectsCollection()
M.Projects = {}
M.projectFolders ={}
M.projectFolders = {}

function M.ParseAndReformatShowDocumentationFromHoverResponseContentLines(input, contents)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -610,7 +609,7 @@ function M.ParseAndReformatShowDocumentationFromHoverResponseContentLines(input,
vim.lsp.buf_request(0, parsedOrFunctionName, decodedJsonTable, function(e, r)
result = vim.inspect(e) .. vim.inspect(r)
M.notify("results from request " .. vim.inspect(parsedOrFunctionName) .. ":" .. result)
-- M.notify("results from request " .. vim.inspect(parsedOrFunctionName) .. ":" .. result)
table.insert(contents, result)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -784,11 +783,11 @@ end
M["fsharp/workspacePeek"] = function(error, result, context, config)
if result then
local resultContent = result.content
-- M.notify(
-- "handling workspacePeek response\n"
-- .. "result is: \n"
-- .. vim.inspect(resultContent or "result.content could not be read correctly")
-- )
"handling workspacePeek response\n"
.. "result is: \n"
.. vim.inspect(resultContent or "result.content could not be read correctly")
---@type Solution []
local solutions = {}
local directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1199,6 +1198,12 @@ end
--- - Function which can be used to cancel all the requests. You could instead
--- iterate all clients and call their `cancel_request()` methods.
function M.CallFSharpWorkspacePeek(directoryPath, depth, excludedDirs, handler)
---@type LspClient
-- local i= vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
local i = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(0)
vim.notify("Lsp peek client" .. vim.inspect(i))
-- i.

return M.Call("fsharp/workspacePeek", M.CreateFSharpWorkspacePeekRequest(directoryPath, depth, excludedDirs), handler)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1277,10 +1282,6 @@ end

---Loads the given projects list.
---@param projects string[] -- projects only
---@return table<integer, integer>, fun() 2-tuple:
--- - Map of client-id:request-id pairs for all successful requests.
--- - Function which can be used to cancel all the requests. You could instead
--- iterate all clients and call their `cancel_request()` methods.
function M.LoadProjects(projects)
if projects then
for _, proj in ipairs(projects) do
Expand Down

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