Espresso: The-M-Projects build tools using node.js
To install espresso you need Node.js >= 0.4 and either git or npm.
Check out the project with git, init the submodules and create an alias. Step-by-step presuming you have a ~/Code
Install node.js. see description here
cd into Code folder
cd ~/Code/
Checkout Espresso:
git clone
Initialize submodules:
git submodule update --init
Install NPM modules
npm install
Create an alias:
alias espresso='~/Code/Espresso/bin/espresso.js'
Create a new HelloWorld project:
espresso init --project HelloWorld --example
Build it:
cd HelloWorld && espresso build
Run the development server:
espresso server
Generate new files
espresso generate -c testcontroller -v testview -m testmodel
This command will generate a new model, a new view and a new controller.
All license information about Espresso and used third-party components can be found in the LICENSE file, Or in the concrete third-party component.