Author: Achintya Kumar
Flag: CTF{f7f9d6f7be55a00}
Neha's teacher puts the answer in the code and makes things a little too easy. She is given a smart contract which takes 0.1 eth for each guess. This time Teacher has only stored the hash of the number. Good luck reversing a cryptographic hash!
For the flag,calculate the first 15 characters from hash of the secret number when expressed in words
Ex: 111=onehundredeleven is to be hashed
Flag format: CTF{...}
Link to the smartcontract metadata
Take a look at the arguments 0x is appended by ethereum hash calculator
It is essentially a cryptographic problem with little bit of blockchain know-how. We need to supply a number which will be hashed to match the hash stored in the contract.
Notice how the number we provide is defined as an uint8 which is just an 8-byte integer.
We can brute-force all possible 2^8=256 numbers and compute the hash for each one of them and compare it to the smart contract hash
const bruteForceHash = (range: number, targetHash: string) => {
for (let i = 0; i < range; i++) {
const hash = ethers.utils.keccak256([i]);
if (targetHash.includes(hash)) return i;
throw new Error(`No hash found within range ${range}`);
const number = bruteForceHash(
2 ** 8,